I can maths target booklet

I can enlarge shapes by positive whole-number scale factor.
I can use the properties of quadrilaterals to classify different types
of quadrilaterals.
I can solve problems using angle and symmetry properties of polygons
and properties of intersecting and parallel lines.
I can use common 2D representations of 3D objects.
I can use formulae for finding circumferences and areas of circles,
plane rectilinear figures. I can use formulae for finding the volume of
I can read scales on maps, plans and graphs.
I can recognise, identify and describe all the symmetries of 2D
I can measure and draw angles to the nearest degree.
I can use co-ordinates in all 4 quadrants.
I can convert one metric unit to another. I know roughly their imperial
equivalents to metric units (miles, stones, pints).
I can calculate the areas of rectangles and the volumes of cuboids.
I can read the numbers (scale) on measuring instruments accurately.
I can choose suitable equipment and units to measure length, capacity,
mass and time.
I can make 3D models using
I can use find and put things in a grid by using positive co-ordinates
(along the street into the house up the stairs)
I can reflect simple shapes in a mirror line.
I can draw 2D shapes in different ways on grids (i.e. upside down, back
to front)
I can find perimeters and areas of shapes by counting squares. I can
find volumes of shapes by counting cubes.
I can use standard units of measure for length (km, m, cm, mm),
capacity (L, ml), mass (Kg, g) and time (hours, minutes, seconds).
I can recognise half-turns, quarter-turns, and right angles in turning.
I can tell the difference between straight and turning movements.
I can measure length and mass using standard (i.e. cm) and nonstandard measures (i.e. blocks)
I can explain, discuss and use information presented in different
I can use my maths understanding to explain what I did, my
answers and my conclusions.
I can solve complex problems by breaking them down into smaller
I can identify and get information to solve problems.
I can give my own ideas using the given information.
I can come to my own conclusions about what I have done.
I can describe ideas using maths signs, words and diagrams.
I can check whether my results are sensible.
I can present information and results in an organised way.
I can use my own ideas for solving problems.
I can search for an answer by trying out ideas of my own.
I can check that my results are sensible by thinking about if it is a
high or lower number.
I can find examples that match an idea.
I can talk about and explain my work.
I can understand and use maths signs and diagrams.
I can use tables, graphs, sums and diagrams to organise my work
I can try different ways of working out the problem.
I can check my results.
I can work out simple number problems in my head.
I can work out simple money problems in my head.
I can work out simple measure problems in my head.
I can talk about my work using maths words (i.e. add)
I can use maths signs (+ - and =) and simple diagrams.
I can use equivalents between fractions, decimals and percentages
and calculates using ratios in appropriate situations.
I can calculate 1 number as a fraction or percentage of another.
I can find and describe in words the rule for the next term or nth
term of a sequence where the rule is linear.
I can formulate and solve a variety of simple linear expressions.
I can use trial and improvement methods involving approximating
and ordering decimals.
I can represent mappings expressed algebraically.
I can order, add and subtract negative numbers.
I can use my understanding of place value to multiply and divide
whole numbers and decimals.
I can calculate fractions of quantities and measurements. I can
calculate percentages of quantities and measurements.
I can construct and use simple formulae involving 1 or 2 operations
(for example 6 + 5 – 8 = 4).
I can check my answers by using inverse operations or estimating
using sensible guesses.
I can add and subtract decimals to 2 place values (for example
2.03 + 3.21 = 5.24).
I can use mental and written methods for calculating answers
including number facts up to 10 x 10.
I can use simple fractions to describe parts of a whole. I can use
simple percentages to describe parts of a whole).
I can recognise and describe number patterns (2, 4, 6, 8 = add 2
each time).
I can use simple formulae expressed in words (for example Area =
length x width)
I can develop mental math strategies for + and – number with at
least 2 digits.
I can use my knowledge of the 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 times tables to
solve x and ÷ number problems (and ÷ problems where there is a
I can use my knowledge of place value to estimate number values
to 1000.
I can use decimal notation in recording money (for example 107
pence is £1.07)
I can count large sets of objects correctly.
I can choose the correct operation when solving addition or
subtraction problems.
I can use number facts to ten to add and subtract larger numbers
in my head (23 + 4 … 3 + 4 is 7 = 27).
I can order numbers up to 100.
I can identify and use halves ½ and quarters ¼.
I can recognise sequences of numbers (for example 1, 2, 3 … or 23,
24, 25 and so on).
I can collect and record continuous data (things that happen over
I can interpret scatter diagrams.
I can construct pie charts and scatter diagrams.
I can find the value for the probability on a scale of 0 – 1 and give
reasons why that value.
I can identify all the outcomes when dealing with a combination of
2 experiments.
I can find the mean of discrete data and compare 2 simple
I can interpret graphs, diagrams and pie charts.
I can use the probability scale 1 - 0.
I can appreciate that if I repeat an experiment I might get a
different answer.
I can find the mode and median of sets of data.
I can collect data and organise sets of data (for example –
I can explain simple frequency diagrams and line graphs.
I can draw simple frequency diagrams and plot line graphs.
I can understand and use the vocabulary of probability.
I can understand and use information in tables, lists bar charts and
I can construct bar charts and pictograms.
I can gather information and record my results in lists, tables,
diagrams and block graphs.
I can sort and classify objects using more than 1 reason.
I can sort and classify objects and explain how I did it.