Welcome to York Minster Sunday 8 September 2013 The Fifteenth

Welcome to York Minster
Sunday 8 September 2013
The Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity
Racial Justice Sunday
The Reverend Canon Peter Moger, Precentor
is in residence this week.
To contact the Canon in Residence please call
Church House: 01904 557200
Large print versions of the Order of Service and this notice sheet are available.
Please ask a steward or a verger if you would like one.
An induction loop system is also in operation for hearing aid users.
8.00 am
HOLY COMMUNION (Book of Common Prayer)
The Very Reverend Vivienne Faull, Dean
The Order of Service may be found on page 294 of the Book of Common Prayer. The Collect and
readings are those given for the Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity on page 232.
Keep, we beseech thee, O Lord, thy Church with thy perpetual mercy: and, because the frailty of
man without thee cannot but fall, keep us ever by thy help from all things hurtful, and lead us to all
things profitable to our salvation; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Welcome back to the Minster Sunday School and Crèche who meet during the 10.00 service.
Children and helpers, and any parents, who wish to do so, may follow the cross during the
Gradual hymn, and return just before Communion. The Sunday School and Crèche are available
to visitors as well as to regular members of the congregation. If, however, you prefer to keep
your children with you throughout the service, that is fine.
10.00 am
SUNG EUCHARIST (Common Worship; Order One)
Introit Hymn
New Testament Reading
Gradual Hymn
Gospel Reading
Offertory Hymn
The Reverend Dr David Efird, Curate
The Reverend Canon Peter Moger, Precentor
433 O worship the King
Missa brevis Palestrina
Philemon 1-21
76 Take up they cross
Luke 14.25-33
439 (omit *) Praise to the Holiest in the height
Ave verum corpus Byrd
God, who in generous mercy sent the Holy Spirit upon your Church in the burning fire of your
love: grant that your people may be fervent in the fellowship of the gospel that, always abiding in
you, they may be found steadfast in faith and active in service; through Jesus Christ your Son our
Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.
Post Communion
Keep, O Lord, your Church, with your perpetual mercy; and, because without you our human
frailty cannot but fall, keep us ever by your help from all things hurtful, and lead us to all things
profitable to our salvation; through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Final Hymn
SP 271 Earth’s fragile beauties we possess
Earth’s fragile beauties we possess
as pilgrim gifts from God,
and walk the slow and dangerous way
his wounded feet have trod.
Though faith by tragedy is rocked,
and love with pain is scored,
we sing the pilgrims’ song of hope:
‘Your kingdom come, O Lord!’
Earth’s human longings we possess
by grief or love compelled
to take and bear the heavy cross
Christ’s wounded hands have held.
By cloud and fire he leads us on
through famine, plague or sword,
singing with faith the pilgrims’ song:
‘Your kingdom come, O Lord!’
God’s own true image we possess
in innocence first known,
now tainted by the hate and spite
to Christ’s own body shown.
By that same wounded heart of love
God’s image is restored,
to sing again the pilgrims’ song:
‘Your kingdom come, O Lord!’
Robert Willis b.1947
Copyright © Robert Willis
Receiving Holy Communion. If you normally receive communion in your own church you
are welcome to receive communion here. If you don’t want to take communion but would like
a blessing, please bring your service booklet with you to let the minister know.
The normal practice in York Minster is to receive the wafer into the hand. If you prefer not to
drink from the common cup, please take the wafer only.
Gluten-free communion wafers are available at the communion station nearest the pulpit at the
front left of the Nave. If you require a gluten-free communion wafer, please inform a Steward
and make your way to the front of the Nave. When the time comes to receive communion,
please ask the priest for a gluten-free wafer.
There will be a presentation to Rev’d Dr David Efird in the Chapter House next Sunday
following the service, where coffee and tea will also be served. Please come along,
everyone is very welcome.
11.30 am
The Order of Service may be found on page 40 of the Book of Common Prayer.
122, 123
Stanford in C
Jonah 3.10-end of 4 Revelation 8.1-5
Great Lord of lords Gibbons
349 Come, let us join our cheerful songs
The collection is taken during this hymn
4.00 pm
EVENSONG with Reading In of Choristers
The Reverend Lukas Njenga, Chaplain, York St John University
Lord, for thy tender mercy’s sake Hilton
Darke in F
Genesis 11.1-9 Revelation 7.9-17
He watching over Israel Mendelssohn
SP 269 (T NEH 103) Come with newly written anthems
The collection is taken during this hymn
Come with newly written anthems,
craft your finest psalm or song;
praise the God of marvellous mercy,
our deliverer, swift and strong –
he reveals his holy kindness
so that all the world may know:
never once has he forgotten
what he promised long ago.
Bring your hymns of celebration;
be creative, and rejoice;
blend as one your skilful playing,
thankful heart and cheerful voice.
Let the wonders of God’s greatness
be your focus as you sing;
weaving reverence and excitement,
raise the shout: the Lord is King!
Sing until the whole creation
echoes to the melody,
till the seas and hills and rivers
join the swelling symphony:
for he comes, and every nation
shall receive its just reward –
sing to greet the God of justice,
righteous Judge and gracious Lord.
SP 241 (T NEH 492) Extol the God of Justice
Martin Leckebusch (b.1962), based on Psalm 98
Copyright © 2001 Kevin Mayhew
Extol the God of justice
with heart and soul and voice;
remember all his wonders,
recount them and rejoice.
He stands with all who labour
for what is true and right,
till wickedness and falsehood
are banished from his sight.
Extol the God of justice
enthroned for evermore,
a stronghold in affliction,
a refuge to the poor:
he hears the cry of victims
and senses their despair;
in faithfulness he honours
the faith that sparks our prayer.
Extol the God of justice,
however dark the day:
the hope that calls for mercy
will not be turned away;
for evil shall not triumph,
nor human sin prevail:
the Lord is God eternal,
whose judgements cannot fail.
Pièce d’Orgue, BWV 572 J S Bach
Martin Leckebusch (b.1962), based on Psalm 9
Copyright © Kevin Mayhew
KING’S LYNN (English, arr Ralph Vaughan Williams)
You are invited to remain after the service to listen to the organ voluntary.
If you choose to leave, please do so quietly.
The flowers today have been provided and arranged by the Royal Air Force
Association Group.
We remember Mother Teresa of Calcutta and all who serve the poor by
placing flowers in St Stephen’s Chapel.
York Minster Walsingham Cell Mass
The next service will be held in the Zouche Chapel at 7.30 p.m. on Monday 9 September. All very
Sunday 15 September 2013 The Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity
Next Sunday is an especially busy day in the life of the Minster.
At 10.00 the preacher will be Revd Dr David Efird on his last Sunday as Assistant Priest (curate
emeritus) at the Minster. Many of you have supported David over recent years as God’s call to
him has become clear. Many have also benefitted greatly from his friendship, wisdom, learning and
pastoral care. Those who would like to contribute to a gift for David should either see the Dean
after services today, or send a cheque to her at Church House payable to The Chapter of York.
At 11.45 the communities of York and further afield gather for the annual Battle of Britain Service,
which commemorates the great victory won by the Royal Air Force and which saved Britain from
invasion in 1940. There will be an RAF Freedom Parade, taking place in Duncombe Place, prior to
the Battle of Britain service in York Minster.
The parade will form up on Duncombe Place at 10am, with the arrival of the civic party at
10.10am. The parade will then march through the city centre returning to Duncombe Place at
approx 11:05am, before entering York Minster for the service which starts at 11.45am.
This will require road closures on Duncombe Place, which will be in place from 8.00am, until
1.30pm at the latest. Parking will also be suspended on Duncombe Place during this time.
At 16.00 Choral Evensong will include the Installation of Michael Smith as Canon Pastor, and the
new Chapter team will at last be declared complete! The service will be preceded by the
customary Admission in the Chapter House and followed by refreshments in the North Transept
provided by the Community Committee. Do join us all to welcome Michael, his family and those
who have supported him through his ministry in the Diocese of Oxford.
At 19.30 for those who are looking for worship of a different character, Transcendence will be
held in the Nave.
For details of services during the week, please refer to the Scheme of Services
available on the York Minster Website at http://www.yorkminster.org/worship-andchoir/worship.html
Tickets for all Minster Community events are available either from the Minster Community Table in
the Chapter House Vestibule following the 10 am Sunday Eucharist, or from the Box Office at Church
House: 01904 557208 or concerts@yorkminster.org.
Harvest Supper
Friday 4th October
Tickets will be available from 15th September
£7.50 (Children under 12 years £5.00)
Minster Bulletin
Since arriving at the Minster in late May, one of the tasks undertaken by Kathryn Blacker, our new
Chapter Steward, is to create a fortnightly Minster Bulletin to share news and information from
different bodies and departments here at the Minster – varying from services to filming and Open
Days to Christmas cards. We hope there is something to appeal to everyone!
It is hoped that the Minster Bulletin will be shared as widely as possible – please contact Laura
Cookson if you would like to receive it (laurac@yorkminster.org).
The Friends of York Minster
The Friends of York Minster are taking a party to the Opera in Leeds on Thursday, 24 October to see
Benjamin Britten’s Midsummer Night’s Dream, with early supper beforehand. If you are interested in
joining the group, please contact the Friends’ Office – tel: 01904 557237.
Lecture Series by the Revd Dr Christopher Collingwood and the Revd Dr David Efird
Jesus’ Last Sermon: Preparing for the Last Days—As Jesus was leaving the Temple for the last time, he
gave his last sermon. On the surface, he was speaking about the Last Days, that is, the last days of
the world, and how to understand and prepare for them. But, more deeply, Jesus was speaking
about his death, his own last days, when the world did, in a sense, end, and about how the disciples
can understand and prepare for these last days of Jesus and then live in the new world about to be
born. For us, who live in the shadow of the cross and in the light of the resurrection, Jesus’ last
sermon can help us understand even more, namely, our own last days and the last days of our
loved ones, when our own worlds will, in a sense end, and how we can live in a way that prepares
us for these, our own, and our loved ones’ last days, and how we might live in the hope of the
world to come, when we will be reunited with those we love and with God himself. In this series
of lectures, Chris Collingwood and David Efird explore these themes of life, death, and life beyond
death, in the light of Jesus’ teaching in his last sermon, so that we might be prepared for the Last
Days, most particularly of our loved ones and of ourselves.
 Wednesday 18th September: The Destruction of the Temple and the Drama of the Self
(Matt 24:1-2) (Chris)
 Thursday 26th September: Signs of the End of the Age and Knowing God (Matt 24:3-8)
 Wednesday 2nd October: Persecution and the Purpose of Suffering (Matt 24:9-14) (Chris)
 Friday 11th October: The Desolating Sacrilege, Mortification, and the Celebration of the
Eucharist (Matt 24:15-28) (David)
 Thursday 17th October: The Coming of the Son of Man and the Denial of Death (Matt
24:29-31) (Chris)
 Wednesday 23rd October: The Lesson of the Fig Tree and the Nature of Passing Away
(Matt 24:32-5) (David)
 Thursday 7th November: Watchfulness and Living Intentionally (Matt 24:36-44) (Chris)
 Thursday 14th November: Faithfulness and Practising Being in the Presence of God (Matt
25:45-51) (David)
 Thursday 21st November: The Parables of the Ten Bridesmaids (Matt 25:1-13) (Chris) and
the Talents (Matt 25:14-30) (David)
 Wednesday 27th November: Judgement and the Good Life (Chris and David) (Matt 25:3146)
Lectures will take place in the Zouche Chapel at 7.30pm and will finish with Compline at about
8.20/8.30pm. Entrance is via the Chapter House Yard.
Big City Sky Ride – Next Saturday
On Saturday 14 September approximately 7,000 cyclists will take to the city streets to take
part in York’s biggest cycle ride – the Big City Sky Ride. The event is part of the council’s
build up to the 2014 Tour de France Grand Depart from Yorkshire.
Please be aware that due to road closures in place, access to the Minster by car will be very
restricted. Staff and volunteers working on Saturday 14 September and residents of Minster
Close will have access to Chapter House Yard and the cobbled road via Monkbar and
Ogleforth through a barrier at the end of Ogleforth operated by a member of the Council’s
security team. The council have informed me that on this occasion permits will not be
required to gain access to the Minster via Ogleforth, simply let the security person on the
barrier know you are working at the Minster / live in Minster Close and you will be let
Anyone in town that day is advised to allow extra time for their journey, including those
coming on foot or by bike. There will be barriers on the streets surrounding York Minster
with patrolled crossings. Roads will be closed between 9am and 4 or 5pm and include
Goodramgate, Deangate and Duncombe Place.
Monday 9
Matins (Zouche Chapel)
Holy Communion (Zouche Chapel)
Holy Communion (CW) (St John’s Chapel)
Evening prayer (Quire)
Walsingham Cell Mass (Zouche Chapel)
Tuesday 10
Matins (Zouche Chapel)
Holy Communion (Zouche Chapel
Holy Communion (CW) (St John’s Chapel)
Evensong (Quire)
Wednesday 11
Matins (Zouche Chapel)
Holy Communion (Zouche Chapel)
Minster Community Coffee Morning (North Transept)
Holy Communion BCP (St George’s Chapel)
Evening prayer (Quire)
Thursday 12
Matins (Zouche Chapel)
Holy Communion (Zouche Chapel)
Holy Communion (St John’s Chapel)
Evensong (Quire)
Voluntary Helpers Service (Quire)
Voluntary Helpers Supper (Chapter House)
Friday 13
Matins (Zouche Chapel)
Holy Communion (Zouche Chapel)
Holy Communion (CW) (St John’s Chapel)
Evensong (Quire)
Saturday 14
Holy Cross Day
Matins (Zouche Chapel)
Holy Communion (Zouche Chapel)
Holy Communion (CW) (St John’s Chapel)
Solemn Evensong (Quire)