President - York Minster


York Minster invites everyone to discover God’s love through our welcome, worship, learning and work.

Sunday 2 March 2014

The Sunday next before Lent



The Reverend Canon Dr Christopher Collingwood, Chancellor

To contact the Canon in Residence please call

Church House: 01904 557200

Large print versions of the Order of Service and this notice sheet are available.

Please ask a steward or a verger if you would like one.

An induction loop system is also in operation for hearing aid users.

8.00 am HOLY COMMUNION (Book of Common Prayer)

President The Venerable Alan Dean

The Order of Service may be found on page 294 of the Book of Common Prayer. The Collect and readings are those given for Quinquagesima on page 125.


O Lord, who hast taught us that all our doings without charity are nothing worth; Send thy Holy

Ghost, and pour into our hearts that most excellent gift of charity, the very bond of peace and of all virtues, without which whosoever liveth is counted dead before thee; Grant this for thine only

Son Jesus Christ’s sake. Amen.


Welcome to the Minster Sunday School and Crèche who meet during the 10.00 service.

Children and helpers, and any parents, who wish to do so, may follow the cross during the

Gradual hymn, and return just before Communion. The Sunday School and Crèche are available to visitors as well as to regular members of the congregation. If, however, you prefer to keep your children with you throughout the service, that is fine.

10.00 am SUNG EUCHARIST (Common Worship: Order One)



Introit Hymn


New Testament Reading 2 Peter 1.16-end

Gradual Hymn

Gospel Reading

The Very Reverend Vivienne Faull, Dean

The Reverend Canon Robert Rogers, Succentor Canonicorum

377 Immortal, invisible, God only wise

Missa brevis Jonathan Dove

177 Christ, upon the mountain peak

Matthew 17.1-9

410 My God, how wonderful thou art Offertory Hymn


Almighty Father, whose Son was revealed in majesty before he suffered death upon the cross: give us grace to perceive his glory, that we may be strengthened to suffer with him and be changed into his likeness, from glory to glory; who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.

Communion motet O salutaris hostia Rossini

Final Hymn

Post Communion

Holy God, we see your glory in the face of Jesus Christ: may we who are partakers at his table reflect his life in word and deed, that all the world may know his power to change and save.

This we ask through Jesus Christ our Lord.

286 From glory to glory advancing

Receiving Holy Communion. If you normally receive communion in your own church you are welcome to receive communion here. If you don’t want to take communion but would like a blessing, please bring your service booklet with you to let the minister know.

The normal practice in York Minster is to receive the wafer into the hand. If you prefer not to drink from the common cup, please take the wafer only.

Gluten-free communion wafers are available at the communion station nearest the pulpit at the front left of the Nave. If you require a gluten-free communion wafer, please inform a Steward and make your way to the front of the Nave. When the time comes to receive communion, please ask the priest for a gluten-free wafer.

You are all invited to tea and coffee which is served after the 10.00 service in the Chapter House.

11.30 am SOLEMN EUCHARIST (Book of Common Prayer)

The Order of Service is to be found in the white booklet. The hymns are taken from The New

English Hymnal and are not announced.



Gradual Hymn

Offertory Hymn


4.00 pm

The Reverend Canon Dr Christopher Collingwood, Chancellor

Stanford in B flat

367 (T ii) Gracious Spirit, Holy Ghost

310 We hail thy presence glorious

The collection is taken during this hymn.

UK tax payers are encouraged to use the Gift Aid envelopes.

1 Corinthians 13.1 Luke 18.31


Preacher The Very Reverend Vivienne Faull, Dean










Dyson in D

2 Kings 2.1-12 Matthew 17.9-23

Alleluia, laudata pueri Francis Jackson

373 (T Coe Fen) How shall I sing that majesty

The collection is taken during this hymn

Rhapsody No 3 Howells

You are invited to remain after the service to listen to the organ voluntary.

If you choose to leave, please do so quietly.

Wednesday 5 March 2014

Ash Wednesday










Holy Communion and Imposition of Ashes

President: The Very Reverend Vivienne Faull, Dean

Imposition of Ashes (St John’s Chapel)

Holy Communion and Imposition of Ashes (BCP) (Nave)

President: The Reverend Canon Dr Christopher Collingwood, Chancellor

Imposition of Ashes (St John’s Chapel)

Evening Prayer (St John’s Chapel)

Stations of the Cross



Solemn Eucharist with Imposition of Ashes (Quire)



The Reverend Canon Michael Smith, Pastor

The Reverend Canon Dr Christopher Collingwood, Chancellor

Friday 7 March 2014

Holy Communion (Nave)







Friday 14 March 2014

Holy Communion (Nave)

Friday 21 March 2014

Holy Communion (Nave)





Friday 28 March 2014

Holy Communion (Nave)





Friday 4 April 2014

Holy Communion (Nave)

Friday 11 April 2014

Holy Communion (Nave)

Sunday 9 March 2014

The First Sunday of Lent

Holy Communion (BCP)

President: The Very Reverend Vivienne Faull, Dean

Sung Eucharist (Common Worship: Order 1)

President: The Reverend Canon Michael Smith, Pastor

Preacher: The Reverend Canon Dr Christopher Collingwood, Chancellor

Readings: Romans 5.12-19 Matthew 4.1-11


Psalm 119.1-16

Readings: Jeremiah 18.1-11 Luke 18.9-14


Psalms 50.1-15

Readings: Deuteronomy 6.4-9, 16-end Luke 15.1-10

Preacher: The Reverend Canon Michael Smith, Pastor

For details of services during the week, please refer to the Scheme of Services available on the York Minster Website at


Tickets for all Minster Community events are available either from the Minster

Community Table in the Chapter House Vestibule following the 10 am Sunday Eucharist,

or from the Box Office at Church House: 01904 557208 or


At its last meeting, Chapter agreed to publish a summary of its meetings, hence the following.

Chapter met on 20 February, reviewed the significant progress in implementing the strategy and discussed the next steps. Members also considered proposals for new internal and external signage and the ongoing development of a new lighting scheme. As we continue to work to manage our business successfully we reviewed the risk register and the programme for publication of the accounts including a summary document to enable us all to get to grips with how our finances work. We reviewed the results of research which reveals how cathedrals congregations are continuing to grow, particularly at weekday services and noted the gap in the

15 – 35 year old age range in our own congregations. We have agreed that our overarching aim is to invite everyone to share God’s love through our welcome, worship, learning and work and we considered a theological statement which will inform and shape our interpretation policy. Regular agenda items included HR and the development of our staff and volunteers, possibilities for the development of our buildings and a review of YMR progress. We noted the current advertisements for names for the Sees of Whitby and Selby and, closer to home, the appointments to officer posts by the York Minster Society of Change Ringers.

Vivienne Faull


Social for Sunday School Parents

Parents of children in Sunday School, as well as helpers and anyone else involved, are all cordially invited to a buffet supper: An opportunity to spend time together with no glue sticks or glitter involved!

When: Saturday 8 March from 7:30pm

Where: kindly hosted by Canon Chris and Sue Collingwood (3 Minster Court)

If you plan to come, please let Alasdair Hicks know, so we have an idea of numbers.


The Friends of York Minster – Visit to Grand Theatre, Leeds – West Side Story – Thursday,

22 May. The Coach will leave Memorial Gardens at 4.00 pm and there will be an early supper in

Leeds before taking our dress circle seats. The cost is £52 and includes coach, meal, theatre seat and tips. For further information, or to book a place, phone the Friends Office (01904 557237) or

Terry Fowler (01904 627791

Exploring Christianity

We are beginning a new group for youngsters who want to think about and explore Christianity. It is a group for those who would like to consider being Confirmed, but those who are Confirmed already are welcome as are those who don’t want to consider Confirmation yet. The age group we are looking for is youngsters between the ages of 11 and 13 though this is not a fixed rule. We will meet weekly until Easter (except for half term) beginning on Monday 10 th February at 6.30pm for an hour in the Consistory Court (the vestry). I have four people who have signed up already but there is room for more. I have a welcome letter and a plan of the meetings available if you send me an email I will send a letter to you. Let me know if you are interested in joining.

Canon Michael

Pilgrim – Adults interested in Confirmation I am also running a course for adults, before

Easter, using the new Church of England material designed to help us on our Christian journey,

‘Pilgrim’. This is a series of short courses which begins with one entitled ‘Turning to Christ’ which will last for 6 weeks. If there are any adults in our community who would like to consider being

Confirmed, this is for you. This group will meet on Tuesday evenings 6.30pm – 8pm in the

Consistory Court (the vestry) beginning on Tuesday 4 know if you would like to join this group. I am going to limit the size of the group to between 12 and 15 people, those considering Confirmation will have priority and others are invited to join on a first come first serve basis. If you would like to join please send me an email. Thank you, Canon

Michael th March (Shrove Tuesday). Please let me


To coincide with the "Lectio Divina" prayer sessions, a simple lunch will be served between 12 noon and 2pm in the North Transept on five Wednesdays during Lent, from 12th March to 9th

April inclusive.

Lunch will consist of a mug of home-made soup, served with crusty bread and water. (Definitely no cakes!) There will be no fixed charge, but a minimum donation of £1.50 per serving is suggested, with all proceeds going to the Christian Aid Syrian Refugee Appeal.

Minster Community Walk - Saturday 5th April

Kirby Underdale - Thixendale meet at 10.30am. Parking Kirby Underdale Village Hall CP.

GR.SE809-586.( PCode YO41) 8 miles, moderate one steep climb.

Please remember to bring a picnic. Further information ring. 01904 792154

Minster Community Event

"Burning the Minster"

A Talk by Dr John Gough

Wednesday 26th March at 7.30pm

in the Zouche Chapel

Tickets £2.50 (to include refreshments) available from the Community Table after the 10.00am

Eucharist Service or from Church House Tel: 01904 557208

William Temple Lecture

The annual William Temple Lecture will be held this year on the 9 th March. The speaker will be the Rev'd Dr Malcolm Brown, Director of Mission and Public Affairs for the Archbishop'

Council of the Church of England, and he will speak about Anglican Social Theology Today.

The meeting will take place in room SK 037 at York S. John University and begin at 7.30pm.

Director of Visitor Experience We are delighted to announce that Jess Monaghan will be joining us on 14 th May as our Director of Visitor Experience. Jess joins us having spent eight years at the National Trust, most recently as Visitor Experience Consultant for the south-west region.

Jess has inspired and led teams drawn from across the Trust to revitalise property experiences, improving welcome, audience understanding and engagement, most notably at Speke Hall in

Liverpool, and Chedworth Roman Villa and Dyrham Park in the South West. She has been leading the National Trust's flagship 'Spirit of Place' programme across the south-west region to help properties create distinctive experiences, and devised an approach to benchmarking and forecasting business growth that has since been adopted by other National Trust regions.

Jess has a degree in Archaeology and Anthropology from St. Hilda's College, Oxford. She and her partner Joe are looking forward to the move North.

Exploring Zen Meditation – Again!

Those of you who were able to attend the introductory session on Zen meditation last November will no doubt be pleased to hear that Father Patrick Kundo Eastman Sensei, a Roman Catholic priest and authorised Zen teacher, is returning for another 24 hours in March. If you came in

November, please come again. If you are new to Zen meditation or entirely unfamiliar with it, please come and discover how to meditate simply by paying attention to the breath as an aid to the wordless and imageless prayer of contemplation. The sessions will take place on the evening of

Friday 14 th March 7.30-9.30pm and Saturday 15 th March 10.00am-4.00pm in the Large Conference

Room in Church House. There will be teaching about how to meditate; no previous experience is necessary. If you already meditate and have a mat and/or a cushion, please bring these with you.

Otherwise sitting will be on upright chairs. The sessions will be free but a contribution to the costs of Fr Patrick’s travelling expenses would be welcome according to means. Please bring something to contribute to a shared lunch (e.g. bread, biscuits, cheese, houmous, fruit etc.) on the


Yamada Roshi, a great Japanese Zen Master, said to all his Christian Students "I am not trying to make you a Buddhist, but to empty you in imitation of your Lord, Jesus Christ."

It would be helpful (but not imperative) to know whether you would like to come, in which case please e-mail Hilary Reynolds [

]. If you would like to talk further about

Zen meditation, please contact Chris Collingwood at [


The Friends of York Minster - visit to Bowes Museum and Barnard Castle on Wednesday

2nd April, departing Memorial Gardens at 9am and returning by 5pm approx. Coffee on arrival followed by a guided tour of the Museum and then lunch in the beautiful Jubilee Room. Time afterwards to re-visit parts of the Museum and/or explore the market town of Barnard

Castle. Price £39. For further information and to book, contact The Friends' Office (0844-

9390022) or speak to Michael Wiles in the Minster (only a very limited number of places remaining).

News from Middlesbrough Foodbank

In the past 6 months i.e. up to end of Jan 2014 the Middlesbrough Food bank has fed 2312 people, of which 981 were children.

A recent story from last week:

Mum was claiming job seekers allowance, she was admitted to hospital seriously ill and so missed her sign on date and all benefits were stopped. Grandparents were caring for all 4 grandchildren on their pension and after a couple of weeks could not cope financially. They were referred to Foodbank, a food parcel, listening ear and signposting to community support grant and other sources of support put in place. Previously they had no support and had no idea of what was available to help them through this crisis period, and left overwhelmed by the support they had received via the


Many thanks for ongoing support, Heather Black Development Officer.

There is a further opportunity at York Minster to support the work of the Foodbank in

Middlesbrough on the first four Sundays in Lent, 9 th , 16 th , 23 rd and 30 th March.

Food that has been requested is shown below on the list.

Long Life Milk

Long Life Fruit Juice

Tinned Fruit

500g Sugar

Breakfast Cereal

Tinned Vegetables

Tinned cooked meat.

Eg Spam/Corned beef/Ham

The Foodbank currently has a huge supply of beans, soup, pasta and packets, so these items are not required at present. Thank you.

We need your help, both with donating food and also particularly with delivery of the food to the Foodbank in Middlesbrough. The dates that delivery will take place are Tuesday 11 th

25 th March and 1st April, we arrive at the Food Bank around 11.00 a.m. If you would like further information, please contact either by telephone 01904 481225 or by email

. Alternatively please do speak in person in the Minster on a

Sunday. Thank you David and Mary Smith

18 th

Renewal of the Minster Community Roll

The Minster Community elects a new Committee every three years, in a process that includes the election of Community representatives onto our Cathedral Council and York Deanery Synod.

The next elections will be carried out at the Community’s Annual Meeting on Thursday 22

May. Full details of the election process will be published well in advance in the Sunday Pewsheet, on the Community section of the Minster website and in the Minster Bulletin.

the Minster Community Committee discusses issues raised by the Community, and offers comment and practical assistance to Chapter on a range of matters relating to the Minster’s mission. The Committee operates a highly-valued system of flexible sub-committees and working groups that together make a substantial contribution in supporting and building up many different aspects of the life of the Minster family.

the Cathedral Council is a key part of the Minster’s governing body. It is a ‘brains trust’ of people connected in different ways to the Minster’s work, representing a wide range of local and regional interests and expertise. Members are appointed by the Archbishop, nominated by

Chapter and elected by the College of Canons and the Minster Community. Council has the power to request reports on any area of the Minster’s work, and its principal function is to advise

Chapter as a ‘critical friend’.

the Deanery Synod is part of the internal governance structure of the Church of England. It consists of clergy and elected lay people drawn from every parish in our local deanery. The

Deanery Synod elects representatives to the York Diocesan Synod and to the national General

Synod. Significant matters of church policy are referred to Deanery Synod by the other Synods for consideration and comment. Deanery Synods are also a useful forum for the sharing of information between churches locally, and the development and encouragement of local church initiatives.

the Minster Community Roll is our in-house electoral register. The current Roll (which dates from 2010) is being closed and replaced, so that the 2014 elections can be run with the benefit of reliably up-to-date names and contact details.

Everyone aged 16 and over who is a Minster worshipper, volunteer or member of staff

is warmly invited to join the Community Roll. To join the Roll, please complete one of the new Application Forms (which also contain important information about our Pastoral Network that will be launched at the Community’s Annual Meeting in May) and return it to: Chapter

Clerk, Church House, 10-14 Ogleforth, York, YO1 7JN. Application forms are available from our website (

), from the Minster Community table in the Chapter

House Vestibule on Sunday mornings, and also from the Minster Vestry and Church House


Please note that you must complete one of the new Community Roll Application Forms and return it to the Chapter Clerk before Easter Day (Sunday 20 April) if you want to take part in the Minster’s 2014 elections.

Learning in Lent

A variety of activities have been planned to provide opportunities for spiritual growth during Lent.


Lectio Divina (the prayerful reading of a passage of the Bible). On Wednesdays in

Lent from 12 March to 9 April at 11.00am and 3.00pm for 30 minutes in the Eastern Crypt,

Canons Chris and Michael will help people to listen to a passage of the Bible prayerfully in a group. This is a very ancient way of using the Bible and lies at the heart of the Benedictine tradition. These times have been deliberately chosen to fit in with the Lent Lunches in the

North Transept at 12.00pm on Wednesdays.


Stations of the Cross. On Fridays during Lent at 11.30am. This is a time-honoured way of identifying with Jesus in his passion and death. Meditations at each station are interspersed with the singing of a hymn as those assembled go on a kind of pilgrimage around the various stations in the Minster.


Lent Meditations and Compline sung by the Ebor Singers. In preparation for the performances of two St John Passions, one by Bob Chilcott, performed by the Chapter

House Choir on Saturday 5 April at 7.30pm, and the other by JS Bach, performed by the

Choir of York Minster on 12 April at 7.30pm, as well as a performance of the Crucifixion by

John Stainer, given by the Ebor Singers on Wednesday 16 April at 7.30pm, members of the

Chapter will lead meditations on the Passion Narrative in John’s Gospel in chapters 18 & 19 on Thursdays 6,13,20 March, 3, 10 April. Compline will be sung in the Quire afterwards by the Ebor Singers.


Walking the Way of the Cross. Canon Chris Collingwood has written a prayer trail relating various parts of the Minster and their history to prayer. The trail begins at the

West End and traces the shape of the Minster in the form of the cross. This trail can be done in your own time either individually or in groups.



Monday 3 07.30







Tuesday 4




Wednesday 5 07.30

Ash Wednesday 07.45

Thursday 6

Friday 7

Saturday 8



















Matins (Zouche Chapel)

Holy Communion (Zouche Chapel)

Holy Communion (CW) (St John’s Chapel)

Evensong (Chamber Choir of Trevelyan College Durham) (Quire)

Confirmation class (Consistory Court)

Matins (Zouche Chapel)

Holy Communion (Zouche Chapel)

Holy Communion (CW) (St John’s Chapel)

Evensong (Quire)

Adult Pilgrimage Group (Consistory Court)

Matins (Zouche Chapel)

Holy Communion with Imposition of Ashes (Zouche Chapel)

Imposition of Ashes (St John’s Chapel)

Holy Communion with Imposition of Ashes (St John’s Chapel)

Imposition of Ashes (St John’s Chapel)

Evening Prayer (Quire)

Solemn Eucharist with Imposition of Ashes (Quire)

Matins (Zouche Chapel)

Holy Communion (Zouche Chapel)

Holy Communion with prayers for healing and peace

(St John’s Chapel)

Evensong (Quire)

Matins (Zouche Chapel)

Holy Communion (Zouche Chapel)

Stations of the Cross (Nave)

Holy Communion (CW) (Nave)

Evensong (Quire)

Matins (Zouche Chapel)

Holy Communion (Zouche Chapel)

Holy Communion (St John’s Chapel)

Evensong (Quire)
