
Ch. 4-1, 4-4, 6-1, and 8-1 Review
Matching: Match each vocabulary word to its correct definition by writing the letter to of the correct answer in the
_____1. organism
_____2. cell
_____3. reproduce
_____4. classification
_____5. taxonomy
_____6. unicellular
_____7. multicellular
_____8. prokaryote
_____9. eukaryote
____10. autotroph
____11. heterotroph
____12. sexual reproduction
____13. asexual production
____14. ecosystem
____15. habitat
____16. biotic factor
____17. abiotic factor
____18. population
____19. community
____20. ecology
A. all the different populations that live together in a certain area.
B. a nonliving part of an ecosystem.
C. a place where an organism lives and that provides the things it needs
to survive.
D. the reproductive process that involves only one parent and produces
offspring that are identical to the parent.
E. an organism that makes it own food.
F. an organism whose cells do not have a nucleus and some other cell
G. organisms that are composed of only one cell.
H. the process of grouping things based on their similarities.
I. the basic unit of structure and function in organisms.
J. the study of how living things interact with each other and their
K. the reproductive process that involves two parents who combine their
genetic material to produce a new organism, which differs from both
L. a living thing
M. all living and nonliving things that interact in an area.
N. the scientific study of how living things are classified.
O. the production of offspring that are similar to the parents.
P. an organism whose cells do have a nucleus and some other cell
Q. all the members of one species in a particular area.
R. organisms that are composed of many cells.
S. a living part of an ecosystem.
T. an organism that cannot make it own food.
Venn Diagram: Complete the Venn Diagram for the plant and animal cells.
Short Answer: Complete the following questions by filling in the blank with the correct answer.
22. When you look at a plant cell you notice its shape is ___________________, whereas an animal cell’s
shape is _____________________.
23. The plant cell contains a _____________________ and a ________________ but an animal cell does not.
The animal cell contains a _______________________ but a plant cell does not.
24. Is cell #1 a prokaryote or a eukaryote? _______________________________
25. Is cell #1 an autotroph or a heterotroph?______________________________
26. What kind of a cell is cell #1?______________________________________
27. Is cell #2 a prokaryote or a eukaryote? _______________________________
28. Is cell #3 a prokaryote or a eukaryote? _______________________________
29. Is cell #3 an autotroph or a heterotroph?______________________________
30. What kind of a cell is cell #3?______________________________________
Multiple Choice: Select the best answer choice to complete or answer each question.
31. Which of the following is not found in animal
a. cell wall
b. cell membrane
c. lysosomes
d. vesicle
32. Different _______________ work together in an
a. organ systems
b. tissues
c. organisms
d. prokaryotes
34. The structure of a cell wall does not help
a. a plant to hold its leaves up to the sunlight
b. give a cell its shape
c. protect a cell
d. make animal cells stiff
35. Two organs are considered to be a part of an
organ system if they
a. are not working together
b. are made up of tissues
c. are touching each other
d. work together to perform a function for the body
33. Which organisms have a nucleus?
36. What is the correct order of the structures of the
body from simplest to most complex?
a. prokaryotes
b. eukaryotes
c. archaebacteria
d. eubacteria
a. tissue, cell, organ, organ system, organism
b. cell, organ, tissue, organ system, organism
c. cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organism
d. organism, cell, tissue, organ, organ system
37. Which statement is true about cells?
a. Cells are all about the same shape
b. Different cells combine to form a tissue
c. All cells have parts
d. Cells are all the same on the inside.
38. The science of placing organisms into groups
based on shared characteristics is called
a. development
b. biology
c. taxonomy
d. DNA
39. Which of the following is not an example of a
a. the pets in your neighborhood
b. the people in a city
c. the rainbow trout in a stream
d. the ants in an anthill
40. A prarie dog, a hawk, and a badger are all
members of the same
a. habitat
b. species
c. community
Choose the most appropriate vocabulary term form the list below.
A. Ecosystem
C. Habitat
B. Ecosystem
D. Population
_____41. All the living and non living things in an environment
_____42. All the ants in an ant hill.
_____43. An area that provides food and shelter.
_____44. Fish, frogs, turtles, lily pads and dragonflies are all
members of the same what?
_____45. All the blackbirds in your neiborhood?
_____46. A forest
_____47. The damp soil withina forest in which a mushroom grows.
_____48. Different populations that live together ina particular area.
_____49. The rainbow trout in a stream.
List all the biotic and abiotic factors for the picture to the right.
50. Biotic FactorsA._________________________________________
B. _________________________________________
D. _________________________________________
F. _________________________________________
H. _________________________________________
51. Abiotic FactorsA._________________________________________
B. _________________________________________
D. _________________________________________
F. _________________________________________