LOWER GORNAL MEDICAL PRACTICE PATIENT PARTICIPATION GROUP MINUTES – MONDAY 18TH MAY 2015 1. Welcome. Present:- David Gill (Chair) Geoff Davies, Margaret Sargeant, Helen Newton, Donella Bullas and Gill Brown who was introduced and welcomed by the chair as a new member. 2. Apologies. Gerald Wood, Lorna Stevens, Elaine Lloyd, Lynn Britton Practice Manager), Gaynor Ormerod, Christine Bate, Elizabeth Carrier and Dr Suleman. 3. Minutes from previous meeting. Lorna Stevens had given apologies for previous meeting but these had not been recorded. Otherwise the minutes were agreed. 4. Matters Arising. The Stroke awareness talk that was planned had unfortunately been cancelled at the last minute by the speaker who was unwell. HN required confirmation of whether staff changes at the practice were medical or administrative and this was confirmed as administrative. 5. Membership. Standard item discussed as the group needs to attempt to be more representative of the demographic of the patients. The need to enlist members from other ethnic backgrounds was discussed. 6. Reports. POPS Meeting. Notes from the recent POPS meeting on 16th April 2015 were circulated. DG explained for the benefit of our new member that the Patients Opportunity Panel was a chance for representatives from several PPG’s to get together along with liaison staff from the CCG to discuss relevant healthcare issues. Most of the meeting was devoted to the progress of the urgent care facility at Russells Hall Hospital and a presentation was given by the company responsible for triaging patients. The feedback from the POPS group members was positive and reassuring. Also Claire Hamilton, who is the liason officer for the CCG, said that they were going to run workshops in order to utilise social media within PPG’s. We were informed that the next Healthcare Forum was to be held on Thursday 18th June at Brierley Hill Civic Hall from 2.30 until 4.30 and the theme is “The Future is Bright”. With the absence of Lynn the Practice Managers Report is to be delayed until next meeting, likewise Dr Suleman. 7. Ideas for a possible bid for PPG Grant from Dudley CCG. A brief discussion about a bid to fund health talks for the local community which would have dual benefit to both patients and to promote awareness of the PPG. 8. AOB: GB questioned the purpose of the PPG. It was explained by DG to be a channel of information from patients up and also from the CCG down to patients. 9. Date of next meeting is Monday 13th July 2015 at 6.30pm