Membership Secretary – Roles & Responsibilities Duties include collecting the Annual subscriptions at the beginning of our year which runs from September to August of the following year. Subscriptions are normally agreed at the AGM and where possible collected at this point. At the moment the payment is £15 for Adult membership, £10 for Juniors and Concessions and £30 four Full membership Members should be notified by email if possible, that subscriptions are due and if payment is not received contact the member concerned personally to discuss their membership and any difficulties or concerns they may be having. Sometimes by making personal contact with members who have not been around for a while will promote a happy outcome with them rejoining. our firm ordnance The club has a red membership book (from many years back) the details of each separate years membership is listed individually with any changes together with how much is paid at the time and by what method and for what membership. These payments should be handed to the Treasurer as soon as possible. When all membership is received in the book for that year, the total should correspond with the amounts of money which has been handed over and be shown on a separate list of all names and payment which the Treasurer will keep for his records. A membership list exists in a Word document giving names, address, and telephone and email details. This should be updated regularly and send via email or post to the membership. It helps to have a copy available at rehearsals especially at the AGM for members to look at and check their details. Make sure that the newsletter representative has all correct details, not forgetting to add any new members to all lists. All new members receive a letter (please see attachment) together with a membership list and a copy of our Constitution (printed separately). You should always be willing to listen to any queries or concerns that members may have with the group and where necessary pass them on to the committee and at all times be able to encourage and promote the membership of the group both within and outside of rehearsals.