Meeting of the Council of the Cybernetics Society on Tuesday... July 2014 at 6.00pm

Meeting of the Council of the Cybernetics Society on Tuesday 22 nd July 2014 at 6.00pm
followed by the AGM at the MAYDAY ROOMS: 88 Fleet Street, London, EC4Y 1DH
1. Minutes of the previous Council meeting
2. Matters Arising
3. Website issues, problems, successes, potential
4. To note the Annual Accounts and the scope that the current balance affords us and
consider it’s best utilisation
5. Organisation – room booking at King’s and alternatives elsewhere – review.
Developing an effective progress chasing and responsibilities system – committing to
minuted dated targets. Reviewing current shortfalls.
6. Discussion of programme of events and subsequent strategy
a) Conference
b) Scientific Meetings, discussion meetings /topics /social symposia
c) Draft Calendar of Events
7. Educational consolidation & outreach
8. Main non-Society cybernetic items of note in the previous year
9. Date of next Council Meeting
10. Other Activities (?)
11. AOB
1. Minutes of the previous AGM
2. Matters arising
3. Election of Officers (other than Secretary & Treasurer), Council Members and Auditor.
4. To Receive and Adopt the Annual Accounts and Treasurer’s Report and note that following
the resolution at the 2001 AGM to disapply the provisions requiring audit of the accounts and
the accounts not having been audited, to note that the conditions of that resolution still apply.
5. Report of the Secretary
6. Report of the President
7. Matters arising from the preceding Council Meeting
8. AOB