Evolution Unit – December 8th to 19th Date December 8th December 9th *Library* Topic/Activities 1. Warm Up 2. Natural and Sexual Selection (PowerPoint) 1. Warm Up 2. Natural Selection Gizmos (Online Lab) Complete computer simulations: Natural Selection Gizmo Rainfall and Bird Beaks Gizmo Homework pg 335 #1-11, 14 Learning Goals use proper scientific terminology to describe natural and sexual selection describe types of selection that lead to evolution in species Success Criteria define the terms:, directional selection, stabilizing selection, disruptive selection, sexual selection, genetic drift, genetic bottle neck, founder effect, human influences on selection describe the three types of natural selection describe sexual selection and sexual dimorphisms compare natural and sexual selection explain how small populations can experience evolution without selection pressures www.explorelearning.com December 10th Course Code: DZCEW7ZPQG 1. Warm Up 2. Take up Homework pg 335 #1-11, 14 3. Speciation and Patterns of Evolution (PowerPoint) pg 340 #2-6 pg 345 #1-5 December 11th December 12th 1. Warm Up 2. Darwin and Selection Formative Quiz 3. Take up Homework pg 340 #2-6 pg 345 #1-5 4. The History of Life (PowerPoint) 1. Warm Up 2. Take up Homework pg 355 #2-9 3. Collect Human Evolution Projects 4. Human Impacts on Evolution - Benefits and Issues of Artificial Selection (Articles and Discussion) pg 355 #2-9 use proper scientific terminology to describe speciation and patterns of evolution explain the process of speciation describe patters of evolution use proper scientific terminology to describe the evolution of life on Earth describe how life on Earth has evolved describe the impacts humans have on evolution in other species define the terms: microevolution, speciation, reproductive isolation, prezygotic, postzygotic, allopatric speciation, sympatric speciation, adaptive radiation, coevolution, divergent evolution, convergent evolution compare allopatric and sympatric speciation describe mechanisms of reproductive isolation compare prezygotic and postzygotic reproductive isolation compare convergent and divergent evolution explain how species can evolve together define the terms: macroevolution, evolution of life, diversification, mass extinction, transitional forms explain how life on Earth has evolved over billions of years explain the progression of complexity of life describe how humans impact the evolution of other species December 15th 1. Warm Up 2. Discuss and Hand Back Human Evolution Projects 3. Review 1. Evolution Unit Test Review Questions Self Quiz pg 317 #1-18 pgs 318-323 #1-15, 28, 30, 32, 33, 37, 39, 40, 42, 44-48, 54-58, 63-68, 75, 78-82 December 16th Self Quiz pg 371 #1-19 1. Warm Up 2. Article Review December 17th pgs 372-376 #1-13, 17-27, 29, 32-41, 46-49, 53, 55-58, 69 December 18th and 19th 1. Warm Ups 2. The Incredible Human Machine (Video) use proper scientific define the terms: primate, prosimian, anthropoid, terminology to hominids describe human compare primates and hominids evolution describe the features that make humans different from describe how other primates humans evolved describe how hominids have evolved and travelled Genetic Variation o describe the importance of genetic variation o compare neutral, harmful and beneficial mutations Evidence for Evolution o compare evidence for evolution collected by the following branches of science: paleontology, comparative anatomy, embryology, comparative biochemistry, protective resemblance, geographical distribution, domestication and classification o compare homologous, analogous and vestigial features Lamarck, Wallace and Darwin o describe the research and contributions of Lamarck, Wallace and Darwin Selection o compare artificial, natural and sexual selection o describe the three types of natural selection (directional, stabilizing and disruptive) o describe the two types of sexual selection (competition and mate choice) o describe how humans have impacted the evolution of other species Evolution in Small Populations o compare types of genetic drifts (genetic bottle neck and founder effects) Speciation o describe a species and explain the process of speciation o compare prezygotic and poszygotic speciation Patterns of Evolution o compare convergent, divergent and coevolution History of Life o describe how life on Earth evolved Human Evolution o describe the process of human evolution o describe the features of A. aferensis, A. robustus, H. habilis, H. erectus, H. neandethalesis o compare anthropoid and prosimian organisms o list the features that are distinctly human use proper use proper scientific terminology to describe human scientific body systems terminology to compare structures and functions of each of the main describe human organ systems in humans body systems