
If you find that your rings are getting a little tight or your ankles are getting swollen, follow this regimen and within just a
few days, the swelling should be vastly improved and then gone. If you find that you are still swollen after this time, it is
important that you call to let us know so we can give you some further suggestions.
Drink lots and lots of water. A gallon a day if it is hot outside! Get a large pitcher and fill it up in the morning, and by one
o’clock or so, you should have finished it. Then fill it again, and by bedtime, it should be empty again. This is easier than
trying to remember how many glasses of water you’ve had each day! It may seem counterproductive, but in pregnancy,
swelling is your body’s way of telling you that you do not have enough water – it actually holds on to the water that you
DO have in an effort to keep the baby in sufficient fluid. The problem is, that your body leeches the water out into the
tissues in the effort to hold on to it, so that you won’t pee it out!! The more water you drink, the happier the baby and the
more room your baby has to stretch and exercise its limbs as well. You are going to be urinating more often in the last
months of pregnancy regardless of how much water you drink, as the pressure of the baby’s head presses against the
bladder, so you might as well have something to show for it!!
Water is extremely important, especially so in hot, humid weather. If you are in air-conditioning all day, you still need to
drink. And although water is so important (to prevent swelling and provide the raw material for clear, healthy amniotic
fluid), it is not the only thing that you need to consider at this time:
You need salt in pregnancy. Farmers always give their pregnant animals salt blocks – it has been noted that American
livestock get better prenatal care and nutrition than American women. We are not talking about salt in the form of junk
food (pretzels, potato chips, nacho-y kinds of things). Liberally sprinkle sea salt to taste on your veggies, eggs, chicken, etc.
When you salt your foods, your body has an easier time holding on to the water that is needed. Salting your foods will also
make you thirsty and help you to drink more water!
Eating these foods will help reduce swelling dramatically: Take them liberally, as if they were prescribed as medication!
You can also mix some of it in a smoothie- a very effective way to add in greens and other veggies and water.
Two (2) ripe cucumbers each day
Nowadays, these foods can be found year round in most places. Fresh is better than frozen or canned.
It is always a good idea to eat lots of protein to help your baby grow. You will be feeding your baby every two or three
hours once it is born, and it is a good idea to feed this little one every two to three hours the last months of pregnancy. If
you wake up in the middle of the night and fall right back to sleep, great. If not, it is often a signal from your baby that
he/she is hungry and needs you to have a snack. Meat, Greens, beans, cheese, nuts, eggs, fish, yogurt, are examples of
good sources of protein.
It is very important that in addition to the above, you frequently eat lots of spinach, kale, collards, etc., in salads, on
sandwiches or as a side dish with a healthy dinner. Broccoli, green beans, brussels sprouts – the darker green, the better. as
a rule.