Photography Syllabus - Union Springs Central School

Photography Syllabus
Union Springs High School
Instructor: Ms Spaziani
Vision Statement: The Union Springs School District is a community in which members
pursue excellence today in order to ensure success tomorrow.
Mission Statement: The Union Springs Central School District is an organized body
(composed of students, parents, staff, and community members) that nurtures all learning
and recognizes individual differences in a challenging environment. ALL MEMBERS
positively and respectfully encourage one another to succeed, inspiring pride in
accomplishments. With everyone ultimately responsible for his or her life-long learning
and behavior, the pursuit of excellence is our mission.
Classroom Rules:
1. Respect! Teachers, peers, and materials
2. Be on time
3. Make sure your work is quality
Course Overview: This is an introductory, technical photography course. Parts of the
camera, how the camera works, and basic photography techniques will be discussed and
applied. There will be quizzes, tests, and presentations. Students are expected to put forth
time outside of class taking photos. NO photos can be turned in from previous
assignments. Students are expected to take new photos specific to each assignment.
Classroom time needs to be used appropriately and consistently. YouTube or any other
websites are not permitted unless specifically addressed or assigned. Using inappropriate
Internet sites will result in losing participation points. Logging off early will also result in
the loss of participation points. Students will work on a variety of overlapping assignments
of both digital art as well as digital photography.
Text: Various online magazine articles
Supply List: A digital camera (if you already have one), folder
Classroom Procedures: Class time should also be used to the fullest extent. Students are
expected to be in the classroom when the bell rings and ready to begin. Multiple
assignments will overlap and will be assigned with specific due dates but students have the
freedom to work on anything current. You are expected to WORK. This is not a studyhall.
Do not ask me to work on math, global, or any other classes work. Logging off early will
result in a loss of participation points for the day and bring down your overall participation
Electronic Devices: Phones are a privilege in class. Cell phones and other electronic
devices such as iPads and mp3 players are only allowed if students are working
consistently and quietly. Music is the ONLY thing that is allowed on these devices. If you
are caught texting, playing games, or using your electronic device to access social media
the privilege will be revoked. Headphones must be brought to class if students intend to
use their electronic device to listen to music.
Grades: Grades will be based on overall effort as well as finished products. Daily notations
will be made based on student effort and production and twice a marking period, students
will be given participation grades. If no work was produced during a class period the
student’s grade will reflect it. Please see Due Date Policy Handout for how assignments
should be titled and submitted. Each assignment will have an accompanying assignment
worksheet. You are expected to hold on to this and turn it in when your photo is complete.
It is used as the grading sheet. At the end of the course, there will be a final project.
Students will be expected to do some research outside of school for the project and some
hands-on work in addition to the current assignment. Planning should be done with
regards to time it will take to complete the task. Information will be given out in regards to
the project a month prior to the due date.
Grading Breakdown:
Class Participation: 25%
Classwork (any in class projects and worksheets): 25%
Projects & Tests: 50%