Campus Center Room 204 Thursday, February 15, 2006 7:00pm


Campus Center Room 204

Thursday, February 15, 2006 7:00pm

Members Present: Meg Ambrus, Jillian Flynn, Molly McCadden, Jan Arbaugh, Adrienne

Lee, Margaret MacRae, Ayesha Siddiqui, Michele Chapdelaine, Devin Burke, Rae-Anne

Butera, Mary Opler, Ali Woodruff, Aliza Leventhal, McKay LeBlanc, Shadavia Jones,

Kamille King

I. Call to Order – Meg


Meg called the meeting to order at 7:05pm

II. Opening Activity – All

A. What is the funniest/most interesting thing someone said to you this week?

III. Minutes – Adrienne/All

A. Motion to approve minutes from 2-8-07 passes 13-0-2

IV. Constitutional Review – Meg/All

A. Ada Cabinet Overview

1. Ada revisions pass 14-0-1, with the provision that the constitution is made gender neutral

B. J.B. Overview – Michele

1. Are there checks and balances?

2. Straw poll: 8-3-2

3. Obligation to students’ rights and responsibilities

4. Motion to approve the changes including “review” passes 12-2-1

5. Motion to approve the changes including “the college counsel or his or her designee” passes 14-0-1

6. Motion to change “Probation” to “Social Probation” and add a separate

section entitled “Probation” passes 14-0-1

7. Motion to change “Expulsion” to “Permanent separation” passes 14-0-1

8. Motion to pass the section on Judicial Board passes 14-0-1

C. EnA Overview – Special Guest: Nicole

1. Wants vice chair to be elected in all-campus vote and then automatically become the chair for the next year a. Counter reason: encourage underclass-people to start involvement in

SGA as EnA chair and to continue SGA involvement, and twoyear commitment is a lot

2. Motion to approve the placement of the EnA Chair on cabinet as a

voting member passes 14-0-1

3. Motion to have the vice chair of EnA sit on Senate as a non-voting

member passes 14-0-1

D. Remaining Changes – All/Committee Leader

1. Motion to change “budget” to “SAF” in II.2.H passes 14-0-1

2. Motion to change I.1.K to include Committee on Elections and

Appointments passes 14-0-1

3. Motion to approve changes to Articles I-IV passes 14-0-1

4. Motion to table constitutional review passes 14-0-1

VI. Board of Trustees – Meg/All

A. Independent Study Group?

1. McKay leads; Adrienne, Molly, Aliza, Jill, Meg, Mary

B. Diversity Group?

2. Kamille leads; Jan, Michele, Shadavia, Ali, Ayesha, Margaret, Devin

VII. Pub Updates – Meg

A. Food?

1. Wings, pretzels, chips, fries, cheese, crackers, fruit, vegan food, Oreo cookies

B. Rules?

1. College policy and state laws will be enforced

VIII. Essential Committee Updates – All



1. HPA and SCEMS joining together to form better bathroom pamphlets on campus



1. Suggest alternate themes for senior ball; e-mail Ali

IX. Motion to Adjourn

A. Meg motioned to adjourn at 9:06pm
