JANUARY 17, 2016
Election of Trustees – Each parish in the Diocese of Wilmington is incorporated within and by the laws of the
State in which it is located. St. Ann is incorporated in the State of Delaware. The by-laws of the Corporation
and the statutes of the Diocese of Wilmington provide for five trustees; the Bishop of the Diocese, and the
Pastor, and a priest so designated by the Bishop, (these days it is the Chancellor of the Diocese) and two (2)
lay persons are to be elected each January by duly registered members of the parish in the meeting called by
the President (the Pastor). This year’s trustees elected are Charles Klous and David O’Connor. We thank
them for their continued support to St. Ann’s!
St. Ann School Open House Sunday January 24th from 10:30am-1pm - Make sure to mark your calendar!
If you are thinking about registering your child or children for the 2016/17 school year, now’s the time to tour
the school, talk with faculty and talk with existing school parents. The Open House will continue Monday
through Friday (January 25-January 29th) from 9am-2pm daily. Spots do fill up quickly. For more info or to
schedule a time to visit the school anytime during that week, call 652-6567. You may also email Of course, walk-ins are always welcome!
Inaugural St. Ann’s Spaghetti Dinner – Saturday, February 6th from 6pm-8pm in the St. Ann School Social
Hall. $12.00 for Adults; $7.00 for ages 4-12; 3 and under FREE. Preregistration is required. For more info on
the event or how to register, contact the rectory at 654-5519.
MARK THE DATES!!!! Here’s just a few things St. Ann’s has coming up in 2016!
January 30/31 Blessing of Throats All Masses
February 6
Family Pasta Night
February 10 Ash Wednesday
February 16 Soup & Reflection
February 23 Soup & Reflection
March 1
Soup & Reflection
March 6
St. Casimir Dinner
March 12
Al Stewart Concert
March 20
Holy Week
Check the website ( and bulletin for details as they become available.
School Positions Open – We currently have part time positions open supervising children in our cafeteria and
aftercare programs. Cafeteria positions are at Monday-Friday 10:45am-12:45pm. Aftercare positions are
Monday-Friday 2:30-6:00pm. Compensation based on experience. Please call the rectory office if you are
interested at 654-5519.
St. Ann’s Parish, Wilmington, will continue Symbolon: Part 2: Living the Faith - Ten sessions will run on
Monday evenings beginning January 11 through April 4 (weather pending), from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. in the St.
Ann’s School Library. Symbolon features discussion and video sessions which guide participants through the
breadth and richness of the Catholic faith. Registration is free, and participants may purchase the Guide which
covers all ten sessions for less than $25. There is no required “homework” between sessions, and participants
may choose to attend some or all sessions. Registration is required since the Library has limited seating. To
register, please email Connie Varone or call (302) 765-9864 and leave a message.
St. Ann’s School Possible Three Year Old Program for the 2016/17 School Year – We have received
great interest in a prospective 3 year old program at St. Ann’s. Class size would be between 8-17 children and
would be a full day (arrival at 7:50am and dismissal at 2:45pm). For more info, contact Principal Stacy
Solomon at St. Ann’s School (652-6567) or visit the website Interested parents are
asked to apply and provide a registration fee of $100.00 by Friday January 29th.
302 ann1
Saturday January 16
8:00 A.M. Alice & John Fleming
5:00 P.M. Nora G. Hogan
Sunday January 17
7:30 A.M. Annette Orga
9:30 A.M. Parishioners
11:30 A.M. Theresa M. Tosi
Monday January 18 Martin Luther King
9:00 A.M. Charles Cawley
Tuesday January 19
6:30 A.M. Mary Lu Seelig
8:00 A.M. Deceased members of the Braun &
Mooney families
Wednesday January 20
6:30 A.M. Josephine Foga
8:00 A.M. Arlene Starr
Thursday January 21
6:30 A.M. Frank Swalkowski
8:00 A.M. Walter Christian
Friday January 22
6:30 A.M. Leonard A. Quinn
8:00 A.M. Joseph Santoro
Saturday January 23
8:00 A.M. Deceased members of the Nelson &
Priscilla Karg family
5:00 P.M. Intentions of Joseph & Shirley
Ackerman on their 65th Wedding Anniversary
Sunday January 24
7:30 A.M. Gladys Vattilana
9:30 A.M. Charles H. McKinney
11:30 A.M. Parishioners
Pray for the sick, shut-ins and elderly of our
The Chapel of Divine Mercy is open 6am to
10pm, 7 days a week with the Blessed Sacrament
exposed. Can you offer an hour of your time? Visit to sign up. You can
also call Chris at 668-1819 or Nan at 656-8438.
ST. ANN’S PRAYER LINE – to place a name or
special request on the prayer line email Joe/Shirley
Ackerman at or 384-7513.
Need to register for St. Ann’s? Visit our website and select the parish
registration button. Print the form and either drop it
off to us or send it by email.
The Second Collection next weekend is for
Catholic Communications and Catholic
Snow Removal Help – St. Ann’s is looking for able
bodied individuals to be available on an “on call”
basis to help with the snow removal on our
sidewalks and steps around the Church and
School. Compensation will be on an hourly basis. If
you are interested, please contact Joe Marge at the
Rectory office at 654-5519. Thank you.
Hospital Visitations – Make sure to call the
Rectory at 654-5519 if you are in the hospital and
would like a priest to visit.
Religious Vocations –St. Paul reminds us that
there are different kinds of spiritual gifts, but the
same Spirit. All the baptized share in that same
Spirit, and, from among them, God calls some to
serve as priests, deacons and religious. If you
believe God might be calling you to the priesthood,
to the diaconate, or to religious life, call or write Fr.
Norman Carroll, Diocesan Director of Priestly and
Religious Vocations at or
Solemn Evening Prayer – World Day of Prayer
for Consecrated Life – You are invited to join the
most. Rev. W. Francis Malooly, DD, Bishop of
Wilmington for Solemn Evening Prayer on Tuesday
February 2nd at St. Joseph on the Brandywine
Church. The service begins a 6:30pm. Please
register through the Office for Religious by email
( or call 573-3124.
Catholic Charities Thrift Center Needs Your
Help to Warm up Winter – They are preparing to
collect new and “gently used” blankets and other
bedding, coats, hats and gloves at each of its office
locations now through the end of January 2016.
Catholic Charities will freely distribute donated
goods through its various programs. Donors can
bring their coats and blankets to any Catholic
Charity location and receive a tax deduction
receipt. Staff at all locations will be there between
9am and 4:30pm Monday through Friday. All
donations should be clean and in good condition..
look at the patrons listed on the back on the
bulletin? It’s because of their support that we can
provide this bulletin at no cost to our parish. Please
visit these businesses and don’t forget to tell them
where you saw their ad!
Rally for Life in Dover – Wednesday January 20th
12-1:30pm at Legislative hall. Meet with lawmakers,
lobby for restrictions and investigations into
abortion in Delaware.
302 ann2
Retrouvaille Marriage Weekend – Are you
experiencing stress or trouble in your marriage?
The Retrouvaille Marriage Weekend Program offers
tools needed to rediscover a loving marriage
relationship. Thousands of couples headed for
cold, unloving relationships or divorce have
successfully overcome their marriage problems by
attending the program. The next weekend is
February 12 at the Malvern Retreat House in
Malvern, Pa. For info, call 1-800-470-2230 or visit All calls are
Post Cana Meetings – an organization for widows
and widowers to help alleviate their loneliness and
isolation. Post Cana holds monthly dances at
Talleyville Memorial Hall in North Wilmington.
Monthly lunches are held at Michael’s Restaurant in
Christiana. Consider joining this friendly and
inviting group of people. For more info, call Nancy
at 302-479-5109.
Worldwide Marriage Encounter – Jesus worked
his first public miracle at the wedding feast in Cana.
Many believe this symbolizes the overabundance of
grace Jesus gives to the couples in the sacrament
of matrimony. Allow God to strengthen, renew,
rekindle and even transform your marriage
sacrament by attending the next Worldwide
Marriage Encounter Weekend scheduled for March
11-13 in Rehoboth Beach, Del. For more info, visit or to register for the
weekend, call Tony & Linda Massino at 302-2209833.
SACRED – Saturday February 27th (Snow date is
Saturday March 5, 2016) from 8am-3pm at
Salesianum High School. Celebrate our Catholic
faith with a day of spiritual renewal. The price of
$40 per person if paid by January 31st and $45
starting February 1st. Includes coffee, light
breakfast items, a hot lunch and all day beverages
plus over 16 courses in adult religious education.
Reconciliation begins at 3:15pm with Sunday Mass
at 4pm. To register or for more info, go to
Cathedral of St. Peter Celebrates its 200th Year –
Bishop Malooly will officiate the anniversary Mass
on the Third Sunday of Easter, April 10th. All are
invited especially former members and school
alumni of St. Peter. For more info, call 654-5920 or
St. Elizabeth Café Napoli Day – Wednesday
January 27th. Dine in or take out all day at Café
Napoli on Kirkwood Highway and mention that you
are dining for the Michael Ryan Fitzpatrick
Scholarship Fund. A portion of the proceeds will be
donated to St. Elizabeth’s High School. The event
is being sponsored by the Fitzpatrick Family in
Michael’s memory on his thirty-second birthday. St.
Elizabeth’s appreciates your support.
Learn about the life of the first person born in
our Diocese to have an official cause for
canonization – Maryland Shore native, the Rev.
Paul Wattson, SA (1863-1940) also known as
Father Paul of Graymoore was born in Millington,
Maryland. He founded the Franciscan Friars of the
Atonement, initiated the Week of Prayer for
Christian Unity that is celebrated each January,
started programs for the homeless and those who
suffer from addition and more. See the video,
“Father Paul of Graymoore, Apostle of Unity and
Charity: A Great Call to be Radical’ on the Diocese
of Wilmington’s homepage – It is
also available on the Diocesan youtube channel at
Calex Society of Wilmington Sponsoring Mass –
all the Wednesday’s of Lent at 6:15pm at St.
Matthew’s Church in Wilmington Delaware
beginning Ash Wednesday – February 10th. The
Mass will be offered for all those suffering from the
sickness of addition and all those who died with the
sickness of addition. All are welcome, but
especially those who’s loved ones suffer from this
sickness or died from it.
Coming Up:
1/18 9am
Martin Luther King Holiday
Daily Mass only
1/19 6pm
Make-up Parent Mtg FHC
1/20 7pm
1/21 7:30pm SVDP
1/24 10:30am St. Ann School Open
1/25-29 9am
St. Ann School Open
1/24 6pm
Confirmation Session
1/26 7pm
Liturgy Committee Mtg
1/27 7pm
The school and rectory are closed on Monday,
January 18th in recognition of the Martin Luther
King Holiday.