Ocean 101U, Spring 1994 Page 1 Plate Tectonics TOPIC VISUALS Review of features we have already seen Continental margins, ridges & rises, rift valleys & fracture zones, seamounts, guyots & atolls, trenches, island chains & arcs Additional evidence that helped scientists figure out the underlying processes accounting for sea floor structure 1. Wegener: fit of continental margins of continents: S. America & Africa, N. America & Europe Also matching geologic formations and fossils Also fossils not fitting present climatic zones (glaciers in Sahara, palm trees in Antarctica) Problem: if continents “drift,” how do they plow through basaltic sea floor? OH T148 2. Magnetic polar wandering curves conform to same pattern Dux 3.23 3. Seismic activity (earthquakes) most frequent near ridges/rises and trenches Implies places where segments of crust are maving past each other Deep (and shallow) earthquakes at and to one side of trenches—also strings of volcanoes paralleling trenches Shallow earthquakes along ridge axes and fracture zones Pacific Ring of Fire Dux 3.8 4. Heat flow through crust greatest near ridge/rise crests Indicates magma is closer to surface Pillow basalts indicate fresh magma that has cooled rapidly Dux 3.9 5. Ocean floor basalt (bedrock) gets steadily older with increasing distance from ridge/rise crests Maximum age of sea floor is <200 million years despite ages of billions of years on land—where did the old sea floor go? Some older sea floor found in deposits now on land, proof there was a sea floor 200+ million years ago Dux 3.12 6. Ocean floor has thicker sediment cover & sediment in contact with basalt bedrock is older with increasing distance from ridge/rise crests Reinforces findings from age of sea floor basalt that sea floor steadily increase in age with distance from ridge/rise crests Dux 3.12 Revised February 17, 2016 Ocean 101U, Spring 1994 Page 2 7. The clincher: Polar reversals at irregular intervals 170 times in last Dux 3.15 76 million years—none since 710 kybp When magma cools, it takes on prevailing polarity “Stripes” of alternating polarity flanking ridges/rises matching reversals from terrestrial volcanoes 8. The smoking gun: Hydrothermal vents discovered in late 1970s, predicted by theory Heating of subsurface water in cracks creates low- and hightemperature “hot springs” of mineral-laden water at many sites A unique environment in every oceanographic aspect—we will focus on it in biology section. Important details of plate tectonics story Continental drift was hypothesized first, then sea-floor spreading was demonstrated They’re really the same thing because sea-floor spreading drives the motion of the earth’s crustal plates which carry the continents in their drifting. Together we call them plate tectonics T149-154 Pangaea existed about 250–200 mybp, then broke up Don’t worry about pre-Pangaea movements except to know that there were some. Don’t worry about post-Pangaea movements except to know that 1) the Atlantic opened, 2) North America is overriding the E. Pacific Rise, and 3) India smashed into Asia It’s believed that plate tectonics has actually had a big effect on changing the Earth’s climate over millions of years by blocking ocean currents and changing the arrangement of land and ocean blocks Divergent (constructive) plate boundaries Rift valleys are where new sea floor is created by upwelling of magma from convection cells in mantle, shallow extensional earthquakes Fresh pillow & sheet-flow basalt, covered first by hydrothermal sediment to varying degree Accumulates other sediment as it travels away from the crest Fracture zones are result of transform faults, shallow strike- Dux 3.17 slip earthquakes Revised February 17, 2016 Ocean 101U, Spring 1994 Page 3 (Half-) spreading rate averages from 1-10 cm/yr—steep-sided mid-Atlantic ridge 1.5 (=1 mile/100,000 yr), rounded E. Pacific rise an extreme 18.3 cm/yr (averages) Mid-plate features Sea floor gradually gets deeper as it spreads from the spreading center at a ridge or rise. Cooling and contraction make the oceanic crust and lithosphere denser, so they isostatically sink and float lower atop the asthenosphere. As it spreads from the ridge/rise, sediment levels out the deepening seafloor to create the abyssal plains. Abyssal hills are believed to be jagged peaks and fault blocks that originated in the ridges/rises, but have descended isostatically and been covered and smoothed with a coat of sediment. Seamounts, however, are volcanoes that erupt at or away from the spreading center, and magma comes up through the existing plate and seafloor. More on this below. Convergent (destructive) plate boundaries Trenches are where new seafloor is destroyed by subduction of Dux 3.7 oceanic crust into convection cells in mantle. Deep compressional earthquakes, also shallower quakes from stresses on continental crust. This is where the mistake in the textbook shows up—the oceanic crust blends into mantle rather than continuing under continental crust. You saw or will see in lab that you don’t always observe a trench at a convergent boundary. Off the NW coast, for example, the trench is filled with sediment. Where there is a trench, it takes the place of the continental rise (i.e., sediments fall into the trench instead of building into a fan). Deeper trenches where seafloor is older, colder, denser, farther from spreading center. Marianas is consuming some of oldest sea floor on Earth. Trench off NW coast is easily filled with sediment because sea floor is young, warm, buoyant, and trench is not very deep. Volcanic belts result from melting oceanic crust bursting Dux 3.20 upward to the surface to form mountain ranges (where subduction is below a continent, giving andesite as in Andes or St. Helens) or island arcs (where subduction is below another oceanic plate, giving more basaltic lava as in Aleutians). Continental margins Revised February 17, 2016 Ocean 101U, Spring 1994 Page 4 Leading (active) margins are at convergent plate boundaries, Dux 3.20 e.g., west coast of South America, with andesitic volcanic mountain range or island arc, narrow shelf, and trench. Trailing (passive) margins, e.g. U.S. East Coast, are not at plate boundaries, can build up broad shelf with lots of sediment, a rise not a trench Collision of continents forms high mountain ranges of mostly Dux 3.20 continental crust with some marine sediments, i.e. Himalayas (also Alps). More general case: exotic terranes, pieces of both continental Dux Box 3.1 & oceanic crust on moving oceanic plate glommed onto leading margin of continent—how much of N. American West Coast was built Hot spots “Holes” in the center of a plate allowing magma to come through—”fountains” in the mantle? Leave a trail of volcanic activity as plate moves over fixed spot Hawaiian chain (max age 25 my) & Emperor seamounts (max age 75 my)—changed direction 40 million years ago Iceland—hot spot under Mid-Atlantic Ridge Yellowstone thought to be a continental hot spot leaving a track from southern Oregon Islands built of very pure oceanic crustal material—basalt— versus mixed material (andesite) at leading continental margins More common in Pacific than Atlantic or Indian Get deeper with age both as a result of cooling & contraction & isostatic subsidence and because seafloor on which it is riding is also subsiding as it ravels away from the spreading center. Largely accounts for formation of guyots and atolls. U.S. West Coast Movement of and accretion of terranes onto N. American plate has overrun it—in fact has overrun E. Pacific Rise. San Andreas is a transform fault from a spreading center oriented E–W south of Baja—edge of S. California is moving NW Revised February 17, 2016 T 131 Dux 3.22 Ocean 101U, Spring 1994 Juan de Fuca Ridge with hydrothermal vents is off our coast, subduction is occuring beneath our coast, andesitic Cascade volcanoes result (Olympics are oceanic crust terranes)—has caused extremely large earthquakes in recent times, more due. Shallow but very powerful earthquake beneath Seattle 1000 years ago recently discovered Seattle fault caused landslides and a local tsunami. Not a subduction earthquake. Revised February 17, 2016 Page 5 Dux 3.18