Trinity Christian Reformed Church 3000 East 16th Ave., Anchorage, AK 99508 Office phone: 907-272-8431 E-mail: Pastor Bill Vis phone: 907-279-0278 Cell: 907-575-0514 E-mail: On the Web: WORSHIP SERVICE October 25, 2015 - 11:00 a.m. Church Family Dennis Hopewell will have carpal tunnel surgery on Tuesday Pastor Bill is scheduled for Back Fusion Surgery on Thursday. Next Sunday Pastor Dave Kuiper will lead the morning service and Pastor Bernie Van Ee will lead the evening. We pray for a quick recovery and healing for both. APPROACHING TO WORSHIP Instrumental Prelude: Jan De Yong Welcome and Announcements * Songs of Praise: “We Bring a Sacrifice of Praise” Trinity Praise #184 “When Morning Gilds the Sky” Red #372:1-3 * Opening Prayer “I Love You, Lord” Trinity Praise #80 DECLARING OUR FAITH Affirmation: “What Do You Believe About God? Red #778 Song of Response: “By Grace We Have Been Saved” Red #675:1-3 SERVICE OF PRAYER Prayer Concerns and Congregational Prayer SERVICE OF THE WORD * Song of Preparation: “Your Word Sheds Light Upon My Path” Red #759:1,4 (Children ages 2-Grade 3 may go upstairs to Children’s Church) Scripture: Matthew 10:34-421484 Pew Bible Page(s): Message: Three Sacrifices Prayer of Application WITHDRAWING TO SERVE Morning Offering: Church Ministries, as we sing: Song of Response: “We Are an Offering” Red #874 * God's Blessing * Doxology: “We Receive Your Blessings” Red#947 Postlude * If you are able, please stand Songs printed and/or projected with permission by CCLI #293603 Evening Worship Song Leader Accompanist 6:00 PM My Lord and My God! John 20:24–29 Hymn: At the Name of Jesus Pastor Bernie Van Ee Jon Sharpe Jan De Yong Congregational Meeting Today, a congregational meeting will be held immediately following the morning service. Members will be asked to vote for all council nominees they believe are biblically qualified to serve. The budget will be presented and voted on. Votes will also be cast for the approval for the redecoration of the church and transferring money into the Building Trust Fund. Budget highlights: The budget is a significant decrease from this year. This is primarily the result of removing all expenses for a youth leader. If the unexpected happens and the opportunity to fill such a position arises, it can quite easily be restored. a. Council increased the honorarium for our organ and piano players, which is reflected in the budget. b. There are reports of a large increase in the price of natural gas, which accounts for the large increase in utilities. c. Health insurance rates for next year have not yet been published. The budget reflects a 7% increase, but there is late information that it will likely be less than that. d. Items highlighted in pink are an increase from this year’s budget, those in green a decrease. e. Council approved hourly wage increases for the secretary and custodian and a cost-ofliving increase for the pastor. The decrease in budget for the secretary is only because this year’s budget was much too high. f. If you have questions about the reasons for particular changes in the budget, you are encouraged to ask either Treasurer Dave Cox or Pastor Bill before the congregational meeting. Members will be asked to vote for all council nominees they believe are biblically qualified to serve. Council approved the following nominations for elder and deacon For elder – Jasper Hall and Mike Lindeen For deacon – Sharon Boegel, Terry Dykstra, Charlotte Long, Joy Sharpe The lot will be cast after the morning service on November 1. Elders and deacons selected are asked to attend the November 10 council meeting so new officers can be elected. Installation is scheduled for the morning of November 15. Announcements Daylight Saving Time ends next Sunday, so be sure to set you clocks back and enjoy another hour of rest. 1st Sunday Luncheon, next Sunday, Theme: IT'S ALL ABOUT CORN Make a "corn" dish - casserole, salad, bread/muffins, chowder.(no sign-up this time). Bring a can, two or more cans or a case of corn for our Thanksgiving Blessing project. Trinity will provide the dessert. Say ""good-bye" to Bert and Anna De Vries as they move to Oregon. The Fellowship Committee Thanksgiving Blessing: Every Thanksgiving the Anchorage communities come together through the leadership of the Food Bank of Alaska to make sure that families in need can celebrate the holiday with a complete Thanksgiving meal. Churches play an important role in gathering a lot of the ingredients and helping families through the process on distribution day. They are expecting 3000+ participants this year. CAN YOU HELP? Let’s create a huge pyramid of canned corn! Trinity will collect canned corn for the meal and cookies for the hospitality rooms. There will be a sign-up sheet for cookies in the lobby. Trinity can make a real difference—let’s joyfully share with our neighbors this Thanksgiving! Sacred Concert: Next Sunday, Rossini: Petite Messe Solenelle will be airing from 6-9 a.m. on KLEF 98.1FM. This week at Trinity Church Sunday 11:00 a.m. Worship Service 12:00 p.m. Congregational Meeting 6:00 p.m. Worship Service Tuesday 7:00 p.m. Coffee Break Wednesday 9:30 a.m. Coffee Break/ Story Hour Thursday 6:15 p.m. AWANA Next Sunday 9:30 a.m. Sunday School This Week Next Week Greeters: Ben & Brenda DeVries & Family Ben & Brenda DeVries & Family Nursery: Gayle & Richard Cederberg Joy Sharpe & Sandy Vis Shalome Cederberg Kate Hopwell Hall Hall Henning Worst Accompanist: A.M.: Jan DeYong Kristi Kleaver P.M.: Jan DeYong Jan DeYong Song Leader: Joy Sharpe Children’s Church Coffee Set-up: Coffee Clean-Up Offerings: Church Ministries Church Ministries