Vocabulary Instructional Sequence for Read Aloud Title of Read Aloud: Pass That Test…Don’t Eat It! by Michael Ward Before Reading: Give an overview of the book- This is a story of why kids take tests and how they can do their best on them. Invite predictions and record them on a sticky note. Set the purpose for reading: Listen to find out how you can do your best on every test. During Reading: Provide opportunities for students to develop concepts and vocabulary, model constructing meaning, use appropriate questions to guide comprehension, and model fluent, expressive reading. After Reading: Discuss meaning of story. Prove or disprove predictions. Then, follow the vocabulary sequence. Vocabulary Words: prepare, focus, attitude Contextualize the word. Tell how it was used in the story, reread the sentence. p.11-Everyone tried very hard, but there were a few kids who decided it would be more fun to play instead of study and prepare for the test. p.16-The students suddenly began to realize how important it was to focus and learn all they could to do well on the test. p.16-Ms. Listenston explained to the class how important is was to have a good attitude about testing. Say the word together. Put the word in the child’s phonological processor. Give a student friendly definition. Define in own words; pair with an example. Prepare means to get ready for something. prepare focus attitude Use in other contexts. Give examples in contexts other than the one used in the story. Mom will prepare the food for supper. Engage students. Students interact with target words. Questions, Reasons, and Examples Say the word together. Repeat the word again to reinforce the phonological processor. Making Choices- Say prepare if you would prepare for this: -A tornado is coming to your area -Play outside -Cooking lunch - A sore throat Focus means to concentrate on something. The hunter had to focus on the deer in the woods. Give me a thumbs up if you would need to focus at these times: -going to bed at night -reading a book -playing on the playground -taking a math test Attitude is a way of thinking or feeling about something. John had a bad attitude about going to the doctor. Would you have a good attitude if you yelled and screamed at someone? Would you have a good attitude if you helped a friend with a project? prepare focus attitude Use all the words together: It is important to have a good attitude as you prepare to focus on the test. Prepare focus attitude www.barbervalleybooks.com