Digital Photography - Cal High Digital Photo

Digital Photography
Course Policies
Mr. Dick
The goal of this digital photography class is to help you become a better
photographer and learn skills to produce and manage photographic imagery for a
variety of purposes.
The class will strive to meet the following objectives:
 To develop an understanding of equipment associated with digital photography.
 To develop presentation strategies and techniques
 To familiarize students with career clusters and opportunities based on their
individual skills and interests.
 To develop and promote appropriate positive behavior and social interactions with
peers and adults.
 To develop positive communication skills.
You are expected to comply with school policies regarding punctuality and
Assignments are expected to be turned in prior to the tardy bell ringing on the due
date. Late assignments are not accepted
Assignments given prior to the absence are expected to be turned in the next day
the student attends school, even if it is not the day you attend this class.
You will be required to complete Internet research projects in this class.
A notebook with dividers is required in this course.
View this class as your job. Responsible behavior, strong work ethics and positive
peer/adult relationships are essential to keeping any job and success in this class.
You are expected to come to class with a positive attitude and a willingness to share
your projects, thoughts, ideas and energy.
A productive, challenging and safe environment embodies the following beliefs:
All students need to feel they belong and are accepted by others.
All students need to feel safe in expressing and exploring their ideas.
All students need to feel they are able to succeed in this class.
All students need to feel that they are respected for their uniqueness.
The following class guidelines support and encourage a positive environment:
Be an active listener.
Allow time for others to respond.
Acknowledge the positive contributions of others
Respect differences
Recognize strengths and challenges of others.
Treat others, as you would like to be treated.
Promote a working environment conducive to learning.
Be responsible for your own behavior.
Help each other!
Grades will be weighted as outlined on the California Vocational Evaluation
Standards form.
Monitoring Student Progress:
School Loop is available for all students everyday they attend class. The first five
minutes of class each student is expected to review grades and address any
discrepancies. Students have two classes to address these discrepancies with the
instructor. After two class periods point entries are final. I will make every effort to
keep grades current and I will adhere to the school-wide expectations regarding the
parameters established by our school community. I would like parents and students to
understand that grades will be updated approximately once a week. However, there
are a few assignments that may take longer to evaluate and grade.
Please do not expect a daily update of grades for this course.
Assignments along with due dates, will be posted on school loops. Students will be
given the details of all assignments during class.
It is crucial to establish positive and direct communication with both students and
parents. If you have any concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. The
easiest way to contact me is via email at:
CHS takes plagiarism and cheating very seriously, and strong behavioral consequences will be enforced
(including being dropped from the class for a second offense). Please refer to page 13 in the Student
Handbook for progressive discipline.
Electronic devices/Cell phones may only be used before school, during brunch, lunch and after school.
Electronic devices are to be in the off mode and are not to be used, heard, or visible during class, including
Tutorial. Please refer to pages 17 and 18 in the Student Handbook for progressive discipline.
Digital Photography
Policy Acceptance Form
I have read and understand the Digital Photography course policy
Student Signature/Date
Parent Signature
Parent Contact Information
Name _____________________________________
Phone number ______________________________
Email _____________________________________
I use School Loops to monitor my Childs progress and Communicate with the instructor Yes No
Please circle
Name _____________________________________
Phone number ______________________________
Email _____________________________________
I use School Loops to monitor my Childs progress and Communicate with the instructor
Please circle