Minutes of meeting 14.07.2015

Minutes of CMK Medical Centre PPG – Tuesday 14 July 2015
Those Present
Janet Mulley
Sandy McAlear
Paul Winter
Ray Loveridge
Julie Screen (Practice Manager)
Tubo Uranta
Welcome and Apologies
Janet welcomed everyone Apologies received from: Eileen Freestone, Rick Conway, Dilys Seddon, John
Mountford, Muriel Moffoot, Dr Puri, Rian Heer (Boots Manager)
Minutes of previous meeting - The minutes were agreed
Matters Arising
 Appointment/sample follow-up letter with Julie & Dr Carson: Julie has yet to discuss with Dr Carson; discussion
adjourned to next meeting.
 Boots Pharmacy: Janet invited Rian Heer to the meeting but she was working that evening and was unable to
attend. She will try to attend the next meeting.
 Updating the website: That has been done.
 LED screen display: There have been software problems - discussion at the next meeting.
Congress Business
The terms of reference have been agreed. There was a meeting with Healthwatch in which they established that
Congress and Healthwatch will become business partners. Healthwatch has other problems to deal with and
Congress wants to see some results which may, as a consequence, not happen. Congress has representatives on
all the boards and they have an important input. Paul will attend the Healthwatch meeting (the day after this
meeting) and will report back at the next PPG meeting.
Outside Meetings
See above
Surgery Business
 Dr Puri sent apologies so no report from GPs
 VOIP telephone system may be coming in soon - further discussions and meetings will be needed first.
 Reorganisation of care - MK is being split into four sections - north, south, east and west. We fall into the East
section. Dr Edward Sivills is the lead doctor for the East section. Each practice sends a representative and their
business manager to the meetings, which are cascaded down from the Clinical Commissioning Group, to gather
relevant information. A GP from this surgery chairs the CCG and Dr Zachariah chairs the Prime Minister’s
Challenge Fund. Efforts are being made to keep people out of hospital and to provide care in the community.
It’s called Care Closer to Home. To this end we were awarded some Transformation Funding which will cut
down the number of over 75s being admitted to hospital.
 Prime Minsters’ Challenge Fund: Dr Zachariah has been to Luton for a meeting. The surgery has recruited a
Paediatric Nurse. Georgina Price (IT Manager) is on the SystmOne working group helping to make sure it works
properly. Extra appointments may be released in September/October due to the longer hours. Texts are still
being sent out. The 24/7 response - a service for older patients - is being worked on.
 Parking Bay Marking – Julie said that the landlords will be coming in to talk to her on Tuesday.
PPG Newsletter and Facebook Page
The newsletter is now on the website and there are paper copies available at the reception desk. The Facebook
page: Janet will sort this page out.
Janet pointed out a small typing error on the SystmOne website and also that, although it says that text reminders
will not be sent out for appointments booked online, she got one recently.
Date of next meetings : Thursday 3 September, Tuesday 13 October 2015, commencing at 6:30pm.
The meeting closed at 7.10pm