Reducing the risks of Shaken Baby Syndrome; Family Nurses adopt a visual and hands on approach with teenage parents The Family Nurse Partnership works with first time mothers under the age of 20 to help them have a healthy pregnancy and to understand how to care for themselves and their baby. Family nurses are specially trained to offer a highly supportive home visiting service for first time mothers to be, from early pregnancy until the baby is two. The primary focus is the future health and wellbeing of the child and their mother. The family nurse will work with the parents to support them to create safe, nurturing environments for their child. They will provide information and practical support on a number of subjects including the child’s health and development, weaning and nutrition, establishing routines, postnatal depression and family planning. One of the areas the team highlights is the impact and risks of ‘Shaken Baby Syndrome’; a very real and tragic cause of injury and death in babies. However with the right information and approach the risks can be reduced. Teen parents in Bolton have responded really well to the ‘shaken baby doll’ and the important messages relayed from within the NSPCC ‘Handle with Care’ information guide. By using the doll, parents can clearly see the delicate structures of a baby’s brain and learn how easily this can be seriously damaged from inappropriate handling. They get the opportunity to see and feel how movements that are not necessarily forceful, can still cause a baby’s brain to move and hit the inside of its skull. Ways to support sensitive and appropriate handling and soothing of babies are also shared, and this is an area re-visited within the FNP programme. Family Nurses also link in helping the teen parents to deal with crying babies, stress and other feelings of raised emotions. The simple but poignant messages within the NCPCC ‘Keeping your Cool’ are also a very useful resource to support these discussions.