Student Registration Form: Term________ Year________ (Bachelor) Name ___________________________ Is this a new student? ___________________ Student ID # _____________________ Does this student have transfer credit? ______________ Phone # _________________________ Has this student fulfilled the Basic English Requirement? ____ Student Student’s Current Address__________________________________________________________________ Street number and name City, State Zip code Proposed Degree Plan/Concentration __________________________________________________________ Advice given: *CHAPEL credit must be earned for 6 semesters. Students are responsible to register for and attend Chapel. Transfer students may earn chapel credit based on the number of transfer hours. SYNM Course Number Course Title Professor’s Name Days Times Course fees for private lessons are non-refundable starting on the first day of classes. Required: Advisor’s Signature__________________________________ Date: ____________________ *Student: Music students MUST turn in this form to Danielle in Cowden 116. *Music Office: Send a copy of this to or give it to Matt Harrison in S 202B. Hours