The monthly meeting of the Rusk County Land and Forestry Committee was called to order at 9:00 A.M., Monday, May 14, 2007. Present from the Committee were: Gene DuSell, Roger Svoma, Jim Platteter, Phil Schneider, Tony Hauser. Also present were; Paul Teska, County Forest Administrator; Dana Goin, President of the ATV club; Don Mansky; Svoma made the motion to approve the minutes of the previous meeting, 2nd by DuSell, Carried. Svoma made the motion to adjust the agenda as necessary, 2nd by Platteter, carried. Discussion on the proposed ATV Trail being requested by the ATV club. Dana showed the committee where the proposed trail is located. Dana stated that the ATV Club has been doing maintenance on the ATV trails, and have been getting a permit to run their ATV’s into campgrounds because they have been doing so much work. Requesting to renew their permit which they have been getting yearly from the previous Parks Supervisor, Tony Dobbs. Teska said they would like to see the permit specific to dates. Dana stated they go up there Memorial Day Weekend and get the trail ready. We will get a new permit printed up and to Dana for that one 3 DAY period of MAY 26, 27, 28. Teska reported that we are ready to bid out the Bucks Lake ATV Restrooms and Well. Motion to advertise for bids and open at the June meeting, by Schneider, 2nd by Hauser, carried. We budgeted to buy a new pick-up for 2007. Teska would like to do a 3 year lease like we have done in the previous years. Motion to advertise for bids and open bids at the June meeting by Schneider, 2nd b y Platteter, carried. Timber sale contracts close-outs and renewals; Contract # 2182 – Tim Vacho, 2183 – Gary Beadles, 2230 – Pine River Lumber. Motion to close out all three job and cancel letters of credit by Hauser, 2nd by Svoma, carried. Summer Intern Position: Gary Albrecht took applications and interviewed 2 people. One was a high school student going into Steven’s Point. The other is currently at college in Steven’s Point. The job was offered to Kevin Ponsler. Motion by Platter to follow the recommendation of Gary Albrecht and hire Ponsler, and if Ponsler does not accept the positon, offer it to the 2nd applicant, Jon Runstrom, 2nd by Hauser, carried. Timber Sale bid opening policies and procedures; Teska talked to our corp. council on if we could change the bidding process to allow loggers to bid on as many jobs as they want and then if they only want one or two sales they would tell us before bids are opened and to allow them to give back other sales and not be penalized by losing their bid bonds. This was discussed at previous meetings. According to the corp. council; Legal wise he did not see and problems, but does not see how it could be done. Teska recommends staying with our current policy and not changing the bidding process. Teska did talk to other County Forest Administrators and no one else is doing anything like that. Committee agreed to leave the bidding policy as it is and review this down the road if there is a need for it. Bucks Lake Dam Repair Project – Teska reported that there a couple bills for engineering. Hwy Dept. hopes to get started on this project at the end of June or first part of July. Ski Trail Storage Shed and Bridge approval - The Ski Trail Association is asking permission to build a storage shed at their trail head and to replace 2 bridges on their trail. They are applying for park aids for these projects. Motion by to allow the club to construct a 12’ X 16’ storage building and replace the 2 bridges on the trail using Park Aids monies, by Platteter, 2nd by Schneider, carried. WCFA summer tour is in Antigo, (Langley County) on June 21, 22. DuSell and Teska need to be at meetings there on June 20. Teska and DuSell to attend the summer tour on June 20, 21, 22. Schneider and Platter to attend on the 20-21. Schneider made the motion to approve the bills, 2nd by Platteter, carried. April 9, 2007 Timber Bid Opening – Tract 4-07 - Tim Vacho had received this bid at the April meeting. Teska assumed he was bidding under a different name than he has on the current contracts, and that was not the case. He was the high bidder on Tract # 11-07 and was only to be allowed to receive one bid. Vacho’s bid on Tract 4-07 was rescinded as he reached the limit of sales he was entitled to receive. Motion by Svoma not to award Tract # 4-07 to Tim Vacho and re-bid it for opening at this meeting. 2nd by Hauser, carried. 4- Hill Flowage; Donations so far are $ 10,000 from NRCS and $ 13,000.00 from US Fish and Wildlife. DNR is donating the labor and some of the equipment. We are waiting for the permits from the DNR and the Dam Engineer. 2008 budgets – The paperwork will be starting on those soon. Teska stated that if anyone has any special projects that they will want him to get started on he needs to know soon. Discussion held. Certification (SFI) Audit is June 13. Teska, Tappon, Pat Zimmer will be involved in this. Start at the county office and then will have to go out to timber sales. 11:00 Schneider made the motion to close the timber biding 2nd by Hauser, carried. Only 2 bids received – both for Tract # 4-07. Kyle Ewer $ 37,100.00 Mike Prokop $ 37,096.00 Schneider made the motion to accept the high bidder (Kyle Ewer), and to sell direct the other sale (2-07)2nd by Platteter, carried. Hauser made the motion to adjourn at 11:06 , 2nd by Platteter, carried.