Newslett er September 2015 The Circle of Friends would like to welcome back all staff, pupils and parents after a well deserved summer break. We would especially like to welcome all the new Foundation Stage children and their families and hope that their time at Stoberry will be happy and memorable. Summer Barbecue The annual summer barbecue was well supported and a huge success, raising valuable funds for new outdoor play equipment. The first part of this project is being installed this month, so children will soon have the benefit of the fantastic new equipment. Many thanks to all who gave their time to run stalls or support us by spending time and money with us that evening. Christmas Cards Children will shortly begin designing Christmas Cards in class ! Your child will soon be bringing their design home so that you can choose if you would like to have it professionally printed. Every pack of cards you buy will raise £1 for the school. Sits Vac We are very sadly losing our Treasurer after the AGM and desperately need someone to take on this essential role. A basic level of numeracy and IT skills are necessary for this important role. A job description can be found on the school website on the Circle of Friends page but if you would like any further details or an informal chat about what the role entails, please contact either Andrew (01458 897356) or Joanne (01749 675819). If we are unable to recruit a Treasurer it will be impossible for the Circle of Friends to continue raising money for the school so please give it serious consideration. Easyfundraising Anyone can help raise funds for us as they shop online by using the referral site, Registering takes just 5 minutes and by clicking through this site to retailers you donate a small proportion of what you spend to the school. Currently around 52 people are registered and have raised £985 in total so far. We would love to double that number as it clearly has enormous potential as a fundraiser in a school this size. Please take a few minutes to register and support the school in this way. AGM Our AGM will be held this year on Thursday 24th September at 8pm in the School Hall. All staff, parents and friends of the school are warmly invited to attend, whether you have an interest in joining the committee or just want to hear about how we are organised. Committee members can expect to attend 6 friendly and informal evening meetings a year, each lasting 60-90 minutes. You would have a direct say in planning and running our events. We also have a supporter’s list of volunteers willing to help out at events once per term. Please let us know if you can attend our AGM and how you would like to help out, by returning the slip below to the School Office or emailing After the AGM, there will be a short first committee meeting to finalise this term’s events. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Circle of Friends AGM: Thursday 24th September, 8pm Name: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Child’s Name: ………………………………………………….. Class: ………………………………………. Please √ as appropriate: I will be attending the AGM I would like to join the committee I would like the join the Supporter’s List (please provide an email address below) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………