warning signs during pregnancy

You can call me at any time with questions or concerns during your pregnancy. However, there are some
symptoms that you should know that you NEED to call and be check for and these would include:
Vaginal bleeding or spotting
Baby’s movements slow way down or stop OR become extreme
Abdominal pain or tenderness that continues
A fall or car accident that impacts you abdominally
Lightheadedness or dizziness, fainting or rapid heartbeat
Breathing problems of any kind beyond normal cold
Constipation or diarrhea for more than a day or two
Intense itching anywhere on your body
Flu or any sickness outside of normal (cold) that is persistent
Exposure to communicable diseases such as measles or chicken pox if you are not immune. Call first.
Apprehension or concerns that you cannot get assurance for and need to talk to someone, call me.
Fever over 100 degrees and/or chills
Swelling of your face or hands
Muscle convulsions/spasms
Contractions or pressure vaginally like a late period or downward pressure like baby is moving down
before 37 weeks
Persistent back pain
Pain or burning with urination
Strong cramping
Blurred vision
Gush of fluid from the vagina
Study collections