Trinity Christian Reformed Church 3000 East 16th Ave., Anchorage, AK 99508 Office phone: 907-272-8431 E-mail: Pastor Bill Vis phone: 907-279-0278 Cell: 907-575-0514 E-mail: On the Web: WORSHIP SERVICE November 29, 2015 - 11:00 a.m. Announcements We would like to thank Pastor Bernie Van Ee for leading the evening service. Today’s (5th Sunday) offering is for Parachutes. All otherwise undesignated gifts will go to support the teen center. APPROACHING TO WORSHIP Instrumental Prelude: Jan De Yong Welcome and Announcements * Songs of Praise: “We Praise You, O God” Red #560:1-3 Lighting of the Advent Candle Advent Hymn: “Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus” Red #56:1-4 * Advent Prayer “Blessed Be the God of Israel” Red #67:1-3 SERVICE OF PRAYER Prayer Concerns and Congregational Prayer SERVICE OF THE WORD Confession and Assurance: a reading for three voices, from Leviticus 26 and Matthew 1 * Song of Preparation: “You are Our God, We are Your People” Red #35:2-4 (Children ages 2-Grade 3 may go upstairs to Children’s Church) Scripture: Matthew 1:1-17 Pew Bible Page(s): Message: Lessons from a Genealogy Prayer of Application WITHDRAWING TO SERVE Morning Offering: Church Ministries, as we sing: Song of Response: “The Ends of All the Earth Shall Hear” Red #594:1-4 * God's Blessing * Doxology: “The God of Abraham Praise” Red #39:1 & 5 Postlude * If you are able, please stand Songs printed and/or projected with permission by CCLI #293603 Women’s Fellowship Cookie Exchange is next Saturday 10:00a.m. at Sandy’s home, across from church. More details are on the invitations. Extras are located on the Women’s bulletin board in the back of the sanctuary. Please take some and invite your friends. Next Sunday we will hold our First Sunday Dinner after church, which will be followed by a hymn sing featuring fun Christmas songs. Pastor Bill hopes to return to preaching at both services the Sunday after that. Sacred Concert: Next Sunday, ADVENT 1: Prophecy and Promise will be airing from 6-9 a.m. on KLEF 98.1FM. This week at Trinity Church Sunday 6:00 PM Pastor Van Ee Hymn: “Let This Be My Supreme Desire” – Red #729:1-4 Song Leader Accompanist ____________ Jan De Yong Worship Service 12:00 p.m. Luncheon/ Hymn Sing Tuesday 7:00 p.m. Coffee Break Wednesday 9:30 a.m. Coffee Break/ Story Hour Next Sunday 9:30 a.m. Sunday School This Week Next Week Greeters: Dennis & Denise Hopewell Richard and Gayle Cederberg Nursery: Charlotte & Mark Long Julie Logan and Morgan Rice Rebekah Ludwig Shalome Cederberg Volunteers Needed Volunteers Needed Coffee Clean-Up Logan & Rice Cederberg Accompanist: A.M.: Jan De Yong Kristi Kleaver P.M.: Jan DeYong Jan DeYong Erin Vander Lugt Jon Sharpe Parachutes Church Offerings Children’s Church Evening Worship 11:00 a.m. Coffee Set-up: Song Leader: Offerings: Committees and programs Contact people Building & Grounds .......... Bob Groeneweg Church Admin Assistant ......Kate Hopewell Coffee Break ............................Joy Sharpe Education Committee ................................. Outreach/Missions ......... Gayle Cederberg Fellowship ................. Ron & Jan Veltkamp Intercession ............................ Jon Sharpe Library ........................................................ Prayer Network .......................... Pastor Bill Sunday School Sup’t ..........Kristine Adams Women's Fellowship ....... Denise Hopewell Worship Committee ..................Joy Sharpe Trinity CRC Council: Elders Joel Adams ‘17 Jasper Hall ‘18 Dennis Hopewell ‘16 Deacons: Dave Cox ‘17 Terry Dykstra ‘18 Bertha Groeneweg ‘16 Pastor's Hours: 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. Tues. – Thurs. Church Office Hours: 9:00 a.m.-12 p.m. Tues. – Friday Y OU CAN HELP T RINITY CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH, E ARN DONATIONS JUST BY SHOPPING WITH YOUR FRED M EYER REWARDS C ARD ! Fred Meyer is donating $2.5 million per year to non-profits in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington, based on where their customers tell them to give. Here’s how the program works: Sign up for the Community Rewards program by linking your Fred Meyer Rewards Card to (non-profit) at You can search for us by our name or by our non-profit number (# 85741). Then, every time you shop and use your Rewards Card, you are helping Trinity Church earn a donation! You still earn your Rewards Points, Fuel Points, and Rebates, just as you do today. If you already shop at Amazon consider signing up at Amazon Smile. Once registered shop at ( rather than at You will get the same prices and Prime shipping and everything else you are used to at Amazon, but Amazon will periodically give the church a half of a percent of everything everyone who does this buys. It’s not a lot on any single order but over time it could add up to quite a bit.