Common Core Lesson Planning Template Grade Level (circle): 3 4 Content Area (Shared/Integrated) Teacher/Room: L. Schuyler Room 104 Reading Writing Speaking/Listening Language Day 1 Day 2 Word Work Day 3 Day 4 Standard(s): Standard: 1.E.1.c. – Discuss reactions to and ideas/information gained from reading experiences with adults and peers in both formal and informal situations Standard: 3.A.4.b. – Identify and explain the meaning of words, lines, and stanzas Standard: 1.D.1.a. – Acquire new vocabulary through listening to, independently reading, and discussing a variety of literary and informational texts Standard(s): Standard: 1.D.1.c. – Collect 12-20 new words for deeper study each week Standard: 1.D.3.d. – Use new vocabulary in speaking and writing to gain and extend content knowledge and clarify expression Standard: 3.A.4.c. – Identify and explain sound elements of poetry Standard(s): Standard: 4.A.3.c. – Prepare the final product for presentation to an audience Standard: 4.A.6.a. – Revise own text for word choice Standard: 3.A.4.c. – Identify and explain sound elements of poetry Standard: 1.D.3.d. – Use new vocabulary in speaking and writing to gain and extend content knowledge and clarify expression Standard(s): RI.3.7 Use information gained from illustrations and the words in text to demonstrate the understanding of text RI.3.8 Describe the logical connection between particular sentences and paragraphs (e.g., comparison, cause/effect, first/second/third in a sequence) W.3.1: Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons Standard(s): W.3.2: Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly Day 5 Guiding Question: What is an acrostic? Guiding Question: Guiding Question: Guiding Question: Guiding Question: I CAN(s): 1. Learn the structure of acrostic poetry by viewing examples on the Internet 2. Understand and apply knowledge of acrostic poetry by composing an acrostic poem about one of their classmates I CAN(s): 1. Build community in the classroom by focusing on peers' positive character traits and applying them to poetry I CAN(s): 1. Share my acrostic poem with my peers. 2. Listen to suggestions and try out different ideas 3. Clean up spelling. I CAN(s): 1. 2. 3. I CAN(s): 1. 2. 3. Academic Language/Vocabulary: resources/lesson_images/lesson807/ traits-list.pdf Academic Language/Vocabulary: esson_images/lesson807/traits-list.pdf Academic Language/Vocabulary: esources/lesson_images/lesson807/tr aits-list.pdf Academic Language/Vocabulary: s/resources/lesson_images/lesson8 07/traits-list.pdf Academic Language/Vocabulary: s/resources/lesson_images/lesson8 07/traits-list.pdf Activator/CHETL-3: "By highlighting the importance of names and their many meanings and accents across cultures, languages, and places, we can create a space for acknowledging the identities children embody and move one step closer toward genuinely valuing diversity in classrooms." By using their own names as a starting point for writing free- Activator/CHETL-3: By highlighting the importance of names and their many meanings and accents across cultures, languages, and places, we can create a space for acknowledging the identities children embody and move one step closer toward genuinely valuing diversity in classrooms." By using their own names as a starting point for writing freeverse poems, children are using words that are important to them while learning and reinforcing initial letter sounds." Activator/CHETL-3: Activator/CHETL-3: Activator/CHETL-3: Common Core Lesson Planning Template verse poems, children are using words that are important to them while learning and reinforcing initial letter sounds." Mini Lesson/CHETL-1&4: Whole Guided Ind Resource/Materials/Pg: Go to the ACROSTIC POEMS FOR CHILDREN website. ( ments/socant/dhummon/acrostics/ acrostics.html) Differentiation(check): Conte nt Proces s Product Description: Performance Task EXPLORING ACROSTIC POETRY 1. Lead discussion w/students about poetry and why authors choose to write poems. Review acrostic poems. 2. Share samples of acrostic poetry (share thoughts: each line starts with letter of word, lines are short, each line relates to a topic, poem does not have to rhyme) 3. Pass out Acrostic Poetry Web Explorer worksheet and review. 4. Work with students to brain storm characteristic traits about themselves. 5. Model 6. Create silhouette Mini Lesson/CHETL-1&4: Resource/Materials/Pg: Whole Guided Mini Lesson/CHETL-1&4: Resource/Materials/Pg: Ind Whole Guided Mini Lesson/CHETL-1&4: Resource/Materials/Pg: Ind Whole Guided Mini Lesson/CHETL-1&4: Resource/Materials/Pg: Ind ( nt/dhummon/acrostics/acrostics.html) ( ents/socant/dhummon/acrostics/acr ostics.html) ( ments/socant/dhummon/acrostics /acrostics.html) Differentiation check): Differentiation check): Differentiation check): Conte nt Process Product Conte nt Process Product Description: Description: Student will use word list to create acrostic poem. Students will be given a word list to go over and select appropriate words to describe classmate. Performance Task Write 2nd Acrostic Poem 1. Warm-up: Inside/Outside Circle – Student will use index cards to create inside and outside circle to review vocabulary 2. Students are going to select one student from class and write an acrostic poem about them. Performance Task 1. Vocabulary quiz 2. Students will work in groups to read to each other. Poems will be traded for alternative words and changes in spelling or comprehension. Conten t Process Whole Guided Ind Differentiation check): Product Conte nt Process Description: Description: Performance Task Objectives: After reading chapter 5&6 student will be able to do the following: • Answer comprehension questions in their packet. • Create a title for ch. 5&6 in their packet. • Define the word reproachfully. • Write a prediction for chapter 6. • Complete the chapter 5&6 journal entry question in their packet. Directions: 1. Discuss the assignment from yesterday. 2. Read ch. 5 together. Student will read ch. 6 and complete the assignment outlined in the objective independently. Performance Task Product Discuss the assignment from yesterday. 2. Read ch. 5 together. Student will read ch. 6 and complete the assignment outlined in the objective independently. Common Core Lesson Planning Template Assessment/CHETL 2&5: Summative Formative Assessment/CHETL 2&5: Summative Formative Assessment/CHETL 2&5: Summative Formative Assessment/CHETL 2&5: Summative Formative Assessment/CHETL 2&5: Summative Formative Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Use informal observation to assess whether students participate and demonstrate understanding of the acrostic poetry format. If you collected the Acrostic Poetry Web Explorer worksheet, you can use this to assess student comprehension as well. Use the Student Checklist to assess final copies of the poems. In addition, look at student vocabulary in the completed poems. Did students use the reference materials you provided to find original and creative words? Are the words applied correctly? Do the poems accurately and creatively describe the person being written about? Wordly Wise Vocabulary Test Wordly Wise Vocabulary Test Use the Student Checklist to assess final copies of the poems. In addition, look at student vocabulary in the completed poems. Did students use the reference materials you provided to find original and creative words? Are the words applied correctly? Do the poems accurately and creatively describe the person being written about? Integration: Media Skills X Research Other: Integration: Media Skills X Research Other: Integration: Media Skills Research Other: Integration: Media Skills Research Other: Integration: Media Skills Research Other: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: resources/interactives/acrostic/ Use the Acrostic Poem interactive to publish your poems. The Acrostic Poem Tool allows students to type in a word, create an Acrostic Poem, and then print out their writing. nteractives/acrostic/ Use the Acrostic Poem interactive to publish your poems. The Acrostic Poem Tool allows students to type in a word, create an Acrostic Poem, and then print out their writing. eractive.aspx?id=110&title= Use the ReadWriteThink Printing Press interactive to publish poems. The flyer templates will work for individual poems. Students might use the booklet template to create a collection of acrostics. nteractive.aspx?id=110&title= Use the ReadWriteThink Printing Press interactive to publish poems. The flyer templates will work for individual poems. Students might use the booklet template to create a collection of acrostics. Common Core Lesson Planning Template Homework: 3rd Grade – Study Vocabulary Words, Lesson 1 “Wordly Wise” book for vocabulary test Wednesday. 4th Grade – Study Vocabulary Words, Lesson 1 “Wordly Wise” book for vocabulary test Wednesday. Homework: 3rd Grade – Study Vocabulary Words, Lesson 1 “Wordly Wise” book for vocabulary test Wednesday. 4th Grade – Study Vocabulary Words, Lesson 1 “Wordly Wise” book for vocabulary test Wednesday. Homework: Go to link: Work on nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs http://www.kimskorner4teachertalk.c om/grammar/menu.html Homework: Chapter 4 questions and vocabulary page.