E n g l i s h L a n g u a g e A r t s
Dr. Evette Shelby-King, Principal
Mark Mitchell, Assistant Principal • Victor Nash, Assistant Principal
We believe that students learn best when there is a balanced approach to literacy instruction. Instructional time is dedicated to supporting readers and writers through the use of a workshop method that includes wellplanned explicit instruction, flexible grouping according to need, and time dedicated to meaningful and purposeful independent reading and writing. Teachers will use a variety of student data to plan differentiated instruction and foster learning opportunities aligned to the specific needs of their students. We believe that all students should be allowed access to books they can and want to read. It is our research-supported belief that the components of an engaging and empowering literacy environment will be implemented in ALL Houston
Academy ELA classrooms.
2 composition notebooks
1 spiral notebook
2 packs of 200 count filler paper
1 pack of post it notes
1 pack of white copy paper
1 pack of 4x6 colored index cards
2 bottles of 8oz hand sanitizer
1 bottle of hand soap
2 boxes of facial tissue
4 glue sticks
1 bottle of glue
1 tape with dispenser
1 package of manila construction paper
1 package of colored construction paper
1 pack of pencils
1 pack of blue or black ink pens
1 pair of rounded scissors
1 container of disinfecting wipes
The notebook allows students to:
1. Build fluency in reading, writing, and thinking
2. Have a place to organize the ideas they have generated
3. Explore strategies they have been shown
4. Reflect on their thinking and the thinking of others
5. Explore thorugh reading, writing, and discussion the world in which they live
The more that you read,
The more things you will know.
The more you learn the more places you’ll go.
~Dr. Seuss
Texas Education Agency
The following website contains information on curriculum, assessments, and rules pertaining to the English Language Arts and Reading program for students. http://bit.do/bbrux