Readings - York Minster

York Minster invites everyone to discover God’s love through our
welcome, worship, learning and work.
Sunday 9 February 2014
The Fourth Sunday before Lent
The Very Reverend Vivienne Faull, Dean
is in residence this week.
To contact the Canon in Residence please call
Church House: 01904 557200
Large print versions of the Order of Service and this notice sheet are available.
Please ask a steward or a verger if you would like one.
An induction loop system is also in operation for hearing aid users.
8.00 am
HOLY COMMUNION (Book of Common Prayer)
The Very Reverend Vivienne Faull, Dean
The Order of Service may be found on page 294 of the Book of Common Prayer. The Collect and
readings are those given for the Fourth Sunday in Lent on page 135.
Grant, we beseech thee, Almighty God, that we, who for our evil deeds do worthily deserve to be
punished, by the comfort of thy grace may mercifully be relieved; through our Lord and Saviour
Jesus Christ. Amen.
Welcome to the Minster Sunday School and Crèche who meet during the 10.00 service.
Children and helpers, and any parents, who wish to do so, may follow the cross during the
Gradual hymn, and return just before Communion. The Sunday School and Crèche are available
to visitors as well as to regular members of the congregation. If, however, you prefer to keep
your children with you throughout the service, that is fine.
10.00 am
SUNG EUCHARIST (Common Worship: Order One)
Introit Hymn
The Reverend Canon Robert Rogers, Succentor Canonicorum
The Very Reverend Vivienne Faull, Dean
SP 254 The kingdom of God is justice and joy
The kingdom of God is justice and joy,
for Jesus restores what sin would destroy;
God’s power and glory in Jesus we know,
and here and hereafter the kingdom shall grow.
The kingdom of God is challenge and choice,
believe the good news, repent and rejoice!
His love for us sinners brought Christ to his cross,
our crisis of judgement for gain or for loss.
The kingdom of God is mercy and grace,
the captives are freed, the sinners find place,
the outcast are welcomed God’s banquet to
and hope is awakened instead of despair.
God’s kingdom is come, the gift and the goal,
in Jesus begun, in heaven made whole;
the heirs of the kingdom shall answer his call,
and all things cry ‘Glory!’ to God all in all.
New Testament Reading
Gradual Hymn
Gospel Reading
Offertory Hymn
Bryn Rees 1911-1983, adapted as in Common Praise
Copyright © Alexander Scott
Mass in G minor Vaughan Williams
1 Corinthians 2.1-12
341 Blest are the pure in heart
Matthew 5.13-20
SP 298 O changeless Christ, for ever new
O changeless Christ, for ever new,
who walked our earthly ways,
still draw our hearts as once you drew
the hearts of other days.
And as of old to all who prayed
your healing hand was shown,
so be your touch upon us laid,
unseen but not unknown.
As once you spoke by plain and hill
or taught by shore and sea,
so be today our teacher still,
O Christ of Galilee.
As wind and storm their Master heard
and his command fulfilled,
may troubled hearts receive your word,
the tempest-tossed be stilled.
In broken bread, in wine outpoured,
your new and living way
proclaim to us, O risen Lord,
O Christ of this our day.
O changeless Christ, till life is past
your blessing still be given;
then bring us home, to taste at last
the timeless joys of heaven.
Timothy Dudley-Smith b.1926
Copyright © Timothy Dudley-Smith/OUP
O God,
you know us to be set
in the midst of so many and great dangers,
that by reason of the frailty of our nature
we cannot always stand upright:
grant to us such strength and protection
as may support us in all dangers
and carry us through all temptations;
through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,
who is alive and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever.
Final Hymn
Post Communion
Go before us, Lord, in all we do
with your most gracious favour,
and guide us with your continual help,
that in all our works
begun, continued and ended in you,
we may glorify your holy name,
and finally by your mercy receive everlasting
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
306 Strengthen for service, Lord, the hands
Receiving Holy Communion. If you normally receive communion in your own church you
are welcome to receive communion here. If you don’t want to take communion but would like a
blessing, please bring your service booklet with you to let the minister know.
The normal practice in York Minster is to receive the wafer into the hand. If you prefer not to
drink from the common cup, please take the wafer only.
Gluten-free communion wafers are available at the communion station nearest the pulpit at the
front left of the Nave. If you require a gluten-free communion wafer, please inform a Steward and
make your way to the front of the Nave. When the time comes to receive communion, please ask
the priest for a gluten-free wafer.
Coffee and tea are served after the 10.00 service in the Chapter House.
All are welcome.
11.30 am
The Order of Service may be found on page 40 of the Book of Common Prayer.
Stanford in B flat
Jeremiah 26.1-16 Acts 3.1-10
I will lift up mine eyes David Briggs
239 Lord of all hopefulness
4.00 pm
The Reverend Canon Robert Rogers, Succentor Canonicorum
O praise the Lord Batten
Francis Jackson in G
Ecclesiastes 3.1-11 1 Peter 1.3-12
Arise, shine, O Zion Greene
388 (T i) Jesus shall reign where’er the sun
The collection is taken during this hymn
Toccata Jongen
You are invited to remain after the service to listen to the organ voluntary.
If you choose to leave, please do so quietly.
Sunday 16 February 2014
The Third Sunday before Lent
Holy Communion (BCP)
President: The Reverend Canon Dr Christopher Collingwood, Chancellor
Sung Eucharist (Common Worship: Order 1)
President: The Reverend Canon Michael Smith, Pastor
Preacher: The Reverend Canon Dr Christopher Collingwood, Chancellor
Readings: 1 Corinthians 3.1-9 Matthew 5.21-37
Matins (BCP)
Psalm 6 Jeremiah 30.1-3, 10-22 Acts 6
Psalm 13 Amos 3.1-8 Ephesians 5.1-17
For details of services during the week, please refer to the Scheme of Services available
on the York Minster Website at
Tickets for all Minster Community events are available either from the Minster Community Table in
the Chapter House Vestibule following the 10 am Sunday Eucharist, or from the Box Office at Church
House: 01904 557208 or
Exploring Christianity
We are beginning a new group for youngsters who want to think about and explore Christianity. It
is a group for those who would like to consider being Confirmed, but those who are Confirmed
already are welcome as are those who don’t want to consider Confirmation yet. The age group
we are looking for is youngsters between the ages of 11 and 13 though this is not a fixed rule. We
will meet weekly until Easter (except for half term) beginning on Monday 10th February at 6.30pm
for an hour in the Consistory Court (the vestry). I have four people who have signed up already
but there is room for more. I have a welcome letter and a plan of the meetings available if you
send me an email I will send a letter to you. Let me know if you are interested in joining.
Canon Michael
Pilgrim – Adults interested in Confirmation.
I am also running a course for adults, before Easter, using the new Church of England material
designed to help us on our Christian journey, ‘Pilgrim’. This is a series of short courses which
begins with one entitled ‘Turning to Christ’ which will last for 6 weeks. If there are any adults in
our community who would like to consider being Confirmed, this is for you. This group will meet
on Tuesday evenings 6.30pm – 8pm in the Consistory Court (the vestry) beginning on Tuesday 4th
March (Shrove Tuesday). Please let me know if you would like to join this group. I am going to
limit the size of the group to between 12 and 15 people, those considering Confirmation will have
priority and others are invited to join on a first come first serve basis. If you would like to join
please send me an email. Thank you, Canon Michael
Minster Community Walk
1st March 2014
Boltby to Sutton Bank Round. Meet at 10.30am. East of Boltby Church 400
metres uphill in the RHS layby. GR.SE 494-865. Boltby to Sutton Bank via Gormire Lake 7.25 miles,
moderate one steep climb. Please remember to bring a picnic.
Further information ring. 01904 347051.
York Chamber Music Festival 13 - 16 February 2014
Former chorister Tim Lowe is organising a short festival which brings to the city some of the
outstanding chamber musicians of the new generation, including BBC Young Musician of the Year
in 2002, the violinist Jennifer Pike. Tim will also play a recital with his Young Concert Artists Trust
pianist James Baillieu. Other events centre on lunchtime recitals followed by masterclasses
between the performers and young musicians from York schools. The patron of the festival is the
internationally renown cellist Steven Isserlis. Tim says he will donate half his playing fee to the
Minster Fund. See the website for programme and ticketing.
Minster Songmen on Tour!
The Gents of the Choir are proposing a short concert tour of Norfolk. Concerts will be given on
Friday 4th April at Salle Parish Church and King's Lynn Minster on Saturday 5th April. In addition
they will be singing Mass in Walsingham Anglican Church on Sunday morning before their return.
The Concerts will have a selection of both sacred and secular music in order to provide an
opportunity for the gents to let their hair down and will include a set of four new arrangements of
spirituals by Richard Shephard.
Should anyone be planning a Spring break to Norfolk, the gents would be thrilled to see any
familiar faces at any of the venues.
Minster Community - A Talk by Mark Hosea
"The Creation of the Minster Piazza"
Wednesday 19th February in Chamber 6 of the Undercroft at 7.30pm.
Tickets £2.50. Available from the Community Table after the 10.00am Sunday
Morning Eucharist.
Iona Pilgrimage 9th – 16th August 2014
The Celtic Way led by Canon Newlyn
Due to a cancellation there is a place on the above Pilgrimage. Half board at the House of
Prayer, Isle of Iona, with train from York, a twin or single en-suite room £580.00. Please
contact Jo Holland for more information. Telephone 01904 470519, 07761223023 or
Truth, Lies and the Spirit Level: Poverty and Inequality in Britain Today - Feedback
Including Viv Faull, who chaired the proceedings, there were at least six of us from the Minster
Community at this inspiring day conference. We learnt both facts and myths about the issues of
poverty and inequality in Britain and saw fascinating comparisons of the quality of people's lives in
other countries where society is more equal. Although there were many present from further
afield we did hear about York's efforts to become a poverty free city and Viv challenged us to
think what each of us could do in our local context.
The Minster Community is committed to collecting food for the essential work of the
Middlesborough Foodbank but should we be doing more in our own city as well?
York presents as an affluent city but there are pockets of real poverty and deprivation.
Many of us are already involved on an individual basis with organisations such as Care Cent and
Home Start, but should we be acting or lobbying as a Christian community?
If you think we should and would like to take action please contact one of us:
Penny Heptonstall email:
Diana Gant
William Temple Association
The next meeting of the William Temple Association is tonight Feb 9th: this term our
speaker will be Professor James Crossley, of the University of Sheffield School of Biblical Studies;
his second talk this evening is entitled "The Political Bible: the Gospel of Margaret Thatcher".
Our meetings are held fortnightly on Sundays at 7.30 pm at York St John University, ending with
Compline about 9pm. This term we will be meeting in the Holgate Building, room SK037.
Monday 10
Matins (Zouche Chapel)
Holy Communion (Zouche Chapel)
Informal Performance by Cheltenham Ladies College
Holy Communion (CW) (St John’s Chapel)
Evensong (Cheltenham Ladies Choir) (Quire)
Confirmation class (Consistory Court)
Tuesday 11
Matins (Zouche Chapel)
Holy Communion (Zouche Chapel)
Holy Communion (CW) (St John’s Chapel)
Evensong (Quire)
Wednesday 12
Matins (Zouche Chapel)
Holy Communion (Zouche Chapel)
Holy Communion (BCP) (St John’s Chapel)
Evensong (Quire)
Thursday 13
Matins (Zouche Chapel)
Holy Communion (Zouche Chapel)
Holy Communion with prayers for healing and peace
(St John’s Chapel)
Evensong (Quire)
Friday 14
Matins (Zouche Chapel)
Holy Communion (Zouche Chapel)
Holy Communion (CW) (St John’s Chapel)
Evensong (Quire)
Saturday 15
Matins (Zouche Chapel)
Holy Communion (Zouche Chapel)
Holy Communion (St John’s Chapel)
Evensong (Quire)