Nonfiction Text Analysis Declaration of Independence

Informational/Non-Fiction Text Analysis Declaration of Independence
Title of Source:
Type of Source:
1. What is the thesis/main idea of this source? (one sentence: in your own words)
2. Write three details/facts from the text that are the most important to remember and state why each is
3. Who is the most likely intended audience for this source? Be specific.
4. Provide two details from the text to support your answer; you can use direct quotes.
5. Provide one word to describe the author’s attitude in this article.
6. Provide two details from the text to support your answer; you can use direct quotes.
7. Does the attitude/tone of the article shift? How does it shift? (from what to what?)
8. What was the author’s purpose in writing this source? What did s/he want us to think or do based on
having read it?
9. Provide three details from the text to support your answer?
10. Would you most likely defend, qualify, or challenge the major argument in this article (thesis from
#1)? Do that in one sentence here—be sure to use at least two details from the text to support your
11. How does this article/topic connect to other information you know about?
12. How does the topic impact or effect those involved?
13. What is the most striking quote, fact, or statistic that you read in this article? Why?
14. Provide multiple examples of parallelism from this text.