“A study on use of computer among higher secondary students as related with their computer attitude, achievement in computer science, Selfefficacy in computer, Internet attitude and computer anxiety” JOMY JOHNSON, Research scholar, SRM University. Main function of secondary education is to prepare the young to live effectively and properly as adults in the society. It will also help to develop intellectual powers of the young and transmit the knowledge and wisdom of the society to the new generation. Now a day the world is changing rapidly with the technological advancement. So students must cater with the needs of the society. Information Technology is the most developing science. So the students must know the application of the Information Technology in daily life. The tremendous influence and growth of computer technology creates pressures on everyone affected by its proliferation to interact with computers and become proficient in their use. The computer is causing a change in society that is comparable to the change occasioned by the industrial revolution. This awareness depends upon the use of computer among the higher secondary students. The use of computer among the higher secondary students is connected with computer attitude, Computer anxiety, Achievement in computer science, self-efficacy in computer, internet attitude and Computer anxiety. The successful completion of this study is depending upon the use of computer, computer attitude, Achievement in computer science, self-efficacy in computer, internet attitude and Computer anxiety of the higher secondary students. So we must know the levels of use of computer, computer attitude, Achievement in computer science, self-efficacy in computer and 1 internet attitude and Computer anxiety. The present study will contribute to some extent for that knowledge. In this era of technological advancement, computer education is considered to be an essential ingredient of education. But use of computer, computer attitude, Achievement in computer science, self-efficacy in computer, internet attitude and computer anxiety of a student is an important factor in determining his progress in the field of computer education. Since the computer education is now a part of many higher secondary levels have computer awareness. The students and teachers belonging to higher secondary levels may have a chance of good knowledge in computer. The students already had some familiarity or had not have familiarity with the use of computer at higher secondary level. Computer attitude, Achievement in computer science, self-efficacy in computer, internet attitude and Computer anxiety of students in education are inevitably affected by their familiarity with access to the technology. The computer knowledge possessed by the students will be very useful to them for their future development and if they have a high level of computer attitude, Achievement in computer science, self-efficacy in computer, internet attitude and Computer anxiety then they may an inclination towards the use of computer knowledge for their academic growth. It is also believed that if they possess a high level of computer attitude, Achievement in computer science, self-efficacy in computer, internet attitude and computer anxiety then there may be a chance for them to make use of computer easily. The aim of the study reported here was to investigate “A study on use of computer among higher secondary students as related with their computer attitude, Achievement in computer science, self-efficacy in computer, internet attitude and Computer anxiety”. 2 OBJECTIVES The investigator has framed the following objectives for this present investigation. 1) To find out use of computer and its possible relationship to computer attitude, Achievement in computer science, self-efficacy in computer, internet attitude and Computer anxiety. 2) To find out use of computer and its possible association to computer attitude, Achievement in computer science, self-efficacy in computer, internet attitude and Computer anxiety. 3) To study the significance of the difference between the sub-samples of the students in respect of their Use of computer, computer attitude, Achievement in computer science, self-efficacy in computer, internet attitude and Computer anxiety. 4) To study the levels of use of computer, computer attitude, Achievement in computer science, self-efficacy in computer, internet attitude and Computer anxiety among higher secondary students. HYPOTHESES 1) There is significant relationship between use of computer with computer attitude, Achievement in computer science, self-efficacy in computer, internet attitude and Computer anxiety of higher secondary students. 2) There is significant association between use of computer with computer attitude, Achievement in computer science, self-efficacy in computer, internet attitude and Computer anxiety of higher secondary students. 3) There is significant difference in the use of computer between: male and female higher secondary students; higher secondary students studying in urban schools and rural schools; higher secondary students studying in Science and arts subject; Parent’s with knowledge about computer and Parent’s without knowledge about 3 computer of higher secondary students, Availability of Personal computer at home and not availability of Personal computer at home of higher secondary students. 4) There is significant difference in the Achievement in computer science between: male and female higher secondary students; higher secondary students studying in urban schools and rural schools; higher secondary students studying in Science and arts subject; Parent’s with knowledge about computer and Parent’s without knowledge about computer of higher secondary students, Availability of Personal computer at home and not availability of Personal computer at home of higher secondary students. 5) There is significant difference in the computer attitude between: male and female higher secondary students; higher secondary students studying in urban schools and rural schools; higher secondary students studying in Science and arts subject; Parent’s with knowledge about computer and Parent’s without knowledge about computer of higher secondary students, Availability of Personal computer at home and not availability of Personal computer at home of higher secondary students. 6) There is significant difference in the self-efficacy in computer between: male and female higher secondary students; higher secondary students studying in urban schools and rural schools; higher secondary students studying in Science and arts subject; Parent’s with knowledge about computer and Parent’s without knowledge about computer of higher secondary students, Availability of Personal computer at home and not availability of Personal computer at home of higher secondary students. 7) There is significant difference in the internet attitude between: male and female higher secondary students; higher secondary students studying in urban schools and rural schools; higher secondary students studying in Science and arts subject; Parent’s with knowledge about computer and Parent’s without knowledge about computer of higher secondary students, Availability of Personal computer at home and not availability of Personal computer at home of higher secondary students. 4 8) There is significant difference in the computer anxiety between: male and female higher secondary students; higher secondary students studying in urban schools and rural schools; higher secondary students studying in Science and arts subject; Parent’s with knowledge about computer and Parent’s without knowledge about computer of higher secondary students, Availability of Personal computer at home and not availability of Personal computer at home of higher secondary students. PROCEDURE Tools Tools used were: a scale to measure use of computer among higher secondary Students constructed and validated by the investigator (2008), computer attitude scale constructed and validated by kumaran and selvaraj (2001), a scale to measure self-efficacy in computer among higher secondary Students constructed and validated by the investigator (2008), internet attitude scale constructed and validated by the investigator (2008) and computer anxiety scale constructed and validated by the investigator (2008). Achievement in computer science was measured from the achievement scores in computer science of higher secondary students are taken from teachers. In the present study a scale to measure use of computer among the higher secondary Students is constructed and validated by the investigator was used. It is of the Likert type having as many as 32 statements. Each statement is set against a 5 point scale of “often”, “always”, “sometimes”, “never” and weight of 4,3,2,1 are given in that order for the statements .An individual score is sum of all the scores for the 32 items. The score in the scale to measure use of computer range form 0 to 128. The reliability and validity of the scale is 0.62 and 0.78. In the present study computer attitude scale is constructed and validated by kumaran and selvaraj (2001) was used. It is of the Likert type having as many as 36 5 statements. 18 of them are favourably worded and the remaining 18 are unfavourably worded. Each statement is set against a 5 point scale of “Strongly agree”, “Agree”, “Undecided”, “Disagree” and “Strong Disagree” and weight of 4,3,2,1 & 0 are given in that order for the favourable statements and the scoring is reversed for the unfavourable statements, An individual score is sum of all the scores for the 36 items. The score in the computer attitude scale range form 0 to 144. The reliability and validity of the computer attitude scale are 0.78 and 0.88. In the present study a scale to measure self-efficacy in computer among higher secondary students is constructed and validated by the investigator was used. It is of the Likert type having as many as 16 statements. 8 of them are positively worded and the remaining 8 are negatively worded. Each statement is set against a 5 point scale of “Strongly agree”, “Agree”, “Undecided”, “Disagree” and “Strong Disagree” and weight of 4,3,2,1 & 0 are given in that order for the positive statements and the scoring is reversed for the negative statements, An individual score is sum of all the scores for the 16 items. The score in the scale to measure self-efficacy in computer among higher secondary students range form 0 to 80. The reliability and validity of the scale is 0.74 and 0.86. In the present study a scale to measure internet attitude is constructed and validated by the investigator was used. It is of the Likert type having as many as 16 statements. Each statement is set against a 5 point scale of “often”, “always”, “sometimes”, “never” and weight of 4,3,2,1 are given in that order for the statements .An individual score is sum of all the scores for the 16 items. The score in the Higher secondary student’s 6 internet attitude scale range form 0 to 64. The validity and reliability of the higher secondary student’s internet attitude scale are 0.61 and 0.78. In the present study higher secondary student’s computer anxiety scale is constructed and validated by the investigator was used. It is of the Likert type having as many as 20 statements. 9 of them are positively worded and the remaining 11 are negatively worded. Each statement is set against a 5 point scale of “Strongly agree”, “Agree”, “Undecided”, “Disagree” and “Strongly Disagree” and weight of 4,3,2,1 & 0 are given in that order for the positive statements and the scoring is reversed for the negative statements, An individual score is sum of all the scores for the 20 items. The score in the computer anxiety scale range form 0 to 80. Reliability and validity of the higher secondary student’s computer anxiety scale is 0.79 and 0.88. Sample Cluster sampling technique has been used in the selection of the sample of as many as 802 students studying in the Higher Secondary Schools situated in the Thrissur district of Kerala, India. 25 Higher Secondary Schools have been chosen by lottery method from Thrissur district of Kerala. Out of these 25 Higher Secondary Schools, 11 happened to be located in the urban areas and the remaining 14 were located in the rural areas. Likewise out of the 25 Higher Secondary Schools, 7 happened to be Higher Secondary Schools with science students and the remaining 18 happened to be Higher Secondary Schools with arts students. All the available students studying in each of these selected Higher Secondary Schools were chosen as sample. This sample of 802 students in the Higher Secondary Schools is found to have the following sub-samples: (1) Male Students (N=400), (2) Female Students (N=402), (3) Students from Urban schools (N=392), (4) 7 Students from rural schools (N=410), (5) Students studying in science subject (N=400), (6) Students studying in arts subject (N=402), (7) higher secondary Student’s Parents with knowledge about computer (N=211), (8) higher secondary Student’s Parents without knowledge about computer (N=591), (9) higher secondary Student’s Availability of Personal computer at home(N=145), (10) higher secondary Student’s no Availability of Personal computer at home(N=657). Statistical Treatment of the Data The means and standard deviations of the use of computer, computer attitude, Achievement in computer science, self-efficacy in computer, internet attitude and Computer anxiety scores were computed directly from the respective raw scores for the entire sample and its five sub-samples of the higher secondary students. The percentages of the entire sample of the higher secondary students who had high, average and low level of use of computer with computer attitude, Achievement in computer science, selfefficacy in computer, internet attitude and Computer anxiety were also computed & as shown in Table-2, Table-3 , Table-4, Table-5, Table 6 and Table 7. The test of significance was used (‘t’ test) in order to study if there was any significant difference between each selected pair of sub-samples in respect of their use of computer with computer attitude, Achievement in computer science, self-efficacy in computer, internet attitude and Computer anxiety & as shown in Table-8, Table-9, Table-10, Table-11, Table-12 and Table13 . Pearson’s product-moment ‘r’ was computed between use of computer and computer attitude, use of computer and Achievement in computer science, use of computer and self-efficacy in computer, use of computer and internet attitude and use of computer and computer anxiety scores of the higher secondary students as shown 8 in Table-1. Chi-square value was used in order to study if there was any association between use of computer and computer attitude, use of computer and Achievement in computer science, use of computer and self-efficacy in computer, use of computer and internet attitude and use of computer and computer anxiety scores of the higher secondary student FINDINGS There is significant relationship between use of computer with internet attitude of higher secondary students. There is no significant relationship between use of computer with computer attitude, Achievement in computer science, self-efficacy in computer and computer anxiety of higher secondary students. There is significant association between use of computer with computer attitude, Achievement in computer science, self-efficacy in computer, internet attitude and computer anxiety of higher secondary students. There is significant difference in the use of computer between male and female higher secondary students. Compare to female, the male higher secondary students have better use of computer. There is significant difference in the use of computer between higher secondary students studying in Science and arts subject. Compare to science, arts higher secondary students are better in use of computer. 9 There is significant difference in the use of computer between Parent’s with knowledge about computer and Parent’s without knowledge about computer of higher secondary students. Compare to parents without knowledge about computer, parents with knowledge about computer of higher secondary students. have better use in computer. There is significant difference in the use of computer between Availability of Personal computer at home and not availability of Personal computer at home of higher secondary students. Compare to not availability of Personal computer at home, availability of computer at home of higher secondary students have better use in computer. There is no significant difference in the use of computer between higher secondary students studying in urban schools and rural schools. There is significant difference between the higher secondary male and female students with respect of their computer attitude. Compare to female, the male students have better computer attitude. There is significant difference between the higher secondary urban and rural students in respect of their computer attitude. Compare to rural, urban students have better computer attitude. There is significant difference between the higher secondary science and art students in respect of their computer attitude. Compare to art, the science students have better computer attitude. There is significant difference between the parents with knowledge about computer and parents without knowledge about computer of higher secondary 10 students in respect of their computer attitude. Compare to parents without knowledge about computer, parents with knowledge about computer have better computer attitude. There is significant difference between the availability of computer at home and not availability of computer at home of higher secondary students in respect of their computer attitude. Compare to Not availability of computer at home, availability of computer at home have better computer attitude. There is no significant difference in the Achievement in computer science between: male and female higher secondary students; higher secondary students studying in urban schools and rural schools; higher secondary students studying in Science and arts subject; Parent’s with Parent’s without knowledge about computer and knowledge about computer of higher secondary students, Availability of Personal computer at home and not availability of Personal computer at home of higher secondary students. There is no significant difference in the Self-efficacy in computer science between: male and female higher secondary students; higher secondary students studying in urban schools and rural schools; higher secondary students studying in Science and arts subject; Parent’s with Parent’s without knowledge about computer and knowledge about computer of higher secondary students, Availability of Personal computer at home and not availability of Personal computer at home of higher secondary students. There is no significant difference in the Internet attitude between: male and female higher secondary students; higher secondary students studying in urban 11 schools and rural schools; Parent’s with knowledge about computer and Parent’s without knowledge about computer of higher secondary students, Availability of Personal computer at home and not availability of Personal computer at home of higher secondary students. There is significant difference in the Internet attitude between higher secondary students studying in Science and arts subject. Compare to arts, Science students are better in Internet attitude. There is significant difference in the Computer anxiety between male and female higher secondary students. Compare to female, male of higher secondary students. students are better in computer anxiety. There is significant difference in the Computer anxiety between Parent’s with knowledge about computer and Parent’s without knowledge about computer of higher secondary students. Compare to parents without knowledge about computer, parents knowledge about computer of higher secondary students are better in Computer anxiety. There is significant difference in the Computer anxiety between Availability of Personal computer at home and not availability of Personal computer at home of higher secondary students. Compare to not availability of Personal computer at home, availability of Personal computer at home of higher secondary students are better in Computer anxiety. There is no significant difference in the Computer anxiety between higher secondary students studying in i) urban schools and rural schools ii) Science and arts subject. 12 About 26.93% of higher secondary students, taken for the study have shown high use of computer whereas 47.76% and 25.31% of higher secondary students, taken for the study have shown average and low use of computer. About 26.56% of higher secondary students, taken for the study have shown high computer attitude whereas 44.26% and 29.18 % of higher secondary students, taken for the study have shown average and low computer attitude. About 26.93% of higher secondary students, taken for the study have shown high computer attitude whereas 43.14% and 29.93 % of higher secondary students, taken for the study have shown average and low Achievement in computer science. About 28.93% of higher secondary students, taken for the study have shown high self-efficacy in computer whereas 43.64% & 27.43%, taken for the study have shown average and low self-efficacy in computer. About 27.43% of higher secondary students, taken for the study have shown high Internet attitude whereas 47.26 % & 25.31% of higher secondary students, taken for the study have shown moderate & low Internet attitude. About 26.93% of higher secondary students, taken for the study have shown high computer anxiety whereas 47.76 % and 25.31% of higher secondary students taken for the study have shown average and low computer anxiety. 13 CONCLUSION The study served as an eye opener regarding the use of computer, computer attitude, Achievement in computer science, self-efficacy in computer and Internet attitude of higher secondary students. Even though there are some limitations in the present study, it is evident that the use of computer, computer attitude, Self-efficacy in computer, Internet attitude and Achievement in computer science is average in higher secondary students. The result reveals that there is significant relationship between use of computer with Internet attitude of higher secondary students. The result reveals that there is no significant relationship between use of computer with Achievement in computer science, self-efficacy in computer and computer attitude of higher secondary students. Also a significant difference is observed in the use of computer between groups regarding gender, stream of subject, Parents knowledge about computer and Availability of Personal computer at home. Also a significant difference is observed in the computer attitude between groups regarding gender, stream of subject, location of the school, Parents knowledge about computer and Availability of Personal computer at home. Also a significant difference is observed in the computer anxiety between groups regarding gender, Parents knowledge about computer and Availability of Personal computer at home. This reveals that the use of computer, computer attitude, Self-efficacy in computer, internet attitude and Achievement in computer science of higher secondary students needs to be improved. 14 REFERENCES Kumaran, D and Selvaraj, K (2001)A study of cognitive and affective computer attitude of teachers. Journal of All India Association for Educational Research. 13, 1& 2, 1-7, March - June.. Rajasekar,S. (2005)University students’ attitude towards computer. Recent Researches in Education and Psychology 10, 1-11, 1-5. Sam .H.K, Othman,A.E.A, and Nordin, Z.S (2005) Computer self-efficacy, computer anxiety and attitudes toward the internal: A study among undergraduates in Unimas. Educational Technology and Society 8, 4, 205-219. Brosnan, M., & Lee, W. (1998). A cross-cultural comparison of gender differences in computer attitudes and anxiety: The UK and Hong Kong. Computers in Human Behavior, 14 (4), 559-577. Chua, S. L., Chen, D., & Wong, A. F. L., (1999). Computer anxiety and its correlates: A meta-analysis. Computers in Human Behavior 15, 609-623. 15 Table-1 Coefficient of correlation between the variables Variables Correlation coefficient Entire sample (802) use of computer with Computer attitude 0.02 use of computer and achievement in computer 0.06 science use of computer and Self-efficacy in computer 0.018 use of computer with internet attitude 0.14** use of computer with computer anxiety 0.05 ** Significant at 0.01 level Table-2 Frequency distribution of level of use of computer Use of computer Low Average High Total Frequency 203 383 216 802 Percentage 25.31 47.76 26.93 100.00 Table-3 Frequency distribution of level of computer attitude Computer attitude Low Average High Total Frequency 234 355 213 802 16 Percentage 29.18 44.26 26.56 100.00 Table-4 Frequency distribution of level of achievement in computer science Computer attitude Low Average High Total Frequency 240 346 216 802 Percentage 29.93 43.14 26.93 100.00 Table-5 Frequency distribution of level of self-efficacy in computer Computer attitude Low Average High Total Frequency 220 350 232 802 Percentage 27.43 43.64 28.93 100.00 Table-6 Frequency distribution of level of Internet attitude Computer attitude Low Average High Total Frequency 203 379 220 802 Percentage 25.31 47.26 27.43 100.00 Table-7 Frequency distribution of level of computer anxiety Computer attitude Low Average High Total Frequency 203 383 216 802 17 Percentage 25.31 47.76 26.93 100.00 Table -8 Data and results of the test of significance of difference between mean scores of use of computer based on relevant sub-samples Variable Category Mean S.D N Male 71..09 13..75 400 Female 65.85 13.56 400 Urban 68.15 14.76 389 a. Gender b. Location Rural 68.77 13.03 411 Science 66.73 15.32 399 Art 70.19 12.09 401 d. Parents knowledge about computer Yes 73.79 12.66 211 No 66.57 13.83 589 e. availability of Personal computer at home Yes 74.76 13.48 145 c. Stream of subject No 67.08 13.61 Calculated Significance ‘t’ value at 5% level 5.44 S 0.63 NS 3.54 S 6.65 S 6.16 S 655 (Table value of ‘t’ at 5% level of significance is 1.96) 18 Table -9 Data and results of the test of significance of difference between mean scores of computer attitude based on relevant sub-samples Variable Category Mean S.D N Male 78.96 9.37 400 Female 77.27 9.72 400 Urban 78.85 9.48 389 a. Gender b. Location Rural 77.42 9.64 411 Science 78.88 9.89 399 Art 77.36 9.21 401 d. Parents knowledge about computer Yes 80.71 8.67 211 No 77.19 9.73 589 e. availability of Personal computer at home Yes 80.30 8.35 145 c. Stream of subject No 77.63 9.77 Calculated Significance ‘t’ value at 5% level 2.50 S 2.11 S 2.25 S 4.64 S 3.05 S 655 (Table value of ‘t’ at 5% level of significance is 1.96) 19 Table-10 Data and results of the test of significance of difference between mean scores of achievement in computer science based on relevant sub-samples Variable Category Mean S.D N Male 33.45 8.10 400 Female 33.56 8.17 400 Urban 33.59 8.18 389 Rural 33.43 a. Gender b. Location c. Stream of subject Science 33.74 8.10 8.20 8.06 401 d. Parents knowledge about computer Yes 33.79 8.11 211 No 33.40 8.14 589 e. availability of Personal computer at home Yes 33.30 8.08 145 8.15 ‘t’ value at 5% level 0.19 NS 0.28 NS 0.82 NS 0.60 NS 0.34 NS 399 33.27 33.55 Significance 411 Art No Calculated 655 (Table value of ‘t’ at 5% level of significance is 1.96) 20 Table 11 Data and results of the test of significance of difference between mean scores of selfefficacy in computer based on relevant sub-samples Variable Category Mean S.D N Male 34.88 5.36 400 Female 34.78 5.51 400 Urban 34.72 5.23 389 a. Gender b. Location Rural 34.93 5.62 411 Science 34.54 4.61 399 Art 35.12 6.12 401 d. Parents knowledge about computer Yes 35.27 4.73 211 No 34.68 5.66 589 e. availability of Personal computer at home Yes 35.49 4.71 145 c. Stream of subject No 34.68 5.57 Calculated Significance ‘t’ value at 5% level 0.26 NS 0.53 NS 1.53 NS 1.36 NS 1.62 NS 655 (Table value of ‘t’ at 5% level of significance is 1.96) 21 Table 12 Data and results of the test of significance of difference between mean scores of internet attitude in computer based on relevant sub-samples Variable Category Mean S.D N Male 42.32 8.39 400 a. Gender Female 41.60 8.46 400 Urban 42.31 8.39 389 Rural 41.64 b. Location 8.47 44.10 8.07 399 Art 39.85 8.26 401 d. Parents knowledge about computer Yes 42.54 7.97 211 No 41.76 8.59 589 e. availability of Personal computer at home Yes 42.32 7.66 145 subject No 41.89 8.60 Significance ‘t’ value at 5% level 1.21 NS 1.13 NS 7.37 S 1.15 NS 0.57 NS 411 Science c. Stream of Calculated 655 (Table value of ‘t’ at 5% level of significance is 1.96) 22 Table 13 Data and results of the test of significance of difference between mean scores of computer anxiety based on relevant sub-samples Variable Category Mean S.D N Male 49.68 9.65 400 Female 47.52 9.54 400 Urban 49.05 9.31 389 a. Gender b. Location Rural 48.17 9.95 411 Science 49..68 9.65 399 Art 47.52 9.54 401 d. Parents knowledge about computer Yes 51.66 9.14 211 No 47.50 9.6 589 e. availability of Personal computer at home Yes 52.23 8.71 145 c. Stream of subject No 47.80 9.67 Calculated Significance ‘t’ value at 5% level 3.18 S 1.29 NS 0.08 NS 5.47 S 5.08 S 655 (Table value of ‘t’ at 5% level of significance is 1.96) 23