State of Israel Ministry of Education English Inspectorate Thinking Skills for Teaching Literature in EFL Lower-Order Thinking Skills Category Thinking Skill Recognizing Identifying key vocabulary, setting, characters and events in the text Students will be able to: relate to the literal meaning of the text. Sample Tasks/Questions Who? What? Where? When? Do you know…? Can you identify…? Higher-Order Thinking Skills Category Analyzing Thinking Skill Students will be able to: Sample Tasks/Questions Sequencing explain how the sequence of events in a text, when not in a chronological order, affects their understanding of the text. Sequence the events in chronological order. How do flashbacks affect our understanding of the text/plot? Why do you think the author jumbled the chronology? Identifying parts and whole explain how the parts function together within the whole text. How does one part of the story contribute your understanding to the whole text? How does the title/ending relate to different parts of the story/poem/play? Thinking Skills for Teaching Literature in EFL (continued) Category Analyzing (cont.) Thinking Skill Students will be able to: Sample Tasks/Questions Classifying categorize text or elements of the text. Categorize the characters according to their relationships/values. Comparing and contrasting find similarities and differences and draw conclusions . Compare and contrast the conflicts/problems/dilemmas in two stories or poems. Compare and contrast the text and the film. Compare and contrast characters in a text. Identifying patterns identify different patterns in the text. Why did the poet repeat the last two lines of the poem? What pattern of behavior does the character reveal? Where does the poet break the rhythm of the poem and why? Identifying cause and effect describe the relationships between actions or events in a text. What were the results of -------‘s action? What caused -------- to think that -------? 2 Thinking Skills for Teaching Literature in EFL (continued) Category Analyzing (cont.) Thinking Skill Students will be able to: Sample Tasks/Questions Distinguishing different perspectives identify the different perspectives within the text and/or among the readers of the text. Identify how different characters respond to a central event in the story. How does your understanding of the characters’ actions/events in the story change as you read? Do you share the same perspective as the narrator? Explain. How does your understanding of the story/the character/the scene differ from others in your class? Identifying dilemmas and conflicts identify the moral, social or emotional dilemmas facing characters and/or identify the conflict/s in the text. What is the central conflict in this text and is it resolved? Explain. What dilemma does ___ face at this point in the story? Identifying literary techniques identify the literary techniques used in the text and evaluate their effect. Where/how is irony used in this text? What is the central symbol in the text and what is its significance? How does the poet use rhyme to emphasize meaning in the poem? How do the similes in this text reinforce the character’s personality? How does a specific image reinforce the meaning of a text? Generating Inferring infer implicit meaning from the text by being able to readbetween-the-lines. 3 Why do you think the character meant when s/he said, “___”? What does ___’s behavior suggest? Thinking Skills for Teaching Literature in EFL (continued) Category Generating (cont.) Thinking Skill Students will be able to: Sample Tasks/Questions Predicting predict the content or the outcome of the text, either before or during reading. Based on the title what do you think this text is about? How do you think ---- will react? How do you think the story will end? Uncovering motives with supporting evidence identify motives that explain the character’s behavior and support with evidence from the text. Why do you think that x did y? Support your answer. What made ___ change his/her mind? Give supporting details. Applying apply previously learned concepts, terms, techniques and skills to new situations. How can you apply ___ to your own life? How can you apply ___ to something else you have learned? Creating create something new on the basis of what is understood from the text. Write a sequel/prequel to this story. Write a letter to one of the characters. 4 Thinking Skills for Teaching Literature in EFL (continued) Category Integrating Evaluating Thinking Skill Students will be able to: Sample Tasks/Questions Summarizing identify and present the important points or main events in a text. Summarize the main points concerning the author’s early life. Summarize the scene just studied in the play. Making connections make connections between the text and other contexts. To what extent do events in the text reflect events in the life of the author? How does your understanding of the story/the character/the scene differ when you learn about a topic related to the literary text? How is the text relevant to your own life? Making judgments make judgments about and justifying them different aspects of the text and justify their opinions and/or evaluate someone else’s opinion. Metacognition Reflecting on one’s own thinking process articulate their thoughts about their thinking processes. 5 What makes this a good story? Explain. Is ___ a believable character? Explain. Is the resolution of the conflict satisfying? Explain. Do you agree with ___ analysis of the story? Explain. Which skill did you use to answer this question? Explain What questions did you ask yourself while reading this poem?