Minutes of Patient Group Meeting 13th January 2015

PPG Meeting. 13th January 2015 at the Rothwell Sports Centre, Time 18.15
Minutes typed by: KW
Present: Dr Hudson, Chris Pearman, Rob. Shaw, Andy Richardson, Joy Marshall, Ken.
Watson, Valerie Olivant, Anne Lotherington, Audrey Hindle.
Apologies: Julie Bateson, Howard Baughan, Ann Baughan, Malcolm Hall.
Minutes of 21st October 2014 were approved subject to the following amendment
Julie "advised the meeting (at item six) that because the practice had not shared the patient
questionnaire of the previous year with the PPG then they could not claim the funds in
relation to this".
Matters Arising.
Item 1: Anne Marie Johnson for Leeds South & East Clinical Commissioning Group
attended the meeting to present an update on Year of Care and progress to date and future
Item 2 - Objectives - to be considered at one of the alternative monthly meetings with PPG
only present dates yet to be agreed. (Action PPG)
Item 3 - From the CQC report there was some issue on "the locking of drugs whilst in care of
the doctor if he/she had an accident" during travelling. Dr Hudson said she understood this
meant the carrying of confidential medical records. The carrying of drugs wasn't an issue
because they never carry restricted drugs.
It was mentioned that we had discussed the carrying of drugs for the treatment of meningitis
Main meeting minutes
Item 1 – Questionnaire 2015 we agreed the questions in retrospect with the results and
outcomes to be considered at the next meeting prior to being published on the practice web
site. (Action JB)
Item 2 - Notice Boards still very little progress after long discussions over several
months. Chris to progress this with Tracey and Barbara. It was felt that very important
notices were mixed in with less important notices and this should be addressed. Joy said that
in her role of checking the notice boards at Marsh Street she received a hostile reception from
the receptionist and she was not prepared to put up with this. After minute note Can the
practice speak to the member of staff concerned (Action TF&JM)
Item 3 - The lobby door sets are not visually impaired friendly and the doors need a different
colour to the frame work although the present paint has only had 18 months life or there
about against a life expectance of 5 years Dr Hudson said she would raise this at the owners
meeting, there were similar issues at the Marsh Street practice. (ActionJH)
On the 23rd January there is a PRG Network group meeting at the Thackray Museum.
Date of next meeting with practice 10th March 2015.