Hawk Happenings
High School Activities Handbook
Dear Students and Parents:
The school experience is more meaningful and enjoyable when a student becomes
involved in student activities such as clubs, extra-curricular programs, and athletics.
Whether the activity is part of the sports program, a club, a special interest
organization, or student government, involvement provides students with an
opportunity to make friends, learn important social skills, develop leadership ability,
and take part in fun activities. Studies indicate that students who participate in extracurricular activities are more likely to be successful in their academic work. It is our
hope that each student finds an activity that is exciting and helps to shape his/her
This handbook provides a brief overview and description of co-curricular and extracurricular opportunities available to students. If you have questions, please contact
the Office of Student Activities.
E.W. Nowland III, CMAA
Director of Student Activities
FCPS Regulation 3860
Parents have the right to decline permission for their son or
daughter to participate in any extra-curricular activity/club.
Please call the Student Activities Office (703) 924-7472 if you wish
to exercise the above regulation for your child/children.
General Information
Please note:
There are late buses on Mondays. Notices of club meetings are usually made on the
announcements or daily school bulletin. Flyers are also posted around the school to remind
participants of meeting locations and times. The Director of Student Activities must approve
the activities of any organization. Athletic teams practice every day, many Saturdays and
some holidays. Private transportation may be required. The information contained within
this pamphlet is as current as possible, but please check with the Student Activities Office for
the most up-to-date information.
Extra-Curricular Participation Policy
Fairfax County Public Schools has developed an extra-curricular activities policy governing
the conduct of students involved in extra-curricular activities. This policy has been adapted
for use by Hayfield Secondary School. A copy of the participation policy is enclosed in the
back of the school packet (part of your summer mailing). You can also obtain one from your
club sponsor, coach, or the Student Activities Office. Any student participating in any extracurricular activities must sign the policy and return it to the sponsor or coach. A separate
copy of the policy must be signed for each activity.
A pledge to remain free of all alcohol, tobacco, and illegal drugs is included in the policy.
This pledge is to be signed by the parent and the student in order for a student to participate
in clubs, organizations, and athletics.
Football: Tryouts begin August 6th
Head Coach: Roy Hill
Cheerleading: Tryouts begin August 6th
Head Coach: Lynn Hendricks
Roy.Hill@fcps.edu (Rm 1325)
LMHendricks@fcps.edu (Rm 1333)
Cross Country: Tryouts begin August 6th
Head Coach: Ed Geraty
Ed.Geraty@fcps.edu (Rm 1628)
Dance: Tryouts begin August 13th
Coaches: Johnna Spera & Caprice Threat
Field Hockey: Tryouts begin August 6th
Head Coach: Lauren Cirino
Lauren.Cirino@fcps.edu (Rm 1344)
Golf: Tryouts begin August 1st d
Head Coach: James Purdham
JFPurdham@fcps.edu (Rm 1603)
Volleyball: Tryouts begin August 6th
Head Coach: Jeff Berggren
JMBerggren@fcps.edu (Rm 1628)
Gymnastics: Tryouts begin November 5th
Head Coach: Val Taguding
Girls Basketball: Tryouts begin November 5th
Head Coach: Rudy Coffield
Boys Basketball: Tryouts begin November 5th
Head Coach: Carlos Poindexter
Indoor Track: Tryouts begin November 5th
Head Coach: Dwayne Scott
Swim and Dive: Tryouts begin November 5th
Head Coach: Sophie Florence
Wrestling: Tryouts begin November 5th
Head Coach: Roy Hill
Roy.Hill@fcps.edu (Rm 1325)
Dance: Tryouts will be announced
Coaches: Johnna Spera & Caprice Threat
Boys Lacrosse: Tryouts begin February 18th
Head Coach: Jack Kendall
Girls Lacrosse: Tryouts begin February 18th
Head Coach: Sarah Burrowbridge
Softball: Tryouts begin February 18th
Head Coach: Ron Giovannucci
Baseball: Tryouts begin February 18th
Head Coach: Mike Shore
MJShore@fcps.edu (Rm 1630)
Girls Soccer: Tryouts begin February 18th
Head Coach: Ruben Bolognesi
Boys Soccer: Tryouts begin February 18th
Head Coach: Dan Drickey
Track and Field: Tryouts begin February 18th
Head Coach: Dwayne Scott
Girls Tennis: Tryouts begin February 18th
Head Coach: Theresa Poquis
TBPoquis@fcps.edu (Rm2446)
Boys Tennis: Tryouts begin February 18th
Head Coach: Wil Shaffer
Hayfield Athletic Program
Statement of Goals
The primary goals of the athletic program at Hayfield Secondary School are as
1. To provide an athletic program that meets the expressed needs,
interests, and abilities of the students, consistent with available
facilities, equipment, and quality staff.
2. To provide an athletic program that will satisfy both the competitive needs as
well as recreational needs of the students.
3. To provide equal opportunity for all students.
4. To provide an athletic program that will promote physical well-being and
desirable attitudes in leadership and sportsmanship for both the participants
and spectators.
5. To provide an athletic program that is an integral part of the educational
Physicals and Concussion Education
All athletes must have a completed VHSL Athletic Participation/Parental
Consent/Physical Examination Form on file with the Athletic Trainers and Student
Activities before they may tryout, practice, or compete. The physical must be dated
AFTER May 1st to be used for any sport during the next school year. One physical is
good for the entire year. Beginning August 1st, 2011 all student-athletes and one
parent/guardian per student-athlete must complete an on-line test about concussions.
Certificates demonstrating completion of the on-line education will be filed with the
Student Activities Office and will be a part of eligibility determination.
All athletes must be covered by some form of medical insurance and must indicate
coverage on their physical forms. Insurance through the school is available.
School Attendance
It is the responsibility of all athletes to attend school on a regular basis. Academics 1st!
Athletes are encouraged to dress in an appropriate manner whenever they represent
Hayfield Secondary School.
Equipment and Uniforms
Once equipment and uniforms are issued they become the responsibility of the athlete.
If any of these items are lost or stolen, the athlete will be held financially responsible
for replacing it.
Varsity Letter Requirements
If an athlete completes the season and is in good standing, he/she will receive a
participation certificate. The lettering requirements for each sport are set by the coach
of that sport.
The Hayfield Athletic Participation Policy
A pledge to remain free of all alcohol, tobacco, and illegal drugs is included in the
policy. This pledge is to be signed by the student and parent in order for an athlete to
compete. The signature indicates the student and parent understand the ramifications
of their actions with regard to participation in athletics at Hayfield Secondary School.
A copy of the Participation Policy is enclosed in the back of the school packet (summer
mailing) and is also available from the sponsor, coach or in the Student Activities
Office. Any student participating in any extra-curricular activity is required to sign the
participation policy and return it the coach or sponsor.
Band (Concert, Marching, Wind Ensemble, and Symphonic) & Color Guard
Sponsor: Pat Burke
Where: Room 1524
What: Concert Band is an in-school activity with three concerts. It is open to all.
Jazz music is in a big band setting. Meeting after school, the band includes
trumpets, saxes, trombones, guitar, bass, drums, and keyboard. Members range
from grades 7 through 12. The group can be seen at concerts and at various
Hayfield functions. Marching Band is a fall activity for high school musicians.
Marching Band members perform at football games, Saturday competitions, and
parades. Meetings for Marching Band begin in August. Class credit is given for
band. Auditions are required. Wind Ensemble and Symphonic Band are
advanced band classes. These classes meet during the regular school day and
have out-of-school rehearsals and performances. These co-curricular obligations
include Marching Band. Auditions are required.
How: See Mr. Burke and your Guidance Counselor for more information.
Sponsor: Meghan Nugent
Where: Auditorium and Rm 1525
What: Hayfield drama presents several productions each year. Auditions for full-length
shows are open to all Hayfield high school students. Students are also
encouraged to get involved by working backstage during shows.
How: Drama classes are offered; contact your counselor. Drama involves after-school
commitment. See Ms. Nugent for more information.
Sponsor: Carrie New
Where: Rm 1525
What: The Hayfield Orchestra program consists of five string orchestras and one full
orchestra. Students perform for many events including school concerts, district
festivals, and competitions during the annual spring trip.
How: Classes are offered; contact Ms. New for information on how to get involved!
Poetry Slam/Poetry Club
Sponsor: Brian Hannon
Where: Rm 2439
What: The Poetry Slam Club is a competition club in which poets read or recite original
work. These performances are then judged on a numeric scale by previously
selected members of the audience. Poetry Slam is politicized, speaking on many
issues including current social and economic issues, gendered injustices, and
racial issues. Members of the club meet a minimum of once a month.
How: Contact Mr. Hannon for meeting times and competitions.
Step Team
Sponsor: TBA
Where: TBD
What: The Imani Step Team is a student-run organization. The purpose of the group is
to provide an alternative to the typical philanthropic club. Students perform at
pep rallies, basketball games, forums, and off-campus competitions.
Chorale/Madrigal Singers
Sponsor: Walther Krushinski
Where: Rm 1501
What: Choir is an elective class. Membership in Concert Choir is open to all students,
but an audition is required to be selected for Chorale, Men’s Ensemble, or
Madrigal Singers. All groups rehearse during class time, but have occasional
rehearsals and performances after school. Groups participate in local and
national competitions and festivals each year.
How: See Mr. Krushinski for details; prerequisites are required.
Student Government Association and Class Officers
Sponsor: Janet Babic
Where: Room 2410
What: Every student in the school belongs to the SGA. Because the entire student body
cannot meet together at one time to conduct business, students elect the SGA
Congress and executive officers to represent them at student council meetings.
The SGA is dedicated to promoting citizenship, scholarship, leadership, human
relations, multiculturalism, and pride in Hayfield.
Class Sponsors: 9th Grade – TBA, 10th Grade – Sarah Small, 11th – Janet Babic, 12th –
Liz Galinis and Patti Bohlin (See Ms. Babic for contact information.)
Membership in Class Representation includes the class officers and anyone
interested in assisting the officers in making plans for the school year.
Meetings are monthly and additionally as needed. Class officers welcome all
interested students at anytime to join the Advisory Committee.
The Meridian – Literary Magazine
Sponsor: Bobby Nelson
Where: 2458
What: The Meridian is a publication of original prose, poetry, photography, and
artwork. A staff of Hayfield students selects the works to be included; they also
create the magazine layout. A copy of the magazine is included with each
yearbook purchase.
How: TBD
H2N - Newspaper
Sponsor: Meghan Noecker
Where: Journalism Room (2449)
What: H2News Magazine is the public forum for student expression in the Hayfield
community. It publishes approximately eight issues a year through Journalism
II, III, and IV classes. Staff membership is limited to successful completion of
Journalism I and approval of the instructor.
How: See Ms. Noecker for more information.
The Harvester – Yearbook
Sponsor: Theresa Poquis
Where: Journalism Room (2449)
What: The objective of yearbook class is to produce a 280-page yearbook that reflects
the diverse population of Hayfield Secondary and provide historical coverage of
the events and organizations that take place during the school year.
How: Participation in yearbook is limited; see Ms. Poquis for more information.
It’s Academic
Sponsors: Levi Brown and Rich Hoppock
LCBrown@fcps.edu or
Where: Rm 2416
What: The It’s Academic Team meets once a week to practice for academic
tournaments in the metropolitan area, for the Channel 4 It’s Academic show,
and for the Virginia High School League’s (VHSL) district, regional, and state
competitions. The club is open to high school students who show an active
interest in preparing for academic competition. To be a member of the club, a
student must attend three meetings. To be an active member, the student must
attend at least one meeting per month. Points are given for meetings, meets,
tournaments, and projects; a total of 150 points must be met before the student
receives a letter or pin.
How: See Mr. Brown or Mr. Hoppock for more information.
Sponsor: Charity Fisher
Where: Rm 2409
What: Membership is open to all students who are interested in researching and
discussin competing proposals to solve public policy problems. The students
will enhance their public speaking skills, logical reasoning abilities, and
analytical skills. Members compete in both regional and national competition.
How: See Ms. Fisher for more information.
Sponsor: Meghan Nugent
Where: Rm 1525
What: This dynamic, year-long team incorporates drama, writing, and speaking in 14
events in three leagues. Hayfield’s team has proven so successful that it has
been represented at the National Championship every single season since 1999,
has two National Champions, and has multiple VHSL district, regional, and state
champions. Competitions are 1-2 times per month from October through May.
How: See Ms. Nugent for more information.
French Honor Society
Sponsor: Sarah Swihart
Where: Rm 2431
What: The French Honor Society seeks to recognize high achievements in French and
to promote a continuity of interest in French studies. With a commitment to
school service, members of the French Honor Society provide tutoring to other
students in French.
How: See Ms. Swihart for more information.
History Honor Society
Sponsor: TBA
Where: TBA
What: The History Honor Society seeks to recognize high achievements in History and
to promote a continuity of interest in History studies. With a commitment to
school service, members of the History Honor Society provide tutoring to other
students in History.
How: TBD
Japanese Honor Society
Sponsor: Kyoko Vaughan
Where: Rm 2432
What: The Japanese Honor Society seeks to recognize high achievements in the
Japanese language and to promote a continuity of interest in Japanese studies.
With a commitment to school service, members of the Japanese Honor Society
provide tutoring to other students of Japanese studies. To be eligible for
membership, students must have maintained at least a 3.5 GPA in Japanese for
three semesters.
How: See Ms. Vaughan for more information.
National Art Honor Society
Sponsor: Sallye Mahan-Cox & Nancy Hannans
Where: Art Room, Rm 1121
What: National Art Honor Society is open to art students in grades 10-12 who maintain
at least a B average in their art classes and an overall GPA of at least a C. The
National Art Honor Society focuses on advanced art studio experiences and
media such as printmaking and painting as well as introducing careers in art,
visiting artists, and field trips to museums and art schools. Many art colleges have
scholarships reserved for members of NAHS.
How: See Ms. Mahan-Cox for more information.
National Business Honor Society of Fairfax County (BHS)
Sponsor: John Finneman
Where: Rm 1349
What: The NBHS is based on academic and professional excellence and is open only to
11th and 12th grade students. Seniors must have at least 3 full credits in
business with a grade of B or above in each. Members must have an overall GPA
of 2.8 or above. Juniors must meet the same grade requirements but must have
at least 1 credit in business. They are granted probationary status until they
have at least 3 full credits.
How: See Mr. Finneman for more information.
National Honor Society
Sponsor: Lauren Woodward
Where: Madison Hall
What: Membership in the National Honor Society is by selection of the Principal’s
Committee. Seniors, Juniors, and second semester Sophomores must maintain
an overall GPA of 3.5 and demonstrate and maintain the high standards of
scholarship, leadership, character, and service to the school and community.
How: Selection to National Honor Society is by invitation. Please see your guidance
counselor with any questions.
Science Honor Society
Sponsor: TBA
Where: TBD
What: Membership is open to students who received a 3.5 in at least four semesters of
college preparatory science and are enrolled or completed additional advanced
courses. Members should have a desire to explore areas of science in greater
depth. Activities include guest speakers, community projects, and service time
for the promotion of science within the Hayfield pyramid.
How: TBD
Spanish Honor Society
Sponsor: Jennifer Mathews
Where: 2429
What: The Spanish Honor Society seeks to recognize high achievements in the Spanish
language and to promote a continuity of interest in Hispanic studies. With a
commitment to school service, members of the Spanish Honor Society provide
tutoring to other students of Spanish. To be eligible for membership, students
must have maintained at least a 3.5 GPA in Spanish for three semesters.
How: See Ms. Mathews for more information.
Thespian Society (Troupe #1572)
Sponsor: Meghan Nugent
Where: Rm 1525
What: The Hayfield High Thespian Troupe is an honorary society for students involved
in theatre. Membership is open to students in grades 10-12 who have completed
300 hours of work and fundraising for Hayfield shows and drama-related
How: See Ms. Nugent for more information.
Tri-M Music Honor Society
Sponsor: Pat Burke
Where: 1524
What: Tri-M is a service-centered honor society for students in the music department.
Members are nominated by music faculty and initiated. Seals are added to
diplomas when service is given through senior year.
How: See Mr. Burke for more information.
Arabic Club
Sponsor: Mona Sharaf
Where: Rm 2403
What: Membership in the Arabic Club is open to all students. The activities of this club
promote an interest in the Arabic language and culture. Students will learn Arabic
calligraphy and art, recognize Arabic novels, movies, and poems. Members will also
prepare Arabic gourmet food.
How: See Ms. Sharaf for more information.
American Sign Language Club
Sponsor: TBA
Where: TBD
What: Membership in the American Sign Language club is open to all those interested in
learning about Deaf culture and American Sign Language. It is also open to all ASL and
non-ASL students. Activities include practicing ASL, silent dinners, and activities with
deaf elementary students and other ASL clubs in the area.
How: TBA
French Club
Sponsor: Sarah Swihart
Where: Rm 2431
What: The French Club promotes interest in France and other French-speaking countries,
their language, history, culture, customs, and current events. The club features a meal
at a French restaurant and participates in fundraisers at school, such as pizza sales.
How: See Ms. Swihart for more information.
German Club
Sponsor: TBA
Where: TBD
What: Membership in the German Club is open to all students. Activities of this club promote
an interest in the German language and culture. The main fundraising activity is for
the purchase of the German newspaper, German magazines, and organization of social
How: TBA
Japanese Club
Sponsor: Kyoko Vaughan
Where: Rm 2432
What: As members of the Japanese Club, students will have a chance to explore Japanese
culture by learning the language, cooking Japanese food, and watching Japanese Anime
and Japanese traditional performance such as dancing, martial arts, and more.
How: See Ms. Vaughan for more information.
Latin Club
Sponsor: Irena Greenman
Where: Rm 2424
What: The Latin Club is open to all students. The purpose of the Latin Club is to promote
interest in Latin studies. This club participates in performances and competitions
throughout the year.
How: See Ms. Greenman for more information.
Spanish Club
Sponsor: Emma Riccardi & Miriam Greenberg
emriccardi@fcps.edu or
Where: 2423
What: The Spanish Club is open to all students. The purpose of the Spanish Club is to
promote interest in Spanish studies.
How: See Ms. Riccardi or Ms. Greenberg for more information
DECA (An Association of Marketing Students)
Sponsor: Lynn Hendricks
Where: Rm 1333
What: DECA is a co-curricular professional organization that enriches and supplements the
marketing curriculum. Through participation it affords members the opportunity to
demonstrate and refine competencies required in marketing occupations. All
marketing students are automatically considered members of their school’s local DECA
chapter. They are also given the opportunity to join both the state and national
organizations. The purpose of this organization is to promote career understanding,
civic consciousness, social intelligence, leadership development and satisfaction in a
job well done. DECA students participate in local, district, state, and national
competitive events related to the competencies being developed in the curriculum as
well as many DECA chapter activities throughout the school year.
How: Students must be enrolled Marketing classes; see your guidance counselor for enrollment
FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America)
Sponsor: John Finneman
Where: Rm 1349
What: FBLA is a co-curricular activity available to all students who are enrolled in a businessrelated class. Meetings are held both during and after school. The in-school meetings
emphasize building business knowledge and skills through demonstrations, guest
speakers, field trips, and much more! After-school activities will be service- and socialoriented. Through leadership conferences, workshops, competitions, guest speakers,
and school/community service events, FBLA provides an opportunity for additional
training for college/world of business.
How: Members must be enrolled in business-related classes; see your guidance counselor for
more information.
FCCLA (Family, Community, & Career Leaders of America)
Sponsor: Ritchie DeBruler
Where: Rm 1314
What: FCCLA is a dynamic and effective national student organization that helps young men
and women become leaders and address important personal, family, work, and societal
issues through Family & Consumer Sciences education. It is a co-curricular club that is
open to all students grades 9-12 currently enrolled in a Family & Consumer Sciences
class and to students who have taken a FACS class. Students enrolled in a Family &
Consumer Sciences occupational course affiliate with the FCCLA Chapter. Chapter
activities focus on a variety of youth concerns, including relationships, substance
abuse, peer pressure, environmental issues, nutrition and fitness, intergenerational
communication, and career exploration. Involvement in FCCLA offers members the
opportunity to annually compete in district, state, and national STAR events. Meeting
dates are posted in the Family and Consumer Sciences classes.
How: Members must be enrolled in Family & Consumer Sciences classes; see your guidance
counselor for more information.
FEA(Future Educators of America)
Sponsor: Lucy Foster
Where: 1309
What: FEA is an organization to foster the recruitment and development of prospective educators
worldwide through dissemination and innovative programming and relevant research. By
elevating the image of teaching, FEA will attract dynamic and diverse students who will become
tomorrow’s great educators.
How: Members must be enrolled in Teacher Cadet.
JROTC – ARMY (Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps)
Sponsor: Devin Ruhl
Where: Rm 003A
What: JROTC is an elective course. Enrolled cadets may participate as a member of JROTC
competitive teams and service organizations. The JROTC Military Drill Team, Air Rifle
Team, and Raider Team train and enter local and regional competitions. The JROTC
Color Guard and Honor Guard serve the school community. These special teams and
organizations perform during and after the normal school day. Membership involves
after-school, evening, and weekend practices and performances. JROTC enrollment
also affords deserving cadets with an opportunity to attend a one-week summer
leadership camp.
How: Members must be enrolled in the elective course; see your guidance counselor for more
Skills USA
Sponsor: John Terrien and Donna Holshey
JRTerrien@fcps.edu or
Where: Rm 004 or 1338
What: Membership in Skills USA is open to all students enrolled in Auto Technology or
Cosmetology courses. Students take on leadership positions through mentorship
projects, as well as through both local and national competition.
How: Members must be enrolled in either an Auto Technology or a Cosmetology class; see
your guidance counselor for more information.
TSA Club (Technology Student Association)
Sponsor: Derek Turner
Where: Rm 001
What: TSA is a national association that promotes and sponsors extra-curricular activities in the
Industrial Technology program. Students enrolled in courses such as Mechanical Drawing
and Design and Technology may become members.
How: Members must be enrolled in at least one class in the Industrial Technology program;
see your guidance counselor for more information.
Asian Club
Sponsor: Kiran Abrol
Where: Rm 1326
What: The Asian Club is open to all students interested in learning more about the Asian
culture and traditions.
How: See Ms. Abrol for more information.
Astronomy Club
Sponsor: Patricia Allison
Where: Rm 1316
What: The Astronomy/Planetarium Club studies all aspects of astronomy and looks at the
workings of the Spitz A-4 projection system.
How: See Ms. Allison for more information.
Student Athletic Trainers Club
Sponsor: Tay Tinker and Jami Culbertson
Where: Rm 1615
What: Membership to the Athletic Trainers Club is open to all students interested in learning
more about Sports Medicine. Students learn the principles of injury prevention,
treatment, and rehabilitation while working with each of our athletic teams. A varsity
letter can be earned each season. Bring your enthusiasm. . . we’ll teach you the rest!
How: See Ms. Ellis or Ms. Culbertson for more information.
Book Club
Sponsor: Annalee Schnebele
Where: Library
What: The Book Club promotes the love of reading and creates an opportunity for
discussions. It serves as a place for the voracious reader to find quality reading
material outside the Hayfield Secondary English curriculum. The club meets monthly to
discuss books chosen by its members.
How: TBA
Character ED (HAWCs)
Sponsor: TBA
Where: TBD
What: HAWC is Hayfield’s character education organization. The purpose of HAWC is to
promote good character among Hayfield’s students and to increase school pride and
school spirit. Members participate in an annual retreat and various workshops on
ethical decision-making. HAWC is also involved with community service projects
throughout the year.
How: TBA
College Partnership Program
Sponsor: Derek Turner
Where: Rm 001
What: The mission of the College Partnership Program is to create a collaborative collegial
culture that responds to the achievement challenges of racial, ethnic, and language
minorities. Through partnerships with parents, colleges and universities, and the
business community, the office facilitates: the development of positive attitudes toward
academic achievement, increased communication between staff and parents, increased
minority enrollment and participation in advanced level courses, and increased
numbers of minority students who graduate and enroll in college.
How: See Mr. Turner for more information.
Sponsor: Debbie Sullivan
Where: Middle School Lecture Hall
What: Emerge’s purpose is to create a place in the school where students can pray, worship,
form a relationship with God, and discuss the Bible and its meaning. The club meets
once a week. Members create an inviting, positive pressure-free environment to
create community involvement through volunteering.
How: See Ms. Sullivan in Rm 2417 for more information.
Environmental Club
Sponsor: Meredith Meadows
Where: Rm 1328
What: Membership in the Environmental Club is open to all students who share a concern for
our environment. Students will engage in discussions and hands-on activities that deal
with environmental issues. Students will also develop an awareness of environmental
How: See Ms. Meadows for more information.
ESOL Newspaper Club
Sponsor: TBA
Where: TBD
What: The focus of this club is to produce a newsletter about ESOL students and the ESOL
department at Hayfield for ESOL students and parents.
How: TBA
Fashion Club
Sponsor: Antiya Clemmons
Where: Rm 1332
What: The Fashion Club provides its members with an awareness of careers in the fashion
field and discusses current trends and styles.
How: See Ms. Clemmons for more information.
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Sponsor: TBA
Where: TBD
What: The FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) is a national organization with a purpose
statement that reads: “To present to athletes and coaches, and all whom they
influence, the challenge and adventure of receiving Jesus Christ as their Savior and
Lord, and serving Him in their relationships and in the fellowship of the church.” The
Hayfield group meetings, or “huddles”, meet bi-weekly on Monday nights in students’
homes. It is a time of skits, maybe a short study on a current topic or scripture, a guest
speaker or video, sharing and prayer, and lots of fellowship, food and fun. The group
is open to all Hayfield student-athletes. Also, there are numerous special events held
throughout the year that include an FCA retreat, service projects, caroling at Mount
Vernon Hospital, attending professional games, summer camps and more!
How: TBA
Gay-Straight Alliance
Sponsor: TBA
Where: TBA
What: The Hayfield Gay-Straight Alliance offers all students an opportunity to educate
themselves and discuss issues related to sexual orientation. The GSA aims to promote
diversity and improve the social climate at Hayfield for ALL students. The group also
serves as a support network and resource for students. The GSA has an open-door
policy and invites any and all students to its meetings.
How: See Ms. Babic for more information.
Golf Putt-Putt Club
Sponsor: James Purdham
Where: Rm 1532
What: Members of the Golf Putt-Putt Club participate in miniature golf related activities and
How: Contact Mr. Purdham for more information.
HALT (Hayfield Audio & Lighting Technicians)
Sponsor: Meghan Nugent
Where: Auditorium
What: Hayfield Audio and Lighting Technicians (HALT) is a service organization dedicated to
providing quality lighting and sound for events in the Hayfield auditorium such as
assemblies, concerts, and plays. Students attend training, shadow experienced
students and eventually become County Certified Technicians. This enables them to be
paid if they work non-school sponsored events.
How: See Ms. Nugent for more information.
Hip Hop Club
Sponsor: TBA
Where: TBD
What: The Hip Hop Club offers an array of dance styles, consisting mainly of breakdancing. A club for all levels of expertise, novice to advanced, students will have
the chance to learn and perfect all of the elements of breaking: popping, locking
power, up-rock and more. All dancing is set to the tightest beats and funkiest music
How: TBA
Interact Club
Sponsor: TBA
Where: TBD
What: Interact is a Rotary-sponsored service club for young people aged 14-18. All Interact
Clubs carry out at least two service projects yearly – one that serves the school or
community and another that furthers international understanding. Every Interact Club
is sponsored by a Rotary Club, which provides guidance. Interactors form a service
partnership with the sponsoring Rotarians lending their enthusiastic support to a
variety of Rotary projects.
How: TBA
International Club/Amnesty International
Sponsor: Brian Hannon
Where: Rm 2439
What: The International Club celebrates cultural diversity at Hayfield. We are an active
group who meets twice per month in order to plan the international festivals, fashion
shows, and potluck dinners. Membership is open to all high school students who show
an interest in sharing their culture with the Hayfield community.
How: See Mr. Hannon for more information.
Invisible Children Club
Sponsor: TBA
What: The Invisible Children Club was formed in response to the 2009 documentary Invisible
Children: The Rescue of Joseph Kony’s Child Soldiers and other Invisible Children
media. The club serves as a tool to raise awareness and empower the students of this
campus to create real and lasting change for invisible children (or invisible
circumstances) all over the world. Meetings are held the first and third Monday of each
How: TBD
Junior Math League
Sponsor: Pam Carpenter
Where: Rm1381
What: The Junior Math League focuses on solving problems and applying mathematics to real
world situations. Six contests will be held during the school year. Each contest will consist
of six problems with a 30-minute time limit. The use of calculators is encouraged. The
result of each competition is compared with other Fairfax County schools.
How: See Ms. Carpenter for more information.
Junior Statesman
Sponsor: TBA
Where: TBD
What: Students in Junior Statesman will run a mock government where they will engage in
debates, congressional simulations, mock elections, and other political activities.
How: TBA
Key Club
Sponsor: TBA
Where: TBA, student-led organization which provides its members with
opportunities to perform service, build character, and develop leadership.
How: See Student Activities for more information.
Leo Club
Sponsor: Joyce Giuliani
Where: Media Center
What: Students are encouraged to join this distinguished high school service club and participate
in activities that help our community and our school. Sponsored by the SpringfieldFranconia Lions Club, the Leo Club meets on the last Monday of the month, after school,
and enjoys service activities and social outings throughout the school year.
How: See Ms. Giuliani in the Media Center for more information.
Math Team
Sponsor: Thomas Glynn
Where: Rm 1317
What: The Varsity Math Team participates in the Superintendent’s and Virginia Math League from
October through April. Members answer six questions in timed meets; meets are once
every two weeks. Any student in Algebra II Honors and above is eligible to participate in
the Math Team. Refreshments are served following each meet.
How: See Mr. Glynn for more information.
Model Judiciary Team
Sponsor: TBA
Where: TBD
What: The Model Judiciary Team is open to any senior interested in learning more about the legal
system by assuming the roles of attorneys and witnesses in state-wide mock trial
competitions. Juniors may serve as jurors.
How: TBA
Model UN
Sponsor: TBA
Where: TBD
What: Model UN provides students with unparalleled opportunities to experience the theory and
practice of international relations, to develop lifelong problem-solving skills, and to see the
world with a broader and more sympathetic awareness. Students develop a true sense of
what it is like to be a diplomat and tackle the issues that countries have been struggling
with for years.
How: TBA
Photography Club
Sponsor: Tom Kinder
Where: Rm 1317
What: The Photography Club is an interest club that provides students who are not taking
photography with an opportunity to use the darkroom.
How: See Mr. Kinder for more information
Red Cross Club
Sponsor: TBA
Where: TBD
What: In collaboration with the Red Cross Chapter and a teacher sponsor, students in the Red
Cross Club participate in service learning activities designed to create positive changes in
their community, their school, and in the lives of their peers. Students also learn valuable
leadership and health and safety skills. The club meets fifteen (15) times a year.
How: TBD
Robotics Club
Sponsor: Derek Turner
Where: Rm 001
What: The Robotics Club is an organization that promotes experimentation with robotics, provides
a forum for discussion and sharing information, and gives its members a community to
participate in and learn about the field of robotics.
How: See Mr. Turner for more information.
Science Olympiad Club
Sponsor: Mary Ann Jefferson
Where: Rm 1329
What: The Science Olympiad Club is a fun and challenging way to expand your science knowledge.
There are interscholastic tournaments which are competitions that consist of individual
and team events in the various disciplines of biology, earth science, chemistry, physics,
computers and technology. The events are designed to be fun and challenging like a sports
competition. Science Olympiad is devoted to improving the quality of science education,
increasing student interest, and providing recognition for outstanding achievement.
How: See Ms. Jefferson for more information.
Ultimate Frisbee Club
Sponsor: TBA
Where: TBA
What: The Ultimate Frisbee Club is open to all students interested in meeting regularly and
playing Ultimate Frisbee.
How: See Ms. Carpenter for more information.
YADAPP (Youth Alcohol & Drug Abuse Prevention Project)
Sponsor: TBA
Where: TBD
What: YADAPP is an organization that believes young people need a safe and drug-free
environment to achieve personal success and build strong communities. As primary
influences on their peers, high school students have the capacity to become both positive
influences and leaders in the ongoing efforts to prevent violence and the use of alcohol,
tobacco, drugs, and other risky behaviors.
How: TBA
Young Democrats
Sponsor: TBA
Where: TBD
What: The Young Democrats organization supports and promotes policies within the Democratic
Party that will facilitate greater participation in the political process by voters under the
age of 35. The club coordinates with the campaigns of Democratic candidates to ensure
greater participation by young adults.
How: TBA
Young Republicans
Sponsor: TBA
Where: TBD
What: The Young Republicans organization is a group organized to provide students with the
opportunity to interact in the local political processes.
How: TBA
Hayfield Student Activities and
Athletics Administration
Colors…………………………………………………………………………………..……….Orange and White
Principal………………………………………………………………………….………….Mr. David Tremaine
Director of Student Activities……………………………………………….…………Mr. E.W. Nowland III
Assistant Director of Student Activities………………………………………………….Mr. Jeff Herbert
Assistant Director of Student Activities………………………………………………..…..Mr. Matt Cope
Administrative Assistant – Student Activities Office…………………………..Ms. Theresa Hayman
Student Activities Office………………………………………………….…………………(703) 924-7472
Athletic Website……………………………………………………………………..www.hawksathletics.org
School Website…………………………………………………………………….www.fcps.edu/HayfieldSS/