Record of Pupil`s Progress Level 1 -Exceptional

Record of Pupil’s Progress
(Level 1 – Exceptional Performance)
Pupil’s name ________________
Year 6
Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
Level 1
- Use mathematics as an integral part of
classroom activities
- Use everyday language to compare and
to describe positions
- Use everyday language to compare and
to describe properties of regular shapes
- Represent their work with objects or
pictures and discuss it
- Recognise repeating patterns
- Use repeating patterns
- Make repeating patterns
- Sort and classify objects,
demonstrating the criterion used
- Measure and order objects using
direct comparison
- Order events
Level 2
- Choose the appropriate operation when solving
addition problems
- Choose the appropriate operation when solving
subtraction problems
- Talk about the work using familiar mathematical
- Represent the work using symbols and simple
- Sort objects and classify them using more than one
- Gather information and record the results in simple
- Gather information and record the results in tables
- Gather information and record the results in simple
- Gather information and record the results in block
Level 3
- Organise the work
- Check results
- Try different approaches
- Talk about and explain their work
- Use and interpret mathematical symbols
- Use and interpret mathematical diagrams
- Find particular examples that satisfy a
general statement.
- Classify shapes in various ways
- Extract and interpret information presented
in simple tables and list
- Construct and interpret bar charts
- Construct and interpret pictograms
Level 1
- Count when solving problems involving
up to 10 objects
- Order numbers when solving problems
involving up to 10 objects
- Add numbers when solving problems
involving up to 10 objects
- Subtract numbers when solving
problems involving up to 10 objects
- Read numbers up to 10
Write numbers up to 10
- Count on in steps of different sizes and
from different numbers
- Count back in steps of different sizes
and from different numbers
- Aware of the value of different coins
- Use everyday language to compare and
to describe positions
-Use everyday language to compare and
to describe properties of regular shapes
- Sort and classify objects,
demonstrating the criterion used
- Measure and order objects using direct
- Order events
Level 2
- Count sets of objects reliably
- Recall number facts to 10 to add larger numbers
- Recall number facts to 10 to subtract larger numbers
- Order numbers up to 100
- Identify and use halves and quarters in practical
- Recognise sequences of numbers.
- Use mental calculation strategies to solve number
- Use mental calculation strategies to solve money
- Use mental calculation strategies to solve measure
- Use everyday non-standard units to measure length
- Use everyday non-standard units to measure mass
- Use standard units to measure length
- Use standard units to measure mass
- Distinguish between straight and turning movements
- Recognise half-turns
- Recognise quarter-turns
- Recognise right angles in turns. Gather information
and record the results in tables
- Gather information and record the results in simple
- Gather information and record the results in simple
- Gather information and record the results in block
Level 3
- Use place value in numbers up to 1000 to make
- Use decimal notation in recording money
- Recognise negative numbers in the context of
- Develop further mental strategies for adding
numbers with at least two digits
- Develop further mental strategies for
subtracting numbers with at least two digits
- Use mental recall of the 2, 3, 4, 5, & 10
multiplication tables in solving whole-number
problems involving multiplication
- Use mental recall of the 2, 3, 4, 5, & 10
multiplication tables in solving whole-number
problems involving division, including those giving
rise to remainders
- Use standard units of length
- Use standard units of capacity
- Use standard units of mass.
- Use standard units of time
- Classify shapes in various ways.
- Extract and interpret information
presented in simple tables and list
- Construct and interpret bar charts
- Construct and interpret pictograms
Level 4
- Develop own strategies for solving problems.
- Choose and use suitable units and
instruments, reading with appropriate
accuracy, numbers on a range of measuring
- Present information and results
k - Search for a solution by trying out own ideas.
i - Check that results are reasonable by
l considering the context or the size of the
l numbers.
s - Recognise and describe number patterns and
- Use simple formulae expressed in words.
- Draw and interpret frequency diagrams.
- Construct and interpret simple line graphs.
Level 5
- Identify and obtain information to solve
- Make sensible estimates of a range of
everyday measures.
- Describe situations mathematically using
symbols, words and diagrams.
- Check whether results are sensible in the
context of the problem
- Draw own conclusions, explaining their
- Make general statements of their own, based
on available evidence.
- Appreciate that different outcomes may
result from repeating an experiment.
Level 6
- Solve complex problems by breaking them down into
smaller tasks.
- Interpret, discuss and synthesise information
presented in a variety of mathematical forms.
- Represent mappings expressed algebraically.
- Find and describe in words the rule for the next term
or nth term of a sequence where the rule is linear.
- Give some mathematical justifications to support own
methods, arguments or conclusions.
- Interpret frequency diagrams, pie charts and scatter
Level 4
- Use the understanding of place value to
multiply and divide whole numbers by 10 and
- Use a variety of mental and written methods
for computation.
- Recall multiplication facts up to 10 x 10.
- Add decimals to two places.
- Subtract decimals to two places.
- Use simple fractions describe approximate
parts of a whole.
- Use percentages to describe approximate
parts of a whole.
- Use simple formulae expressed in words.
- Choose and use suitable units and
instruments, reading with appropriate
accuracy, numbers on a range of measuring
- Use my knowledge of shape to make 3-D
mathematical models.
- Draw common 2-D shapes in different
orientations on grids.
- Reflect simple shapes in a mirror line.
- Find perimeters of shapes.
- Find areas by counting squares.
- Find volumes by counting cubes.
- Use and interpret co-ordinates in the first
- Collect discrete data.
- Group data where appropriate.
- Draw and interpret frequency diagrams.
- Construct and interpret simple line graphs.
- Use the mode and median as characteristics
of a set of data.
- Understand and use simple vocabulary
associated with probability.
Level 5
- Use my understanding of place value to
multiply and divide whole numbers and
- Order, add and subtract negative numbers.
- Check solutions by applying inverse
- Estimate by using approximations.
- Calculate fractional parts of quantities and
- Calculate percentage parts of quantities and
- Construct and use simple formulae involving
one or two operations.
- Use coordinates in all 4 quadrants.
- Measure angles to the nearest degree.
- Draw angles to the nearest degree.
- Recognise, identify and describe all the
symmetries of 2-D shapes.
- Convert one metric unit to another.
- Know the rough metric equivalents of
imperial units in daily use.
- Find areas of rectangles and triangles.
- Find volumes of cuboids.
- Read scales on maps, plans and graphs.
- Use the mean of discrete data and compare
2 simple distributions.
- Interpret graphs and diagrams.
- Interpret pie charts.
- Use the probability scale from 0 to 1.
- Appreciate that different outcomes
may result from repeating an
Level 6
- Formulate and solve a variety of simple linear
- Find and describe in words the rule for the next term
or nth term of a sequence where the rule is linear.
- Use trial-and-improvement methods involving
approximating and ordering decimals.
- Calculate one number as a fraction or percentage of
- Use the equivalences between fractions, decimals and
percentages and calculate using ratios in appropriate
- Use common 2-D representations of 3-D objects, and
the properties of quadrilaterals to classify different
types of quadrilateral.
- Solve problems using angle and symmetry properties
of polygons and properties of intersecting and parallel
- Use formulae for finding circumferences and areas of
- Use formulae for finding areas of plane rectilinear
figures and volumes of cuboids.
- Enlarge shapes by a positive whole-number scale
- Collect and record continuous data.
- Construct and interpret frequency diagrams.
- Construct and interpret pie charts.
- Construct and interpret scatter diagrams.
- Use my own knowledge that the total probability of all
the mutually exclusive outcomes of an experiment is 1,
and find and justify probabilities.
- Identify all the outcomes when dealing with a
combination of two experiments.
Level 7
- Consider alternative approaches,
- Describe in symbols the next term or nth term
of a sequence with a quadratic rule
- Justify own generalisations, arguments or
- Appreciate the difference between mathematical
explanation and experimental evidence.
- Specify and test hypotheses taking account of
Level 8
Exceptional Performance
- Develop and follow alternative approaches,
- Solve problems using intersections
reflecting on their own lines of enquiry and
and gradients of graphs, Pythagoras’
using a range of mathematical techniques
theorem and trigonometric ratios
- Convey mathematical or statistical
- Solve problems in two and three
understanding through precise and consistent dimensions using Pythagoras’ theorem
use of symbols
and trigonometric ratios
- Examine and discuss generalisations or
- Use mathematical language and
solutions they have reached
symbols effectively in presenting a
- Interpret graphs of linear, quadratic, cubic
and reciprocal functions, and graphs that
including mathematical justification
model real situations, cumulative frequency
- Express general laws in symbolic
tables and diagrams.
- Compare distributions and make inferences
- Give reasons for the choices made
when investigating within
- Interpret graphs based on
trigonometric functions and
- Present a convincing reasoned
argument, including mathematical
Level 7
- Examine critically and justify own choice of
mathematical presentation.
- Make estimates, round to one significant figure.
- Multiply and divide mentally.
- Understand the effects of multiplying and
dividing by numbers between 0 and 1.
- Calculate proportional changes.
- Solve numerical problems with numbers of any
size, using a calculator efficiently and
- Use algebraic and graphical methods to solve
simultaneous linear equations in two variables and
solve simple inequalities.
- Use Pythagoras’ theorem in two dimensions.
- Calculate lengths, areas and volumes in plane
shapes and right prisms.
- Enlarge shapes by a fractional scale factor.
- Appreciate the imprecision of measurement and
use compound measures such as speed.
- Analyse data to determine modal class and
estimate the mean.
- Estimate the mean, median and range of sets of
grouped data.
- Use measures of average and range to compare
- Draw a line of best fit on a scatter diagram by
- Use relative frequency as an estimate of
probability, and use this to compare outcomes of
Level 8
- Solve problems involving calculating with the
extended number system, including powers,
roots and standard form.
- Manipulate algebraic formulae, equations
and expressions.
- Solve inequalities in two variables.
- Understand congruence and mathematical
- Use sine, cosine and tangent in right-angled
- Interpret and construct cumulative
frequency tables and diagrams.
- Solve problems using the probability of a
compound event.
- Interpret graphs of linear, quadratic, cubic
and reciprocal functions, and graphs that
model real situations, cumulative frequency
tables and diagrams.
- Compare distributions and inferences
- Sketch and interpret graphs of linear,
quadratic, cubic and reciprocal functions, and
graphs that model real situations
- Compare distributions and make inferences,
using estimates of the median and interquartile range
Exceptional Performance
- Calculate lengths of circular arcs.
- Calculate areas of sectors,.
- Calculate surface areas of cylinders.
- Calculate volumes of cones and
- Use, generate and interpret graphs
based on trigonometric functions.
- Solve problems using intersections
and gradients of graphs.
- Understand how different sample
sizes may affect the reliability of
- Solve problems in two and three
dimensions using Pythagoras’ theorem
and trigonometric ratios
- Interpret and construct histograms
- Recognise when and how to use
conditional probability