EN 122 Modes of Reading 2008-2009 This booklet contains everything you need to know regarding practical matters for the module Modes of Reading. Content This module offers an introduction to the practices of criticism. Form, genre and literary inheritance will be among the topics addressed. The module aims to enable students to work with a variety of critical approaches, and to develop an informed awareness of the possibilities available to them as readers and critics. Thematically organised lectures provide a frame of cultural reference on which the students will draw in their close readings in seminars. Modes of Reading is a core module for first-year undergraduates. It is taught by one weekly lecture and one weekly seminar in Terms 1 and 2. This year, there will also be a series of lectures on the history and key elements of the major theories of literature and culture delivered by Prof. Thomas Docherty. All students taking Modes of Reading are strongly urged to note the time and place of Prof. Docherty's lectures (see below) and attend them. They will provide students with additional and invaluable resources for Modes of Reading. Convenors The module is convened by Dr. Michael John Kooy (m.j.kooy@warwick.ac.uk). The co-convenor is Dr. Cathia Jenainati (c.jenainati@warwick.ac.uk). If you have questions, consult the website, speak to your seminar tutor, or contact the convenor. Teaching Times Main Lecture: Thursday, 10-11 am, MS01 (Maths Building) Prof. Docherty's Theory Lecture (optional but highly recommended): Term 1: Wednesday, 10-11 am, R0.21 (Ramphal Building), Term 2: Monday, 12-1 pm, MS0.1 (Maths Building). Seminars: Check your individual timetable Assessment Two unassessed essays (2,000 words) to be set by seminar tutors, due Term 1, Weeks 5 and 9. These are formative essays and must be submitted. Students who fail to submit either or both of the unassessed essays without good cause by Week 5 of Term 3, will carry an overall mark of 40 for the module, regardless of whether they achieve a higher mark in the two assessed essays. Term 2: Assessed Essay 1 (3,500 words), weighted as 50 per cent of your module mark; due on Monday (Week 2, Term 2), 12 January 2009, by 3pm. Term 3: Assessed Essay 2 (3,500 words), weighted as 50 percent of your module mark; due on Monday (Week 2, Term 3), 27 April 2009, by 3pm. Structure The module is taught in four units. In 2008-9, the units are: (1) Shocks and Sympathies; (2) Nation, Culture, Place; (3) Speaking with Others; (4) The Angel of History. More details below. Core Reading Students must buy the following set texts: Allen Ginsberg, Howl Colin MacInnes, Absolute Beginners Angela Carter, The Magic Toyshop Hanif Kureishi, The Buddha of Suburbia. These can be purchased from the University Bookshop, or any other retailer. As well, core reading will come from a two-volume Theory Reading Pack containing excerpts from texts by authors ranging from Aristotle to Edward Said. Students must buy this Theory Reading Pack from the department during the first week of term. The Pack costs £18. Cash only will be accepted. The Packs will be on sale at the Department Office. It is students' responsibility to buy the Theory Reading Pack within the first week of term. The Study Pack contains excerpts from the following texts: F. R. Leavis, Culture and Environment F. R. Leavis, Education and the University: A Sketch for an 'English School' Raymond Williams, The Country and the City Edward Said, Culture and Imperialism Aristotle, Poetics Burke, On the Sublime Freud, ‘On Dreamwork’ Bakhtin, Rabelais and His World Gilbert and Gubar, The Madwoman in the Attic Stephen Greenblatt, 'The Touch of the Real' Jerome McGann, The Beauty of Inflections Ranajit Guha, 'Introduction to Subaltern Studies' Gayatri Spivak, 'Can the Subaltern Speak?' The Theory Reading Pack also contains a number of supplementary texts which, though not considered core reading, will nonetheless be of interest to students. Syllabus Term 1 Week 1 convenor) Introduction to Modes of Reading – Dr. Michael John Kooy (module Unit 1: Shocks and Sympathies: These four lectures address a thread in literary criticism that perceives the process of ‘reading’ as eliciting and manipulating a state of either shock or sympathy. Week 2 Allen Ginsberg, ‘Howl’ – Dr. Emma Mason Week 3 Aristotle and poetics (Reading Theory Pack) – Dr. Emma Mason Week 4 Edmund Burke and the sublime (Reading Theory Pack) – Dr. Emma Mason Week 5 Shklovsky’s art as technique (Reading Theory Pack) – Dr. Emma Mason Week 6 Reading Week – no lecture or seminars Unit 2: Nation, Culture, Place: This unit with facilitate discussion about emplacement and literature, literary spaces, ideologies of place/space, locations of literature/culture and criticism. Week 7 Colin MacInnes, Absolute Beginners – Dr. Pablo Mukherjee Week 8 F. R. Leavis, from A Sketch for an "English School" and sections from Culture and Environment (Reading Theory Pack) – Dr. Pablo Mukherjee Week 9 Raymond Williams, from The Country and the City (Reading Theory Pack) – Dr. Pablo Mukherjee Week 10 Edward Said, from Culture and Imperialism (Reading Theory Pack) – Dr. Pablo Mukherjee Term 2 Unit 3: Speaking with Others: This unit will engage with the central organisational and methodological importance of the hidden/absent/repressed in literature. Angela Carter, The Magic Toyshop – Dr. Christina Britzolakis Freud, ‘On Dreamwork’ (Reading Theory Pack) – Dr. Chrsitina Week 1: Week 2: Britzolakis Week 3: Bakhtin, from Rabelais and his World (Reading Theory Pack) – Dr. Christina Britzolakis Week 4: Gilbert and Gubar, from The Madwoman in the Attic (Reading Theory Pack) – Dr. Christina Britzolakis Unit 4: The Angel of History: This unit will focus on the necessity of contrapuntal/oppositional reading practices. Week 5: Hanif Kureishi, The Buddha of Suburbia – Dr. Rashmi Varma Week 6: Reading Week – no lecture or seminars Week 7: Stephen Greenblatt, ‘The Touch of the Real’ (Reading Theory Pack) – Dr. Rashmi Varma Week 8: Jerome McGann, from The Beauty of Inflections (Reading Theory Pack) – Dr. Rashmi Varma Week 9: Ranajit Guha, from ‘Introduction to Subaltern Studies’ (Reading Theory Pack) and Gayatri Spivak, ‘Can the Subaltern Speak?’ – Dr. Rashmi Varma Week 10: Revision lecture – Dr. Michael John Kooy Seminars Individual seminar tutors will be giving students a schedule for the seminars. In terms of content, the seminars will follow the lecture syllabus. Additional Theory Lectures Prof. Thomas Docherty will be offering a series of Theory Lectures. These lectures, though optional, are highly recommended. They will give students an introduction to important developments in literary theory, from the early twentieth century to the present. Details are posted on the website. ‘Shocks and Sympathies’ Dr Emma Mason Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Allen Ginsberg, ‘Howl’ Aristotle and poetics Edmund Burke and the sublime Shklovsky’s art as technique These four lectures address a thread in literary criticism that perceives the process of ‘reading’ as eliciting and manipulating a state of either shock or sympathy. As well as providing introductory discussions to poetry (Aristotle), the sublime (Burke) and ‘art’ (Shklovsky), the lectures will show how these three thinkers variously aestheticize and politicize their writings on interpretation, showing that there is no ‘natural’ way of reading any given text. Ginsberg’s ‘Howl’ will offer us a way into these questions. It is formally experimental (based on a triadic form that shifts into breath-length sentences that challenge the ways we ‘scan’ poetry); stylistically disorienting (its hallucinatory feel lends itself to frank references to sexuality which later provoked an obscenity trial); rich in literary references (to William Blake, Neal Cassady, Jack Kerouac, William S. Burroughs); politically radical (addressing subjects like the Vietnam war, poverty, homosexuality and race relations); and emotionally diverse (the poem has a charged rhythm but deals also with feelings of depression and alienation). It is also an intensely religious poem and borrows and reworks many aspects of the epic genre to achieve a sublime effect it simultaneously undermines (what would it mean to have a ‘sublime’ feeling in 1955, Ginsberg asks, a period devastated by a relatively recent awareness of the holocaust a Vietnam War (1959-1975), producing according to some statistics). ‘Howl’ enables us to think abo asking us to see it in a different w questions of perspective and interpre the three theorists this module focuse to defamiliarize us from our de preconceptions through literature, s each theorist turns to as the genre m us to comprehend and recognize the well as thinking. Where Aristotle a poetry is the most powerful genre in and reflect on emotion, Shklovsky in the only way back into feelings that h devastation of life and also the most the good ‘sensation of life.’ Poetry, h making assumptions about things already a bit strange and so removes of perception,’ forcing us to alw encounter. The lectures will also dr poetry to work through the question ‘reader,’ of texts, society and one’s co ‘Nation, Culture, Place’ Dr Pablo Mukherjee Week 7 Colin MacInnes, Absolute Beginners Week 8 F. R. Leavis, ‘A Sketch for an "English School"’ and sections from Culture and Environment Week 9 Raymond Williams, from The Country and the City Week 10 Edward Said, from Culture and Imperialism In a sense, all the readings in this unit are different responses to a certain question involving what is called the national imaginary. The national imaginary as a term considers how is it that people are asked to imagine themselves and others as belonging to a status group involving nationality. The question is simply this: what do we mean when we say I study English literature? Are we referring to texts that happen to be produced in strands of English language or do we mean texts that because of their composition and publication somehow work to create a national identity, a sense of belong to a particular set of provincial interests? What gets included or excluded when we either make language, landscape, and national identity mean the same thing or what happens when we disentangle them? We begin with the powerfu issues in Colin MacInnes’ novel world war ‘new’ England. By language, gender, class, immigra make up the fabric of everyday problematic possibilities of a ‘new provides us with an imaginative e assessment of ideas of national an is in this light that we then turn to define what makes a degree possible. We turn look at Raymon the blindness to issues of power in at his new mode of reading poetry about literature and national cultu discusses the international, imperi reading the English novel. ‘Speaking with Others’ Dr Christina Britzolakis Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Angela Carter, The Magic Toyshop Sigmund Freud, from ‘On Dreamwork’ Mikhail Bakhtin, from ‘Rabelais and His World’ Gilbert and Gubar, from The Madwoman in the Attic Within the context of literary theory and literary criticism, we often encounter the term ‘other’ (or ‘otherness’). This terminology has been linked with the discourses of psychoanalysis, feminism, poststructuralism (especially in the field of linguistics) and postcolonialism. What we classify under the concept of "otherness" is connected to ce exclusion through which the const place. Otherness, then, can b present within the self, as psyc talking about the operation of de desire and fantasy. At the s ‘otherness’ is attached to particular bodies that get labelled and marked as “the Other.” In this latter context, otherness is defined by difference, typically marked by outward signs like race and gender. Historically, otherness has been associated predominantly with marginalized or subordinate groups: those who have been defined as different by a dominant group. Difference, then, is not an ontological given but necessary for ethical and social relations; it is another way of talking about relationality and conflict, within preexisting power structures. The dynamics of otherness can be seen as part and parcel of the construction of the subject. To what extent can literary texts help us to imagine otherness? Can reading be seen as an encounter with the otherness of our own culture(s)? Are there particular genres, or formal or aesthetic strategies, which can open up a dialogue with what culture excludes or censors as ‘other? In this unit, the term "otherness" will therefore be used as a convenient means of yoking together a set of related discussions about the operation of difference within literature. It will be applied to the process of psychic formation, as a dialogue between symbolic discourse and its "other"; to the relation between men and women; and to the interaction between different social languages in the literary text. We start with Angela Carter’s novel, the Magic Toyshop and see how Carter employs a range of ideas about femininity, fantasy, intertextuality, myth, ‘demythologizing’, performance, the relationship between parents and children, Englishne order to foreground the knotty pro and relationship with ‘others’. Psy that, owing to repression, much of is unconscious. In the second lect Freud’s model of this process narrative and its mechanisms of whether literary criticism can learn model of dream interpretation and of the uncanny, and its impact on l For the linguist Bakhtin, we ourselves when we enter languag discourse as an intersubjective socially and culturally significant we enter into a complex web of utterances which he calls dialog distinguishes the novel as a ge interested in the way that literatu able to circumvent the social and the body, and he develops the realism’ to explore this process. our third lecture. Finally, we look at the impact interpretation. Feminist critical the relationships between gender an identity. Feminist criticism applies formation of literary canons and t evaluation, e.g. via the notion of The course extracts by Gilbert an as an influential example of the pro authored ‘images of women’. ‘The Angel of History’ Dr Rashmi Varma Week 5 Hanif Kureishi, The Buddha of Suburbia Week 7 Stephen Greenblatt, ‘The Touch of the Real’ Week 8 Jerome McGann, from The Beauty of Inflections Week 9 Ranajit Guha, from ‘Introduction to Subaltern Studies’ and selections from Gayatri Spivak How does literature capture the stuff of life? If it does so, how is it different from other kinds of narrative that also claim to do so, like ‘history’? What does it mean when we say something is ‘fictional’, and others ‘historical’? Are these really two completely separate, watertight compartments containing mutually exclusive elements? Or do they, in reality, share features? Can literature make claims to historical truth? Or is it a debased kind of historical record? Such are the questions we investigate in this unit, questions that go to the heart of a much more fundamental issue – what and of what use is literature? We begin with Hanif Kureishi’s re-imagining of a recent, vibrant and tortured period in British history – the 1970s. Does Kureishi’s novel offer us insights that we cannot get in historical accounts of these times? Or does it encourage to understand that already historical and the hist ‘literary’? Next, we turn to influential essay that raises these series of ‘historical’ texts and obj outlines what is meant by the hist scholarship and argues that it criticisms of insularity and irrelevan Finally, two incisive essays from the problematic question of co strategies in historical narratives. borrows literary strategies of focalisation etc. to privilege some do we reach stories that never di literary techniques offer