
Book Page #:144
Template: Competence Analysis Worksheet
Competence Analysis Worksheet
[Insert Company Name]
20xx Business Plan
Homework Teams: Please complete the following worksheet and be prepared to present at start of phase
3. Bring on Flash Drive to present to planning team.
1. (Your Company Name) Competence (Complete in competence hierarchy): Click here to enter text.
2. Services (Your Company Name) will provide as part of its competence:
Click here to enter text.
3. Target Markets: Click here to enter text.
4. Geographic Target Markets: Click here to enter text.
5. What is your rationale for this strategy? Why is it going to work?
Click here to enter text.
6. Brainstorm Action Plans to Develop, Strengthen and Deliver Our Competence: Please add them to the
template attached.
Click here to enter text.
© 2012, Stop Selling Vanilla Ice Cream, LLC.