Learning Objectives

SOM 467
Fall 2004
Voice mail
web page
Office hours
Dr. E. Trybus
BB 4125
(818) 677-4616
T, Th from 11:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
and by appointment
Text: S. Thomas Foster, 2004, Managing Quality: An Integrative Approach, Second
Edition, Upper Saddle River, N.J., Prentice-Hall.
Prerequisite: SOM 306 or MSE 304 and passing score on the Upper Division Writing
Proficiency Exam (WPE).
Course Description: The course provides an interdisciplinary approach that blends
management principles, quality concepts and philosophies (Deming, Juran, Crosby,
Taguchi, Feingenbaum and Ishikawa), statistical tools, and modern quality tools applied
in the global environment. Topics to be covered include: strategic quality planning in the
global environment, designing and assuring quality, quality awards and international
quality standards: ISO 9000 and 14000, quality function deployment (QFD),
understanding customer needs, Statistical Process Control (SPC), Six Sigma program,
managing supplier quality in the supply chain, and managing quality teams and projects
in a multinational firm.
Course Objectives
The student should develop the foundations for understanding various quality systems
and management concepts that are part of a world class, global organization. The student
will develop a practical approach for initiating total quality to achieve organizational
excellence. The outcome of this course will be an understanding of broad range of
modern quality systems, tools and the skills required to design, implement and sustain a
total quality program appropriate to the student’s workplaces and/or future careers.
To ensure an effective learning process, it is important that students apply the readings
and class work to related situations.
Course Evaluation
Midterm exam
Team Case Analysis
Participation in the case discussion 10%
Web/newspaper reports
Students may select a major project from the following options:
1. Select a company and discuss its strategy including quality dedication and customer
satisfaction. Discuss how the tools and concepts studied in the course could be
applied to solve the problem. Although you may not have data to apply appropriate
tools, you should indicate the type of data you would need and create hypothetical
data so you can show how the tools could be applied. If you can collect real data, this
will be a good opportunity for you to do so and use it to help solve company’s quality
problem. Present benefits from applying tools and concepts and provide conclusions.
2. Present an in-depth analysis of a quality program/certification in your firm. For
example, Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, California Quality Award, or
one of the ISO 9000 or 14000 certifications.
Limit your project to a maximum of 10 double-spaced, typewritten pages. The paper is
due on the day of the final exam.
You should be prepared on October 19th to
a. describe, in five minutes or less, the quality problem you selected for your paper
b. hand in a one-page outline of your project.
Team Case Analysis
Case analysis and discussions are intended to reinforce and integrate concepts discussed
in class.
1. Each team will consist of two members.
2. Each team is expected to prepare its assigned case and lead the case analysis in class.
3. A comprehensive case write-up (about 5 pages) is required from the team.
4. The use of PowerPoint for presentation is recommended. A handout of presentation
slides should be prepared and distributed.
5. About 30 to 35 minutes will be spent on each case.
6. All students are expected to read the case and write one page case summary, including
answers to questions in the case. These summaries will be collected on the day of
case presentation.
Weekly web/newspaper report
During the first 11 weeks present to the class a one-page report of something interesting
to the class and related to the material covered during the last class meeting. Include
references as appropriate and a note why do you felt this was relevant to the class topic.
Only 10 weekly web/newspaper reports will be counted toward your grade.
Class Meetings and Topics
Week 1 (Aug. 24 and 26)
Learning Objectives:
 Understand the many definitions of quality and their relevance to today’s global
business environment.
 Learn on the American Society for Quality and other quality organizations in the world
Assigned Reading:
Ch. 1 Differing Perspectives on Quality, pp. 3- 28
Topics discussed:
What is Quality?
Differing Functional Perspectives on Quality
The Three Spheres of Quality
Assignment: Use internet and write at least five definitions of quality
Week 2 (Aug. 31 and Sept. 2)
Assigning cases for team presentation
Learning Objectives:
 Be able to discuss the pros and cons of several historical and current quality
Assigned Reading
Ch. 2 Quality Theory, pp. 31-60
Quality Theory and Leading Contributors to Quality Theory: W. Edwards Deming,
Joseph M. Juran, Armand Feignebaum, Philip Crosby, Genichi Taguchi, and others
Week 3 (Sept. 7 and Sept. 9)
Learning Objectives:
 Understand the issue of managing quality for the Multinational Firm (MNF)
 Understand quality improvement trends in Japan, Europe, and USA
 Understand international standardization concepts including ISO 9000:2000, QS9000 and others
Assigned Reading
Ch. 3 Global Quality and International Quality Standards pp. 61-95
Topics discussed:
Quality in the Global Context
The Malcolm Baldrige Quality Award categories, winners of the MBNQA
Quality improvement in Japan
Quality improvement in Europe
International standards ISO 9000:2000
Week 4 (Sept. 14 and Sept. 16)
Learning Objectives:
 Assess the elements of effective leadership and strategic planning approaches
 Apply elements of customer quality to a selected case study
Ch. 4 Strategic Quality Planning, pp. 101 – 128
Ch. 5 The Voice of the Customer, pp. 128-158
Topics discussed:
Quality as a strategy
Deploying Quality (Hoshin Kanri)
Customer-driven quality
Week 5 (Sept. 21 and 23)
Learning Objectives:
 Understand and learn how to implement basic tools for quality improvement
Assigned Reading
Chapter 10. The Tools of Quality, pp. 275- 212
Topics discussed:
Ishikawa’s Basic Seven Tools of Quality
Seven New Tools for Improvement
Week 6 (Sept. 28 and 30)
Learning Objectives:
 Understand and learn basic concepts of the Statistical Process Control (SPC) for
 Understand process variation
 Be able to use the right control chart
 Understand process capability
Assigned Reading
Ch. 12 Statistically –Based Quality Improvement for Variables, pp. 345- 380
Topics discussed:
Statistical Thinking
Process Variation
Process Control Charts
Interpreting Control Charts
Studying Process Capability
Case 4-1 Ames Rubber Corporation: Realizing Multiple Benefits through Improved
Quality p. 124
Week 7 (Oct. 5 and 7)
Learning Objectives:
 Understand and learn basic concepts of the Statistical Process Control (SPC) for
 Be able to use the right control chart
Assigned Reading
Ch. 13 Statistically –Based Quality Improvement for Attributes pp. 381-392
Topics discussed:
Developing attributes charts
Understanding attributes charts
Choosing the right chart
Case 3-2 Wainwright Industries: An Entirely New Philosophy of Business Based on
Customer Satisfaction and Quality, p. 96
Week 8 (Oct. 12 and 14)
Learning Objectives:
 Understand purpose of benchmarking
 Understand the basic elements of the Quality Function Deployment (QFD), called also
the House of Quality
 Understand basic steps in the Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA)
Assigned Reading:
Ch. 6 The Voice of the Market, pp. 158-182
Ch. 7 Quality in Product and Process Design, pp. 183-214
Topics discussed:
Designing products for quality, product development, p. 196 Ski design and Focus on
DFM at General Motors, p. 201
The Design Process
Quality Function Deployment (QFD)
Designing for Reliability, Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA)
Week 9 (Oct. 19 and Oct. 21) Review session
Midterm exam
Week 10 (Oct. 26 and 28)
Learning Objectives:
 Understand differences between services and manufacturing
 Understand growing globalization of services
 Understand the importance of supplier partnering
Assigned Reading
Ch. 8 Designing Quality Services, pp. 215-241
Ch. 9 Managing Supplier Quality in the Supply Chain, pp. 244-272
Topics discussed:
The values chain activities
Supplier partnering
A Supplier development program: QS 9000
Acceptance sampling, producer’s and consumer’s risk
Quality Highlight: Integrating Forward Along the Supply Chain: 3M Dental Products
Division, p. 257
Week 11 (Nov. 2 and 4)
Learning Objectives:
 Understand the role of leading teams in quality improvement
 Understand team dynamic and team rules
Assigned Reading
Ch. 11 Managing Quality Improvement Teams and Projects, pp. 313 –344
Topics discussed:
Managing quality improvement teams
Team leader roles and responsibilities
Types of teams
Implementing teams
Managing and controlling projects
Learning Objectives:
Teamwork approach
Case 1-1 FedEx: Managing Quality Day and Night, p.28 and homepage: www.fedex.com
Case 2-2 Has Disney Developed a Theory of Quality Guest Services Management?
Week 12 (Nov. 9 and 11)
Case 9-1 SBC: Setting High Standards for Suppliers and Rewarding Supplier
Performance, p. 270
Case 5-2 Chaparral Steel: Achieving High Quality through a Commitment to Both
External and Internal Customers, p. 156
Case 7-1 Designing for Ford Taurus: Why Quality Had To Be Job 1?
Case 6-1 Amgen Corporation: Using Benchmarking as a Means of Coping with Rapid
Growth, p. 179
Week 13 (Nov. 16 and 18)
Learning Objectives:
 Understand the entire philosophy and tools of Six Sigma management
 Understand the concept of robust design and Taguchi method
Assigned Reading
Ch. 14 Six Sigma Management and Tools pp. 401 – 434
Topics discussed:
What is Six Sigma?
Organizing Six Sigma
Training for Six Sigma
DMAIC Phases
Case 10-1, Corporate Universities: Teaching the Tools of Quality, p. 309
Case 12-1 Ore-Ida Fries p. 379
Week 14 (Nov. 23)
Preparations and final discussions on class projects.
Week 15 (Nov. 30, Dec. 2)
Learning Objectives:
 Understand the need for quality training and effective training methods
Assigned Reading
Ch. 15. Managing Learning for Quality Improvements, pp. 437-467
Topics discussed:
Individual learning and organizational learning
A model to guide training development in an organization
Training tools
Team presentation of Class Projects
Dec. 7 from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m.
Presentation and delivery of class projects. Projects due date.