Curriculum English Every child needs to be confident and competent in their use of English to communicate efficiently. We ensure this by: Using phonics to establish basic reading and writing skills. Incorporating role play and drama into activities and lessons. Making writing purposeful; for a reason and/or and audience. Using interactive resources to enhance learning and make it even more enjoyable. Mathematics Mathematics in Wavertree CE Primary is taught according to the Primary Framework. Mathematics is a fundamental tool which is used daily throughout life. Each pupil will be given the opportunity to raise their level of expectation and standard of achievement to the highest level possible. We will enable each pupil to experience the success and enjoyment only possible through this vital area of intellectual enrichment. We develop in each pupil : positive attitudes towards mathematics as a subject in which each individual can experience success and raise their standard of achievement and level of expectation; an appreciation of mathematical pattern and the ability to recognise relationships within those patterns; mathematical skills and knowledge as well as a quick recall of basic mathematical facts; an understanding of mathematics through enquiry and investigation thereby facilitating the pupils’ ability to “discover for themselves; the ability to think clearly and logically ( e.g. problem solving and estimation ); an awareness of the mathematical skills, concepts and knowledge; an appreciation of the creative aspects of mathematics; an increasing confidence in their use of mathematics enabling the child to express themselves clearly and use the language of mathematics with assurance a sense of fulfilment and enjoyment from the use and study of the subject. The ability to use and apply mathematics across all dimensions of the subject and in particular, relating to real life situations. Science Science education at Wavertree Church of England School will encourage each individual pupil to explore, experience and question scientific ideas and concepts in a lively, interesting and enjoyable way, thus embodying a pupil’s natural curiosity in how things happen, and developing upon each individual’s pre-existing knowledge through the ‘science processes and concept exploration’ method of teaching. We develop in each pupil : an interest in and an awareness of science and other related subjects; the ability to explore, observe and record observations; an understanding of scientific concepts; logical thought processes; confidence to pose questions, devise experiments and investigations and draw conclusions from their findings; an awareness of patterns, relationships and changes in the physical environment; the ability to apply appropriate scientific concepts to life in general; sense of fulfilment and enjoyment from the use and study of science. Information and Communication Technology All pupils have access to, and use the very best new technology that we are able to provide. The school has an ICT Suite and all classrooms are equipped with interactive whiteboards. ICT is used to enrich learning across all areas of the curriculum. Design Technology The skills, knowledge and understanding derived from design technology are a positive and vital part of each pupil’s education. It is our intention to encourage enthusiasm, fulfilment and enjoyment both for pupils and staff involved in the teaching and learning of this subject. History History is a foundation subject. The pupils study history to find out how people in the past behaved and interacted. During their studies pupils will be encouraged to develop their understanding of the lives of people and events in the past and to appreciate that what we know about the past by studying history is based upon evidence. Pupils are taught using a variety of methods depending on the purpose of the lesson. These may include individual, group or whole class teaching. History is to be taught through a topic based approach and children are encouraged to become active rather than passive learners. Geography Geography provides each child with a sense of their surroundings and enables them to gain a better appreciation and understanding of the variety of physical and human conditions on the Earth’s surface. Art and Design Art education provides each child with a wide range of experiences to promote their sensitivity to all forms of the visual arts from differing cultures and times and to develop a sense that they themselves are artists. Music Music education is designed to maximise each pupils’ sensitivity to, and their involvement in performing improvising, composing, listening to and appraising music from a wide range of cultural and historic origins. We promote the enjoyment of listening to and creating music within each pupil through the stimulating opportunities which are offered within the school both in terms of classroom and out of school activities. Physical Education Physical education experienced in a safe and supportive environment is a vital and unique contributor to a pupil’s physical, mental, emotional and moral well being, development and health and to their intellectual growth. Religious Education Religious education is a vital part of each pupil’s spiritual, moral, cultural and social development. It will engage pupils in a wide variety of learning experiences allowing them to make choices about their faith and understanding its importance in building their future lives. Religious education also demonstrates that every individual is respected whatever their faith and that we are all part of one community and one world with the responsibilities that it demands. Personal, Social, Health Education The school recognises its responsibility for the personal and social development of all pupils and aims to develop a sense of fairness, respect for others, independence, self discipline and self respect. This recognition permeates all aspects of school life and the curriculum. Pupils are given specific opportunities to learn about their own strengths and weaknesses, human growth and awareness of emotional, psychological and social development.