Evolution 101 Table of Contents 1. An introduction to evolution

Evolution 101 Table of Contents
1. An introduction to evolution
Evolution briefly defined and explained
2. The history of life: looking at the patterns
How does evolution lead to the tree of life?
The family tree
Understanding phylogenies
Building the tree
Homologies and analogies
Using the tree for classification
Adding time to the tree
How we know what happened when
Important events in the history of life
3. Mechanisms: the processes of evolution
How does evolution work?
Descent with modification
Mechanisms of change
Genetic variation
The causes of mutations
Gene flow
Sex and genetic shuffling
Genetic drift
Natural selection
What about fitness?
Sexual selection
Artificial selection
Misconceptions about natural selection
4. Microevolution
How does evolution work on a small scale?
Defining microevolution
Detecting microevolutionary change
Mechanisms of microevolution
5. Speciation
What are species anyway, and how do new ones evolve?
Defining a species
Defining speciation
Causes of speciation
Reproductive isolation
Evidence for speciation
6. Macroevolution
How does evolution work on a grand scale?
What is macroevolution?
Patterns in macroevolution
7. The big issues
What are some of the big questions that evolutionary biologists are
trying to answer?
The pace of evolution
Diversity in clades
Looking at complexity
Trends in evolution