Problem Set 5 Mr. Nordhaus and staff Economics 122a Problem Set 5 (Solutions) 1. Okun’s Law. a. Define Okun’s Law in a sentence. Okun’s Law is the empirical regularity that changes in GDP are inversely related to changes in the unemployment rate. b. What is your forecast for the unemployment rate on election day 2012? From the BLS, the current unemployment rate is 9.6%. From the WSJ, the consensus forecast for 2011 % real GDP growth is 2.8%. Assuming 2012 % real GDP growth will be 2.8% and that potential GDP will grow 2.5% in both 2011 and 2010, we can use two versions of Okun’s law to forecast unemployment: 1) Version in Mankiw: % change in real GDP = 3% - 2(change in unemployment rate). This gives us u(t+1)=u(t) + 1.5 - (.5)(% change in real GDP). So, we get u(2011) = 9.6 + 1.5 – (.5)(2.8) = 9. 7, and u(2012) = 9.7 + 1.5 – (.5)(2.8) = 9.8 2) Version in Lecture: change in unemployment rate = (.5)(% change in potential output - % change in real GDP). So, we get u(2011) = 9.6 + .5(2.5-2.8) = 9. 45, and u(2012) = 9. 45 + .5(2.5-2.8) = 9. 3. So, our forecast for election day 2012 is either 9.8% or 9.3% 2. The Phillips curve. Suppose that an economy has the Phillips curve π(t) = π(t−1) − 0.5[u(t) − un], un = .06 a. What is the natural rate of unemployment (NAIRU)? The NAIRU is the level of unemployment consistent with stable, long-term inflation. Here, it is 6%. b. Graph the short-run and long-run relationships between inflation and unemployment. LR SR NAIRU U c. Assume that inflation is 1 percentage point above the target in 1980. Using the Phillips curve, give one trajectory for the unemployment rate that will reduce inflation to the target. Suppose π(1980) = π(target) + .01. If we set u(1981) = .08 and .06 = u(1982) = u(1983) = …, then π(1981) = π(target) + .01 - .5(.08-.06) = π(target) and π(target) = π(1982) = π(1983) = … d. Many people are worried that high unemployment raises the natural rate because of the erosion of human capital, worker skills, and the like (this being the hysteresis model). In this model, the natural rate might be: un = 0.5[u(t-1) + u(t-2)] Answer part (c) using the Phillips curve with the hysteresis natural rate. Suppose unemployment is .06 until it falls to .04 in 1980. This means that π(1980) = π(target) – (.5)(.04 - (.5)(.06 + .06))) = π(target) + .01. If we set u(1981) = .07, u(1982) = .055, and each subsequent u(t) = .5(u(t-1)+u(t-2)), then π(1981) = π(target) + .01 – (.5)(.07 – (.5)(.04+.06)) = π(target) π(1982) = π(target) – (.5)(.055 - (.5)(.07+.04)) = π(target) π(1983) = π(target) π(1984) = π(target) … The path for unemployment is thus .07, .055, .0625, .0588, .0606, .0597, .0602, .0599, …, oscillating above and below .06 but converging to .06. 3. The Taylor Rule and the Fed. a. The objectives of the Fed are explained in a book on monetary policy, Chapter 2 at Explain why the Fed is said to have a dual mandate. The Fed has a mandate to both maintain stable prices and promote full employment. This is a dual mandate in that inflation and unemployment have an inverse relationship. b. Read the section on the Taylor rule (Mankiw, pp. 415ff.). Explain how the Taylor rule fits into the mandate that you described in (a). The Taylor rule says that the Fed generally has increased (and argues that the Fed should increase) the Fed funds rate (according to the Taylor rule coefficients) in response to both inflation in excess of the inflation target and output in excess of potential. In light of Okun’s Law, the Taylor rule dictates expansionary (contractionary) monetary policy in response to low (high) inflation or high (low) unemployment. This is in line with the mandate. 4. The residents of Yale’s new Boola College decide to study the matching model popularized by 2010 Nobel Prize recipients Diamond, Mortensen, and Pissarides. They design a study to estimate the demographics of people who live in Boola College. a. They first determined whether people are “involved” or “uninvolved” in a relationship. Among involved people, they estimate that 10 percent experience a breakup of their relationship every month. Among uninvolved people, 5 percent enter into a relationship every month. What is the steady-state “uninvolvement rate,” defined as the fraction of people who are uninvolved? Suppose there are N people and that u is the steady-state uninvolvement rate. Then, we must have Nu = (.95)Nu + (.10)N(1-u), or u = .95u + .1(1-u). This gives us u = .1/.15 = 2/3. b. Assume that people start studying harder because the economy worsens, and the breakup rate increases to 20 percent per month. What is the new uninvolvement rate? Now, we get u = .95u + .2(1-u), which gives us u = .2/.25 = 4/5.