Mental models, confidence, and performance in a complex dynamic

Mental models, confidence, and performance in a complex dynamic
decision making environment
Georgios Rigas and Fredrik Elg
Uppsala University, Department of Psychology, Box 1225, 752 48 Uppsala, Sweden
Making decisions in complex dynamic systems continuously engages
processes of knowledge acquisition and knowledge application. Investigation of these
processes in isolation, in a psychological laboratory, is possible using abstract
dynamic systems (Funke, 1995). However, the isolation of the processes of knowledge
acquisition and knowledge application is not possible in a microworld, in a
meaningful way. What we can do instead, is to observe these processes in interaction.
In research with microworlds, the participants are allowed to organize their behavior
in any way they consider appropriate. Microworlds are computer simulations of
certain reality aspects, were the details of reality are omitted. A number of
microworlds have been used in psychological research the last 20 years (for a review
see Brehmer & Dörner, 1993; Funke, 1988). A microworld can be a city were the
participant acts as a mayor (Dörner, Kreuzig, Reither, & Stäudel, 1983) a developing
country in Africa (Dörner, Stäudel, & Strohscnhneider, 1986), a burning forest
(Lövborg & Brehmer, 1991) etc. Microworlds are characterized by various degrees of
complexity, intransparency, novelty, and dynamic change.
Under certain conditions acquiring more knowledge is incompatible with
effective application of existing knowledge and the test of simplistic hypotheses about
isolated causal chains is often impossible because the variables of complex dynamic
systems are interconnected in causal nets. What a participant needs to do in a complex
microworld has been described by Dörner (e.g., Dörner & Wearing, 1995) in terms of
GRASCAM (General Recursive Analytic Synthetic Constellation Amplification)
processes. A GRASCAM process is expected to lead to enrichment and
differentiation of a mental representation. In this way a network of causal relations is
built. The degree of elaboration of the networks of causal relations in different
participants has been proposed as an explanation of the differences in behavior.
Elaborated networks are hypothesized to lead to (1) more decisions that are also more
coordinated, (2) fewer questions, (3) more stable information asking and decision
making. The ability to construct elaborated causal networks is assumed to be
dependent on a person’s heuristic competence. Heuristic competence can be defined
as a persons confidence in his or her ability to find any missing operators in order to
maintain control over a process or accomplish a task. According to Dörner (e.g.,
Dörner & Wearing, 1995), heuristic competence is the context indepentent component
of the actual competence. The confidence of an individual that he or she already
knows how to fullfill the requirements of a task, the epistemic competence, is the
context dependent component of the actual competence. If the heuristic competence of
an individual is high then actual competence remains stable.
To be able to test these hypotheses, it is necessary to find ways to assess the
mental models of the structural relations of a microworld. One such technique for the
measurement of the structural knowledge of a dynamic system, is the causal diagrams.
We adapted this technique for the assessment of the structural aspects of peoples
mental models in MORO (see Figure 1). MORO is a computer simulation of the
living conditions of a small nomad tribe in southern Sahara (Dörner, Stäudel, &
Strohscnhneider, 1986).
Figure 1. The causal structure of the central variables in the MORO simulation. To
asssess the structural aspects of peoples mental models all arrows and signs were
However, using a causal diagram template, of the type illustrated in figure 1
without arrows and signs, before the interaction with the microworld influences
intransparency, because the central variables of the simulation are presented.
Intransparency is one of the most important characteristics of natural decision making
environments, so it is essential to study decision making processes in the laboratory in
the presence of intransparency. Therefore we used this technique only after the
MORO session. To assess the mental models of our subjects we had them answer a
number of open questions. Their answers we used to construct structural causal
models of the type illustrated in Figure 2. These reconstructed causal models can be
evaluated by expert raters. Here, we examine, how behavior and performance in
MORO may be affected by assessments of the mental models, and the interrater
reliability of these assessments. We also discuss the pattern of correlations between
the ratings of the mental models, heuristic and actual competence, and behavior and
performance in MORO, in relation to Dörner’s theoretical hypotheses.
Twenty-two people participated in the study, all with no prior experience of the
Moro/Winmoro task. The age of the participants ranged from 20 to 34 years. (Mean
23.9). Subjects received 2 movie tickets for participating in the study. There were 7
male and 15 female subjects. The behavior and performance of this group is compared
to a control group of thirtyeight subjects (Brehmer & Rigas, 1997) tested under
standard conditions.
WinMoro, version 7, 1993, by Victor & Brehmer, based on "Moro" version 17.5.88,
by Dörner et. al., 1986, was used. The program was run under Windows 3.11, on a
Heuristic competence (HC), was measured by a Questionnaire developed by
Stäudel (1987), with additional questions (Rigas, Brehmer, Elg, & Heikinen, 1997).
Mental Model Questionnaire (MMQ). MMQ is a set of open questions designed to tap
subjects mental models of goals and assumptions about the task, the system to control,
and self-perceived ability to comply with the goals in the task. Actual competence
(AC), Motivation (MOT), and perceived Relevance (REL) of ones own decision
making in the task, were measured by direct questions of the type "how motivated are
WINMORO, a complex and dynamic simulation of the living conditions of a
tribe living in south-west Sahara, Africa. The experimenter functioned as interface.
Participants had no direct visual access to the computer screen.
The HC questionnaire a was administered first, followed by an instruction where key
issues on the subjects role and the nature of the system are addressed without explicit
indications on decision policies. Before the start of the experiment subjects were
required to fill in the MMQ, AC, MOT, and REL forms, which were then updated by
the subjects at year 4, and at the end of the MORO session. Subjects were also
required to fill in the MOT, and REL forms, at the time of a catastrophe and one year
after the catastrophe.
No statistically significant differences in performance were found between the
group in this study and the control group from Brehmer & Rigas (1997). (Pastures,
number of cattle, groundwater level, number of tse-tse flies, capital, population,
deaths by starvation, number of years until the first catastrophe, and a wheighted
measure of performance in general, were not found different in any systematic way.)
Statistically significant differences were found for some behavior variables. The
participants in the present study spent more time, asked more questions in general, and
more central questions in particular. Questions regarding the value of the central
variables in the simulation, as illustrated in figure 1, are scored as central questions.
No systematic differences were obtained in the number of decisions or the stability of
the information asking or the decision making.
From the answers of the subjects in the MMQ we constructed structural
models of the type illustrated in Figure 2. We see the model of a successful participant
(left) and an unsuccessful one (right). There are no differences in the level of
elaboration, if only the number of elements and relations is considered and not the
qualitative aspects of the models. However, the model of the successful subject has a
higher level of abstraction.
Figure 2. Reconstructed structural models for a successful (left) and an unsuccessful
(right) participant.
The interrater reliability for the ratings of the quality of the causal models was
.85. The interrater reliability for the ratings of subjects confidence at year 1 was .82, at
year 4 was .78, and at year 30 it was .80.
Contrary to what was expected, confidence in ones mental model and heuristic
competence correlated negatively with performance variables, with correlation
coefficients ranging between .00 and -.41. Quality of mental model did not correlate
significantly with any perfomance variable. Structural knowledge as assessed by the
causal diagram template, after the MORO session, correlated negatively with
groundwater level, r = -.41. This variable correlated also negatively with the stability
of decision making, r = -.48.
Quality of mental model before the interaction correlated negatively with
number of questions, r = -.31, and positively with number of central questions, r = .46,
as expected.
The assessments of the mental models do not seem to cause any undesirable
effects in comparison to the control group. The interrater reliability was sufficiently
high. However, the pattern of the correlations is not as expected. The negative
correlations of heuristic competence and confidence in ones mental model with
performance are puzzling. On the other hand, the negative correlations of structural
knowledge, after the MORO session, with one performance variable and the stability
of the decision making, may reflect the degree of the exploration of the simulation
programme. Another hypothesis, for these findings, is that it is not the structural
aspects of ones mental model that determine the perfomance but the implicit and
dynamic aspects of the mental model. It is very important that we find ways to
measure the implicit and dynamic aspects of the mental models.
Generally, efforts to find good predictors of success in microworlds have not
been successful. Intelligence and personality have been consistently found to be
uncorrelated with performance in dynamic systems (Brehmer & Rigas, 1997; Dörner
et. al, 1983; Putz-Osterloh, 1981; Rigas, 1997; Strohsneider, 1991). These findings
have been either explained as a result of the different cognitive demands that the
ability test and the dynamic systems place upon the participants (Dörner, 1986; PutzOsterloh, 1993) or as a function of the reliability problems of performance measures
in microworlds (Funke, 1995). In two independent studies (Rigas, 1997;
Strohschneider, 1986) it was found that performance measures in MORO did not have
good reliability, at least as far as reliability of performance scores in such a complex
dynamic system can be assessed using the test-retest method and true score theory.
The typical stability coefficients in these two studies were about .30. The reliability
problems of performance measures in complex dynamic systems should therefore be
our highest research prioririty.
Heuristic competence is the only construct that has been found in some
studies (e.g. Stäudel, 1987) to be related to performance in the MORO simulation.
Stäudel’s findings could not be replicated in a number of experiments by our research
group in Uppsala (e.g., Elg, 1992). The internal consistency coefficients of scales
measuring heuristic competence are over .80 (Rigas et. al., 1997). The problem then
must be in the way this construct is measured. We should thus abandon the respondent
measures and search for operant measures of heuristic competence.
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