Library Strategy 2010

Luton Libraries
Library Strategy 2010 - 2013
Luton Libraries Strategy 2010-2013
Context ................................................................................................................ 3
Consultation ........................................................................................................ 5
Statutory Framework .......................................................................................... 5
Luton Library Offer ............................................................................................. 6
Aims and Objectives .......................................................................................... 6
Core Offer - Books and Reading ....................................................................... 7
Core Offer - Information and Multi Media Services ............................................ 8
Core Offer - Lifelong Learning and ICT Provision .............................................. 8
Core Offer - Outreach ...................................................................................... 10
Core Offer - The Space ................................................................................... 10
Core Offer - The Staff ...................................................................................... 13
Service Developments and Improvements for the Next Three Years ........... 14
Action Plan ........................................................................................................ 16
Appendix A – Consultation .............................................................................. 28
Appendix B – People using Luton Libraries ................................................... 30
Appendix C – Bibliography .............................................................................. 34
Luton Libraries Strategy 2010-2013
1. Context
The purpose of this strategy is to set out the key outcomes, objectives and
priorities for the public library service over the next three years in Luton, together
with an action plan that will feed into the Libraries Annual Service Plan and Luton
Culture’s Annual Service Delivery Plan and be reviewed annually.
It is 12 years since Luton Libraries wrote its first
library strategy and nine years since its Best
‘A good place to come
Value Review. During that time there has
and do quiet study and I
been a huge change both in library
will keep coming and
provision and society. There have been
recommending it to my
changing user demands and expectations;
college mates’.
a growth in leisure and recreational activities;
a change in work patterns; a change in the
cultural mix of our communities and a huge growth in ICT
and other technologies with many people now accessing services online
24/7 including book loans and information.
This social shift has been set against the changing context in which local
government operates moving away from the traditional local authority role as a
service provider towards a role of commissioning services; with the requirement
to deliver ongoing efficiency savings; with a greater focus on performance
measuring and with services having to deliver towards key local and national
priorities. Luton Libraries are no longer part of Luton Borough Council but part of
Luton Culture, a charitable company limited by guarantee delivering services on
behalf of the Council.
The changes that have taken place in Luton
Libraries are shown in the table below and
show how the service has changed to
‘The recent refurbishment is a
meet the changing needs of the local
model of its kind and the
community and society during
atmosphere improved from an
those years
already high standard.
Expertise of staff is high,
borrowing and returning
facilities excellent, Obama’s
quotation an inspiration'.
Luton Libraries Strategy 2010-2013
Luton Libraries
Today (2009/10) *
Part of Luton Borough Council
Part of Luton Culture, a registered charity
delivering services on behalf of Luton Borough
Central Library
Central Library - refurbished April 2009
Seven branch libraries
Seven branch libraries
Two mobile libraries
One mobile library
Home Library Service
Home Library Service
316.75 opening hours per week
365.75 opening hours per week
No libraries open 7 days a week
Three libraries open 7 days a week
No virtual library
Virtual Library accessible 24/7
344,943 items in stock
270,505 items in stock +1,800 downloadable
1,612,386 issues
953,639 issues*
Regular one to one training on ICT for users
Two internet PCs at Central Library sponsored by
139 PCs across the library network
No IT sessions
216,617 IT sessions*
46,861 active borrowers
40,432 active users (borrowing books and using
947,105 visits
934,146 visits*
86% of customers who rated the service as good
or very good**
84% of customers who rated the service as good
or very good
** Question not asked in Cipfa Plus survey until
* 2009/10 had nine weeks of library closures for
refurbishment and installation of RFID at Central,
Leagrave and Wigmore Libraries will have
impacted on usage
Visits to libraries are virtually identical to what they were 12 years
ago for 2009/10 but included nine weeks of library
closure for refurbishment and RFID installation. In
‘The library is a
2007/08 the last full year of usage (the Central
good safe place
Library was closed for 3.5 months in 2008/09 for
for me and my
major refurbishment), there were 1,003,147 visits
children to come
and they are increasing again this year. Book issues
and spend time’.
are down as a whole by 41%, but IT use was almost
non-existent 12 years ago. It now accounts for c 30% of
library business. The branch network remains as it was, though
there has been an increase in opening hours of 49 hours per week which
are now spread over seven days with Central, Leagrave and Wigmore
being open Sunday–Saturday. Customers can also access information,
renew and reserve books, check their accounts and download books 24/7
Luton Libraries Strategy 2010-2013
Whilst book borrowing may have declined, over 900,000 books were issued in
2009/10 and there is still a huge agenda for libraries in terms of basic skills and
ICT training, with libraries signed up to help deliver the government initiative,
Race Online 2012, led by Martha Lane Fox to get 10 million people using the
internet, specifically to access government services. Libraries also play a vital
part in delivering the shared public service delivery priorities agreed by central
and local government, Luton Borough Council’s Corporate Plan and the Local
Area Agreement.
Currently we know that c 50% of the population in
Luton use the library service with 40, 432 people
having used a library card in the last 12 months to
either borrow an item or use ICT; 14,113 of these
were children aged 15 and under. See Appendix C
for further details.
‘Thank- you for
the provision of the
library. I am not
on line so books are
important especially
research ones many thanks’.
However, with both national and local
Government facing a time of tremendous upheaval and
huge service reductions and job losses predicted,
it is clear that libraries as other public services are
facing challenging times. Luton has already looked for innovative partnerships
with local businesses, booksellers and introduced a café at the Central Library
and we need to continue to look at and develop new initiatives and relationships
to ensure we are delivering the best service possible to the people of Luton
effectively and efficiently.
2. Consultation
Luton Libraries have used four pieces of consultation specifically for this strategy
but also have used information given by users in the Cipfa Plus Survey in
October 2009. See Appendix A for consultation results. What was very apparent
from all the consultation was that the public do not understand the services
offered by today’s public library, even those who regularly use it. As a result part
of the strategy will be to agree a new marketing strategy for the service. The draft
strategy will also be published on the Luton Culture website and highlighted in
the Council’s Lutonline newspaper to ask for wider comments.
3. Statutory Framework
Public libraries are a statutory service under the terms of the Public Libraries and
Museums Act 1964, amended by regulations introduced in January 1992. The
regulations confirm the concept of a free basic service, but allow charges to be
made for services beyond the basic provision. The 1964 Act places the following
duties upon Library Authorities: -
Luton Libraries Strategy 2010-2013
To provide ‘a comprehensive and efficient’ library service for all persons
desiring to make use thereof.
To employ officers to provide and maintain buildings and equipment, and to
provide books and other materials.
To make provision available to all who live, work or who are in full-time
education within the local authority area.
To secure and keep adequate stock and arrange for reservations and interlending.
To encourage both adults and children to make full use of the library service.
To make no charge for the loan of printed material, nor for general enquiries.
Library standards were introduced in 2001 but ceased in
2007/08. Luton Culture has retained and adapted some
as a benchmark of basic library provision but will revisit
these as part of the library strategy
‘Not being able to
go far, I am very
grateful for the
home library
service. I would
not survive without
my books’.
The Secretary of State does have the power to
intervene if he/she feels an authority is not providing a
‘comprehensive and efficient’ service and can institute
an enquiry, issue a Direction and ultimately order the
transfer of library functions of the authority to
him/herself. These powers were invoked in 2009 when
Wirral MBC decided to close 11 of its 24 libraries and
the Secretary of State instigated a local public
enquiry. The closures were stopped as a result, with
Wirral MDC directed to produce a clear strategic development plan
for the service which was then submitted to the Secretary of State for approval.
4. The Luton Library Offer
Aims and objectives
The key aim of the library service is to provide a gateway to books, information,
lifelong learning and opportunity to everyone in the community by providing
1. Access to books and information.
2. Support for literacy, learning and encouraging an enjoyment of reading.
3. Opportunities for the community through advice, support and space.
4. A well publicised library offer to increase awareness and usage.
5. A well trained friendly and helpful staff to provide an excellent customer
Luton Libraries Strategy 2010-2013
Libraries provide free safe community spaces where people can go to study,
read, use ICT, take courses and find things out. They are places of opportunity,
opening doors for personal growth, raising aspirations, improving the quality of
people’s lives and empowering people. Membership is free as are all basic
services – borrowing books, seeking information and using ICT.
Our core offer is
Books and Reading
Fiction books in hardback and paperback from classics to the latest best
sellers, ‘easy reads’ to challenging contemporary authors.
Large Print and audio books, books in community languages, e-books and
digital audio books.
Books for children from birth to teenage years.
Support for children’s reading and learning including Bookstart, the Dolly
Parton Imagination Library, Baby rhyme time and the Summer Reading
Reading groups for adults and children.
Reader development activities for both adults and children, themed stock
displays and promotional events.
Library catalogue and stock circulation system for all titles, shared with
Central Bedfordshire and Bedford Borough to enable a wide range of titles to
be accessed by customers in all libraries.
Access to inter library loans.
‘My parents had me join Luton Central Library when
I was around 7 years old and I was an avid reader
and user of the library from then until I left Luton.
The library was a safe and stimulating place and
massively important to my life. I am now a lecturer
at the University of Cambridge and still feel
extremely fond and indebted to the library’.
Luton Libraries Strategy 2010-2013
Key priorities
Library membership for children is a key priority for Luton Libraries with the aim
of every child in Luton to have a library card which they use regularly. Bookstart
and ‘Dolly Parton’ information is given out by registrars when baby’s births are
registered. Library membership registration is also taking place via schools.
Stock levels have declined by 29% over 12 years but Luton Libraries feel it is
important to maintain existing levels. (Some of this reduction has included books
being replaced by electronic and other media.) A minimum of 35,000 items
should be added to stock each year, plus e-books.
ii Information and multi media services
 Access to a wide range of information in hard copy and electronic format.
Access to skilled information staff to help with any information.
Newspapers and Magazines in all libraries, some in community languages.
CD and DVD collections in the largest libraries.
Free information leaflets and displays/exhibitions space for other
organisations at local, regional and national levels.
Virtual library with access to a wide range of data bases and websites that
have been checked by library staff to ensure factual and up to date.
Key priority
To promote the use of online resources.
iii Lifelong Learning and ICT provision
 Non fiction books covering a broad range of subjects for lifelong and informal
learning, work and leisure.
Health Information Points in all libraries.
Books on Prescription running through 3 surgeries in Luton.
Subscriptions to a range of online data bases for library members.
Free internet access – email – online shopping – online booking – Patient
Choice – services such as car tax renewal, word and excel.
Virtual library as above.
Luton Libraries Strategy 2010-2013
IT Taster sessions run by library staff and volunteers to get people online.
Vocational and educational courses provided by partners such as Adult and
Community Learning in libraries.
Support to get back into employment from library staff and partners such as
Next Step.
Free access to language CDs and DVDs and online courses.
Dual language books for children.
Access to the driving theory test and Citizenship practice tests.
For children, Stories from the Web encourages children to read and gives
them the opportunity to have their written work published on the website.
Homework clubs in all libraries offer support for school and project work.
Family and local history events.
Community information database available through the virtual library.
Key priorities
Libraries currently have 139 PCs for public use. Levels should not drop beyond
To promote ICT use to enable people without internet access at home to be
able to use IT with staff support/training, particularly to access council and
government services and to support the Race 0nline 2012 and Smarter
government agendas.
Mrs B is a partially sighted lady over 80 who had never used a computer
but wanted to keep up with new technology. She started by completing a
course in Mouse Skills and then progressed through using the Keyboard to
safe surfing of the Internet. (She has a particular desire to be able to
shop online and be independent) Her first session on searching the
Internet involved web sites connected with her interests i.e. gardening -,
the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew, and also some photographs of frescoes
and mosaics at Pompeii. She was delighted that she can now look up
information with great ease. She will be returning for further practice and
will start to explore shopping online in a new course very shortly .
Luton Libraries Strategy 2010-2013
iv Outreach
 Home library service for customers unable to access a local library due to
illness and infirmity.
Mobile Library service ensuring virtually everyone in Luton is within a mile of a
library service.
Visits by librarians to customers in schools, playgroups, nurseries, residential
home and other community venues.
Display facilities in all libraries for individual and local organisations.
Community rooms for hire by local groups and organisations.
Libraries play a key role contributing to many other
areas and agenda including, health and personal
well-being, social inclusion, community cohesion,
community safety and literacy.
‘Don’t know what I
would do without the
home library service.
I am blind’.
With 50% of the population using libraries (Active
Peoples Survey April- October 2008) libraries are also
ideally placed to make a key contribution to a town wide
customer service strategy, community hubs and
children’s centres.
Key priority
To recruit more volunteers to the home library service to enable it to reach
more customers.
v The Space
Luton is currently well served by a network of eight static libraries, some open
every day Sunday - Saturday, a mobile library service visiting 15 sites across the
town and a home library service. Around ninety-nine percent of the population
live with a mile radius of a library service, with 91.6% being within a mile of a
static library. If mobile library stops are included almost 100% of the population is
within one mile of a library service.
The libraries are the Central Library in the town centre; the strategic libraries of
Leagrave, Wigmore and Marsh Farm and the community libraries of Lewsey,
Stopsley, Sundon Park and Bury Park. Between them the Central Library,
Leagrave, Wigmore and Marsh Farm Libraries account for 86% of library visits,
89% of IT use and 75% of issues.
Luton Libraries Strategy 2010-2013
2009/10 Luton Libraries Statistics
Home Library
Bury Park
Sundon park
Marsh farm
Lewsey Farm
Two of the libraries are in community centres, and Marsh Farm Library moves
into new premises in a new joint public/school library in Lea Manor School in
early 2011. All the libraries are housed in council buildings except Wigmore
Library, which is leased from a commercial organisation. The rent has gone up
regularly at commercial rates and constitutes the biggest running cost for the
library apart from staff. All the libraries have been refurbished internally in recent
years, but many need substantial repairs to the fabric of the building. The
Central Library although greatly improved by Big Lottery Funding is costly to run
and not ideal to deliver a modern public library service. Both Bury Park and
Sundon Park are inadequate; both are too small and Sundon Park has a first
floor that cannot be accessed by anyone in a wheelchair. Bury Park receives
regular customer complaints due to its size asking for more study space, more
computers and more books, but it is physically impossible to fit more in. If it is to
remain open, it must move to bigger and better premises.
Whilst ideally we would wish to improve the existing network and extend opening
hours in line with customers’ wishes and retain the high percentage of customers
living within a mile radius of a library this may not be possible or cost effective in
the future. It is likely that the council may wish to reduce the network of libraries
due to its budgetary position and if this is the case Luton Culture believe that
libraries should only be closed for sound strategic reasons, e.g. their proximity to
other libraries or because the premises are no longer adequate. Luton Culture
also feel that it is better to close a library rather than reduce the quality of the
library service overall by for example reducing opening hours, book fund etc
across the board. This has the knock on effect of reducing usage, by offering
reduced access, reduced choice and fewer services whilst buildings remain
closed but still have to be maintained.
Luton Libraries Strategy 2010-2013
It is also likely that as online services develop and more and more people get
access to ICT at home, over time the need for so many library buildings will also
reduce, though we believe there will be a need for some library buildings for the
foreseeable future to provide safe community space where people (particularly
children, the elderly, students and those living in deprived areas or on low
incomes) can go free of charge to study, read, learn and seek information.
In terms of the Luton library network, Bury Park Library is only half a mile from
the newly refurbished Central Library and Sundon Park within a short distance of
Marsh Farm Library which will have extended opening hours when it moves into
its new premises at Lea Manor School. Indeed there is considerable overlap
between some of the existing libraries with people living in the Leagrave and
Limbury area of town being within a mile of three libraries. Stopsley Library was
also due to close when Wigmore Library (built as the replacement Stopsley
Library) opened in 1991 but was retained due to local pressure. All libraries are
well served by public transport. A new library in Houghton Regis in Central
Bedfordshire also opened in 2009 within a mile radius of Lewsey Library.
The mobile library currently coverage includes
areas where there are gaps in static library
provision - Farley Hill, Chaul End and
Bushmead - and if libraries were to close, the
mobile library routes would be changed to
ensure additional stops filled in any gaps in
‘Love the children’s
library – excellent for
my son’.
In the future it may be possible to look at co-locating libraries into new community
buildings if they are in the right location and/or provide library access points if
appropriate, in new and existing community buildings, again if they are in the
correct location, i.e. easily accessible, near existing library sites or for new sites
in positions where there are currently gaps in static library provision - Bushmead,
Chaul End and Farley Hill. Library access points provide basic library provision some books and ICT with self-service issue and return, run by volunteers but
managed by the library service – not a cheap option to set up but a potential
alternative delivery model that could be considered. Single staffing and selfservice for the smaller libraries is also a potential option for the future.
If the library network is to be reduced, Luton Culture strongly recommend that the
Central Library and the strategic libraries of Leagrave, Wigmore and Marsh Farm
supported by the mobile library are seen as the very minimum library service
provision or core service. To go beyond this, Luton Culture believes would mean
Luton not having a ‘comprehensive and efficient service’ as laid down in the 1964
Act. Whilst a mobile library cannot replace the safe neutral community space a
static library provides, it does provide access to books, information and ICT.
Luton Libraries Strategy 2010-2013
This minimum service would leave 64% of the population within a mile radius of a
static library, but almost 97% within a mile radius of a library service with key
strategic mobile library stops included in the library network. Ideally Luton Culture
believes that the population within a mile radius of a library or mobile stop should
not drop below 90%. Before any library closure was to take place, a full equalities
impact assessment would need to be undertaken.
Between them Luton libraries have 365.75 opening hours a week spread over 7
days. Opening hours per branch with visitor figures are given below.
Marsh Farm
Sundon Park
Bury Park
Opening hours
59.5 spread over 7 days
55.5 spread over 7 days
55.5 spread over 7 days
Visits 2009/10*
Percentage of
* 2009/10 had 9 weeks of library closures for
refurbishment and installation of RFID at
Central, Leagrave and Wigmore Libraries will
have impacted on usage
Key Priorities
The council is urged to negotiate with the landlord at Wigmore Library to
reduce the rent or look to relocate the library in the Wigmore/Stopsley area.
vi The Staff
Staff are our greatest asset and currently the library service has a work force of
87.66 FTE covering a total of 365.75 opening hours a week and also delivering
the home library service, answering information enquires, offering ICT support,
delivering a programme of events to support reader development and a
programme of outreach activities.
Staff have a range of mixed skills and qualifications and are committed to giving
an excellent customer service. All have ECDL or equivalent ICT experience and
have good ICT skills and are currently working through a programme called
Frontline to improve their confidence in talking to customers about different
authors and book choices.
There is a tailored training programme for staff, which is updated regularly, and
Libraries achieved the Investors in People standard before
moving into the Trust. The Trust is currently working on
‘Staff are
reaccredidation as a whole organisation.
brilliant and
always happy to
help and do what
they can’.
Luton Libraries Strategy 2010-2013
Libraries have reduced 5 FTE staff in the last year at the Central Library,
facilitated partly by the introduction of RFID, and there is a need to look at
staffing levels in other RFID libraries and to ensure staff have the skills to deliver
the new ICT agenda and to look to volunteer recruitment to help support these
library services where appropriate.
5. Service developments and improvements for the next 3 years
Service delivery and development for the next 3 years will fall into 3 categories
1. To deliver and develop the core library service.
2. To deliver the strategic and service objectives of the Trust
Strategic Objectives
 To provide high quality cultural services which meet the diverse needs of
local communities
 To promote the value of cultural activity in addressing the wider agenda of
health, education, deprivation and economic regeneration
Service Objectives
 To increase participation in and attendance at libraries
 To increase customer satisfaction with services
 To increase income generation and diversify income streams to enable LCST
to enhance services they provide
To feed into and support the town wide priorities of
Stronger and safer communities
Health and well being
Children and Young People
Local economy and environmental sustainability
Creativity and Inspiration
‘Excellent rhyme
time group for
getting mums out
of the house’.
Miss E who suffers from dyslexia, has completed her first two module
course on learning how to use the Keyboard. She is making real progress
and is gaining confidence from being with a tutor on a 1 to 1 basis who
understands her particular needs and has the patience and time to offer
her additional support. She will be returning next to start a further
course on using the Internet safely and then will study Searching the
Internet and e mail. This will assist her greatly with her coursework, as
she is beginning to study an NVQ in childcare and use of computers will
really make a difference to her ability to complete her academic work.
Luton Libraries Strategy 2010-2013
The strategy seeks to focus on these priority areas and look at where we
are/what we do now, where we want to be and what we can do to get there.
6. Conclusion
There is no doubt that there are difficult times ahead but in times of economic
downturn, services that support communities and provide free access to books,
information, ICT and learning and provide safe neutral spaces are more
important than ever. It is vital that people seeking new jobs, further self
development or indeed something to do when resources are scarce have
somewhere they can go where advice is free and impartial and which has no
stigma attached to it.
Luton Culture is committed to running an effective and dynamic library service. It
may ultimately include running fewer buildings, but alternatively our remit may
increase, working with more partners in the public, private and third sectors to
respond to the needs of local people.
Our action plan for the future is given on page 16 onwards.
Luton Libraries Strategy 2010-2013
Key Priority
Core Library
Offer/ Trust
What we do
Areas for development
Actions to get there
Core Offer, see P 4-6
Ensure stock levels and buying
procedures are relevant to
today’s community
Review stock provision 2011/12
and update policy
including language and
audio provision
Ensure stock rotation
scheme effective
Seek sponsorship for
Ensure ICT offer meets new
policy needs & staff
training/structures facilitate this
Review and advertise
ICT services
Investigate the
provision of WIFI in
Agree core library
Review and deliver
events as appropriate
linking into Trust wide
events as appropriate
Opening hours
Ensure opening hours meet
community needs
Review opening hours
to ensure meet
community needs
Luton Libraries Strategy 2010-2013
Key Priority
Core Library
Offer/ Trust
What we do
Areas for development
Actions to get there
Library Management System
Ensure LMS meeting service
needs and giving value for
Review existing
system for renewal of
JWA in Sept 2012
Increase usage
Marketing campaign
Update marketing
Investigate library
‘shops’ in all libraries
Ensure ex stock sales
maximise income
Investigate new
income streams
Adult CIPFA Plus
Children’s CIPFA Plus
Investigate alternatives
to above
Increase income
Customer consultation
2010/11 &
Luton Libraries Strategy 2010-2013
Key Priority
Stronger &
What we do
of libraries – seen
as safe and neutral
community spaces
 Network
 Used
by 50% of population
range of information –
electronic and paper
 Wide
Venues for
displays/exhibitions &
 Provision
of books ,
magazines and
newspapers including a
variety of community
 Variety
of volunteer
Areas for development
Actions to get there
- Develop partnerships with
the council and other
organisations to get
information out to the
community & as a place for
displays/ exhibitions etc
- Work with
officer and other key
contacts in council,
police, PCT etc. to
get message out
- Promotion of libraries by
council and other
organisations as a place to
use online services where
there are staff to help
- As above
- Development of
commissioning activities to
support communities and
sustain the service
- Take part in IDEA
- Develop
relationships with
officer in the PCT,
council etc
- Develop and increase
volunteer activities in
- Promote
Luton Libraries Strategy 2010-2013
Key Priority
Health & Well
What we do
Actions to get there
- Develop partnerships with
the council and other
organisations to get
information out to the
community & as a place for
displays/ exhibitions etc
particularly at the Central
Library in regard to Luton’s
Health Inequalities
Reduction Strategy
- Work with
commissioning officer
and other key
contacts in the PCT
and health surgeries
 Wide
- Promotion of libraries by
council and PCT as a place
to seek informationand to
use online services where
there are staff to help
- As above
 Provision
- Development of
commissioning activities to
support communities and
sustain the service
- Take part in IDEA
- Develop
relationships with
officer in the PCT,
council etc
of libraries – seen
as safe and neutral
community spaces
 Network
 Used
by 50% of population
 Venues
displays/exhibitions &
range of information –
online and hard copy on
healthy lifestyle, exercise
and diet, stop smoking etc
of books
including large print, audio
and e books
 Health
Information Points
Areas for development
- Promotion of Health
Information Points with
annual information/booklist
- Advertising
campaign/Health Fair
Luton Libraries Strategy 2010-2013
Key Priority
Health & Well
What we do
Areas for development
 Books
- Extend the BOP service
across the town and to
on Prescription
 Access
to Patient
Choice and the NHS health
 Regular
Health Fairs
 Participants
in town wide
campaigns such as ‘Full of
life at 50’
 Home
Library service
- Promotion of patient Choice
and Health Checks
Actions to get there
- Evaluation of
with PCT. Extend if
-Publicise in leaflets
- Establish as a regular feature
with input from local
-Work with partners to
ensure well attended
by local organisations
- Promote service to over 50’s
- Additional talks.
Work with
organisations such as
Age UK & U3A, Sight
Concern, Older
Persons Forum
-Increase number of volunteers
delivering to reach more
- Advertising campaign. 2010/11
Work with other
organisations such as
Luton Libraries Strategy 2010-2013
Key Priority
Health & Well
What we do
Areas for development
Actions to get there
 Services
-Develop ‘library’
personalisation options to
enable those in care to access
library services and events.
- Working with partners
– other Trust services
to develop options
for older people
- Continue to develop
programme with Sight
awareness for those
not online
- Maximise joint
working and promote
-Develop and promote a core
programme of ICT
- Review and advertise
opportunities to ensure Smarter services
Government and Race for Life
- Programme of events
objectives met
Luton Libraries Strategy 2010-2013
Key Priority
Children &
Young People
What we do
Areas for development
 Books
-Increase the number of
children in Luton who are
library members
for children from
birth to teenage year
-Market and develop new
library at Marsh Farm in
partnership with Lea Manor
Actions to get there
- Continue to deliver all
initiatives listed in
column 2 and
- Continue with school
2010/11 &
 Support
for children’s
reading and learning
 Under 5s
- Bookstart
- Baby Rhyme time
- Dolly Parton
Imagination Library
-Increase promotion of
importance of books and
learning to new parents
- Create new babies
card for Registrars to
give new parents
- Seek funding to
enable services to
deliver more baby
rhyme times
Over 5s
- Summer Reading
- Children’s reading
- Stories on the Web
- Promotion of
Bookstart, libraries
and the importance of
reading for young
- Increase numbers attending
events and raise awareness
of what libraries offer
- Promote events
through the Trust,
schools and partners
across the town
2010/11 and
Luton Libraries Strategy 2010-2013
Key Priority
Children &
Young People
What we do
Areas for development
 Homework
- Promotion of homework
Actions to get there
- Create a Trust wide
children’s programme
-Bookmarks out to
 Provision
of study space
- Better promotion of quiet
study space
- Highlight in publicity
and /advertising
 Venues
for home teaching
& excluded pupil support
Consultation with Children
and Young People
- Better involvement of
children and young people in
library developments to
ensure services reflect their
- Further consultation
involvement of
children and young
people in services
Luton Libraries Strategy 2010-2013
Key Priority
Local economy
What we do
Areas for development
 Free
-Develop and promote a core
- Review and advertise
programme of ICT
opportunities to ensure Smarter - Programme of events
Government and Race for Life
objectives met
- Continue to develop
partnerships with e.g. Next
Step, Adult and Community
Learning, Barnfield, the
Learning Partnership etc to
support basic skills learning
and employment advice and
- Review and advertise
- Programme of events
- Better promotion and
awareness of advice and
support given
- Marketing and
- Extend events beyond
Migration Impact project and
involve other organisations
- Review programme
and advertise
access to ICT
 Free
access to lifelong
Actions to get there
 Free
access to books and
 Access
to career advice,
job adverts and
advice/information in hard
copy and on line
 Work
in partnership with
learning organisations to
ensure a selection of basic
skills courses run in the
Central & strategic libraries
 Provide
advice and support
to new and emerging
businesses in partnership
with local and national
 Welcome
to Luton events
Luton Libraries Strategy 2010-2013
Key Priority
Local economy
What we do
Areas for development
Actions to get there
 Access
- Advertise more widely to
increase awareness of
- Publicity and
 Offer
- Develop and increase
volunteer activities in
- Promote volunteer
to tests to support
citizenship and driving
theory tests
work experience
opportunities through
 Information
on environment
and environmental issues
- Organise one environmental -Work with partners to
day per annum to increase
ensure well attended
awareness of environmental by local organisations
issues and recycling
Luton Libraries Strategy 2010-2013
Key Priority
Creativity and
What we do
Areas for development
Actions to get there
- A planned programme of
author events, with partners
and local organisations
growing into a town wide
literature festival
- Seek partners and
- Small festival
- Larger festival
- More joined up events with
- Liaise with
arts and museums
Museums team for
commencing with the Ancient
book list and joint
Greeks Exhibition and Truck
events etc
Art Stories
- Deliver a
programme of
storytelling and
events for Truck
- Agree core library
Art/Stories of the
Provision of a wide range
of fiction in various formats
including classics, latest
best sellers, ‘easy reads’,
challenging contemporary
and graphic novels
Support for children’s
reading to encourage an
enjoyment of reading
including Bookstart, the
Dolly Parton Imagination
Library, Baby rhyme time
and the Summer Reading
Reading groups for adults
and children
Reader development
activities for both adults
and children, themed
stock displays,
promotional and author
- Review and deliver
events as
appropriate linking
into Trust wide
events as
Luton Libraries Strategy 2010-2013
Luton Libraries Strategy 2010-2013
Appendix A – Consultation
Luton Libraries have used four pieces of consultation specifically for this strategy
but also have used information given by users in the Cipfa Plus Survey in
October 2009. The draft strategy will also be published on the Luton Culture
website and highlighted in the Council’s newspaper Lutonline to solicit wider
1. Cipfa Plus Survey – October 2009
1794 users responded to the questionnaire, and the percentage of customers
who rated the service(s) as good or very good were as follows:
 91% - the library was a safe place to visit
 88% - the attractiveness of the inside of the library
 86% - the standard of customer care
 83% - hours of opening
 82% - provision of seating and tables
 57% - the outside attractiveness of the buildings good/good
Overall, 85% of respondents rated the overall quality of their library service as
good or very good, with only 2% rating it poor or very poor.
Areas where there was least satisfaction in the service overall were:
 The variety of books
 Computers
 Opening Hours
Information was also sought through additional comments and again comments
for improvements were about stock, opening hours and computers, though
needing additional study space also featured regularly. Customers want more
opening hours, more computers, more books and more study tables! It is
apparent however from many of the comments made that customers do not
understand what books Luton Libraries stock and what the remit of the public
library is. For example there were many comments about not having multiple
copies of text books to cover college and university courses, but this is not a
public library role. Customers also did not seem to understand that if a book is
not on the shelf, it may be on loan and can be reserved.
2. Citizens Panel – Early 2010
The Citizens Panel was used to target non-users and 407 telephone interviews
took place 15 March–1 April 2010. In reality 49% of the residents taking part had
used a library in Luton in the last year, with 76% of those using the Central
Library, Leagrave and Wigmore Libraries. Of those that had not used libraries,
60% said they had no need to use one; 24% were too busy and 9% said they
could not get to one.
Luton Libraries Strategy 2010-2013
When asked if there was anything from a suggested list that would encourage
them to use the library 30% said being able to borrow books; 25% being able to
find out information; 24% doing local & family history; 21% borrowing CDs and
DVDs; 18% purchasing new books, 17% undertaking informal learning and 15%
attending children’s events. All these services including purchasing new books
via the library website at Amazon.
10% of those questioned had used the library’s website in the last six months,
40% to renew/reserve books; 24% to check the library catalogue; 21% to access
online information; 17% to find out opening times and 12% to find out about
3. Senior Persons Forum Focus Groups – July 2010
20 people aged 60 attended two sessions in July 2010. The majority used the
service and were very supportive of it. Both groups were not aware of all the
services libraries offered and there was little awareness of any advertising apart
from Lutonline which residents in Bramingham do not get delivered. Both groups
sited the carpark closure as an issue for the Central Library. The mobile, home
library service and audio books were all seen as important.
4. Young Parents Group at Marsh Farm Children’s Centre – August 2010
Seven young parents in their twenties attended this session with their children.
Only one used the library, the rest really had not thought about the relevance of
the library to their family, saying they were too busy, downloaded music etc
However they were rethinking that and more interested in using the service after
meeting staff and learning about what libraries could offer. The main points that
came out of the meeting were:
 Lack of publicity from the library service about what services are provided.
 Libraries look dull (Sundon Park particularly mentioned) do not have adequate
signs outside to show what they are.
 Anxiety about damage to books and fines.
 Whilst not seeing the relevance of libraries for themselves, they felt they were
important for their children and older people.
 Anxious about using the new shared use library at Lea Manor – bad
memories of school.
5. Library Advisory Panel – September 2010
Seven people attended this meeting consisting of two Trustees and five members
of the public, the latter all being library users who between then used the service
for book borrowing in the main, but with some IT use.
Despite being library users they were not aware of all the variety of different
services on offer and felt better marketing was needed. They also felt there would
always be the need for the libraries with a physical presence. One said ‘it is a
safe neutral space … where else would people go for that kind of arena’.
Luton Libraries Strategy 2010-2013
Appendix B – Profile of People using Luton Libraries
1. Actual usage
Active Peoples Survey April – October 2008
49.4% of the population in Luton used libraries. Sample size 570
ii Citizens Panel February 2010
A half of residents taking part in the survey (49%) have visited a library in Luton
in the last 12 months. Among these, almost a half visited Luton Central Library
(48%) on the last occasion. Just under one in five visited Leagrave Library (18%)
and one in ten Wigmore Library (10%). More than one in ten users (12%) visit
the library about once a week or more often. A similar proportion (11%) visit it
about once every two weeks. In contrast, about one in six (16%) visit it less often
than once every few months. Sample size 407.
iii Active Users
Whilst c 50% of the population use libraries, 40,432 people used a library card in
2009/10 to borrow an item or use ICT. You do not have to be a library member or
have a ticket to use libraries to study, read, seek information, browse etc.
2. Demographics
The Cipfa Plus adult (16+) surveys, which take place every three years, have
always given a useful demographic snapshot over a week of who is using the
library service. The 2006 survey was particularly useful with only c 14% of
customers not completing the data. In 2009, significantly more people refused to
complete personal data making it less useful. Both survey demographics are
included below as a result and show the diversity of people using libraries.
2006 Adult Cipfa Survey
 47% were male
 43% female
 10% did not provide the information
 16% were aged 16-24
 17% were aged 25-34
 31% were aged 35-54
 9% were aged 55- 64
 8% were aged 65 and over
 14% did not provide the information
Luton Libraries Strategy 2010-2013
Range of economic activity
 11% were in part time employment
 25% were employed
 4% were self employed
 9% were unemployed
 11% in full and part time education
 4% were looking after home/family
 2% were permanently sick or disabled
 18% were retired
 1% other
 15% did not provide the information
 56% white (46% British, 3% Irish and 7% other)
 < 3% mixed race
 16% Asian (4% Indian, 8% Pakistani, 3% Bangladeshi, 1% other )
 9% Black (3% black Caribbean,6%, other, <.5% African)
 1% Chinese
 <.5% Other
 13% did not provide the information
ii 2009 Adult Cipha Plus Survey
44% were male
38% were female
18% did not provide the information
 17% were aged 16-24
 14% were aged 25-34
 24% were aged 35-54
 7% were aged 55-64
 11% were aged 65 and over
 27% did not provide the information
Range of economic activity
 31% were in full time or part time employment
 4% were self employed
 11% were in full time education
 11% were unemployed
 2% were permanently sick or disabled
 14% were retired
 4% were looking after home/family
 1% were on a government supported training programme
 22% did not provide the information
Luton Libraries Strategy 2010-2013
 13% white (4% British, 1% Irish, 5% white & black African, 3% other white
 22% Asian (8% Indian, 7% Pakistani, 4% Bangladeshi, 2% other Asian
 6% Black (4% black African, 1% black Caribbean 1% other black)
 1% Arab
 1% Other ethnic groups
 56% did not provide the information or preferred not to say
 42% were Christian
 14% Muslim
 3% Hindu
 Sikh 1%
 1% Other
 16% had no religion
 23% did not provide this information or preferred not to say
 68% were Heterosexual
 1% Gay/lesbian
 1% Bisexual
 1% Other
 29% did not provide this information or preferred not to say
iii The next Children’s Cipfa Plus survey is due to take place in October
2010, but results for 2007 are shown below
 52% were girls
 48% were boys
 22% were aged 0-4
 30% were aged 5-9
 43% were aged 10-14
 5% were aged 15
 33% were Asian
 11% of mixed race
 17% were black
 38% were white
Luton Libraries Strategy 2010-2013
How they visit the library
 75% with someone from my family
 15% with friends
 15 with school/nursery/playgroup
 13% visited on their own
 1% other
Luton Libraries Strategy 2010-2013
Appendix C – Bibliography
1. Empower, Inform, Enrich – The Modernisation Review of Public Libraries: A
consultation document. DCMS November 2009.
2. The Modernisation Review Of Public Libraries: A policy statement. DCMS.
March 2010.
3. A Local Enquiry into the Public Library Service provided by Wirral MBC.
DCMS. September 2009.
4. What Makes A Good Library Service? Guidelines on public library provision in
England for portfolio holders in local councils. CILIP. October 2009.
5. Luton Borough Council Corporate Plan 2009/10, 2011/12.
6. Luton Local Area Agreement - 2008/11.
7. Luton’s Children & Young People Plan 2010/11.
8. Luton’s Partnership Strategy to reduce Health Inequalities 2010/2026 Luton
9. Joint Strategic Needs Assessment 2008 - Luton Borough Council & Luton
10. Our Vision for Luton in 2026 - Luton’s Sustainable Community Strategy.