IV. HLT selection algorithms

The CMS High Level Trigger
V. Brigljevic, G. Bruno, E. Cano, S. Cittolin, S. Erhan, D. Gigi, F. Glege, R. Gomez-Reino Garrido,
M. Gulmini, J. Gutleber, C. Jacobs, M. Kozlovszky, H. Larsen, I. Magrans De Abril, F. Meijers,
E. Meschi, S. Murray, A. Oh, L. Orsini, L. Pollet, A. Racz, D. Samyn, P. Scharff-Hansen, P. Sphicas,
C. Schwick, J. Varela
Abstract—The High Level Trigger (HLT) system of the CMS
experiment will consist of a series of reconstruction and selection
algorithms designed to reduce the Level-1 trigger accept rate of
100 kHz to 100 Hz forwarded to permanent storage. The HLT
operates on events assembled by an event builder collecting
detector data from the CMS front-end system at full granularity
and resolution. The HLT algorithms will run on a farm of
commodity PCs, the filter farm, with a total expected
computational power of 106 SpecInt95. The farm software,
responsible for collecting, analyzing, and storing event data,
consists of components from the data acquisition and the offline
reconstruction domains, extended with the necessary glue
components and implementation of interfaces between them. The
farm is operated and monitored by the DAQ control system and
must provide near-real-time feedback on the performance of the
detector and the physics quality of data.
In this paper, the architecture of the HLT farm is described,
and the design of various software components reviewed. The
status of software development is presented, with a focus on the
integration issues. The physics and CPU performance of current
reconstruction and selection algorithm prototypes is summarized
in relation with projected parameters of the farm and taking into
account the requirements of the CMS physics program. Results
from a prototype test stand and plans for the deployment of the
final system are finally discussed.
CMS experiment employs a general-purpose
detector with nearly complete solid-angle coverage for
the detection of electrons, photons and muons and the
measurement of hadronic jets and total energy flow. The
detector features accurate tracking based on solid-state pixel
and silicon strip detectors and a 4T superconducting solenoid.
The main purpose of the Data Acquisition (DAQ) and HighLevel Trigger (HLT) systems is to read data from the detector
Manuscript received October 22, 2003.
V. Brigljevic, G. Bruno, E. Cano, S. Cittolin, D. Gigi, F. Glege, R.
Gomez-Reino Garrido, M. Gulmini, J. Gutleber, C. Jacobs, M. Kozlovszky, H.
Larsen, I. Magrans De Abril, F. Meijers, E. Meschi, S. Murray, A. Oh, L.
Orsini, L. Pollet, A. Racz, D. Samyn, P. Scharff-Hansen, P. Sphicas, C.
Schwick, and J. Varela are with CERN, European Center for Particle Physics,
Geneva, Switzerland. Corresponding author e-mail: Emilio.Meschi@cern.ch
S. Erhan is with University of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles,
M. Gulmini is also with Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro dell’INFN,
Legnaro, Italy.
P. Sphicas is also with University of Athens, Athens, Greece
front-end electronics for those events that are selected by the
Level-1 Trigger, assemble them into complete events, and
select, amongst those events, the most interesting ones for
output to mass storage [1]. The proper functioning of the HLT
at the desired performance, and its availability, will be a key
element in reaching the full physics potential of the
The CMS Level-1 Trigger has to process information from
the detector at the full beam-crossing rate of 40 MHz. This rate
and the limited amount of buffering available in the detector
front-end electronics, limit the data accessible to the Level-1
Trigger for processing to a subset of CMS sub-detectors,
namely the calorimeters and muon chambers. These data do
not represent the full information recorded in the CMS frontend electronics, but only a coarse-granularity and lowerresolution set. Given the total time available to the Level-1
Trigger processors, and the information sent to them, the
Level-1 Trigger system is expected to reduce the event rate to
100 kHz at the design LHC luminosity of 1034 cm-2 s-1. At
startup, the data acquisition system will be staged at about 50%
of its final capability, or 50 kHz maximum average Level-1
accept rate. The HLT will receive, on average, one event of
mean size 1 MB every 10 µs (20 µs at startup). In the HLT the
event rate must be further reduced to approximately 100 Hz,
which is manageable by persistent storage and offline
processing. This rate reduction must be achieved without
introducing dead time, executing algorithms that combine the
rejection power and speed of traditional “Level-2” triggers, and
the flexibility and sophistication of “Level-3”. For this to be
possible, event and calibration data, and algorithms used by the
HLT must be essentially of “offline” quality, and include
information from tracking detectors. Complete events are
obtained from assembly of data from all detector front-ends in
the CMS event builder [2]. Strategies to analyze and select
events for permanent storage are the subject of the following
Because of the event sizes and rates involved, the task to
assemble events consisting of a large number of small data
fragments in a single location (the physical memory of a
computer) requires high bandwidth I/O. The subsequent
reconstruction and HLT selection, however, are essentially
CPU-intensive. Distributing the two tasks to different
components, loosely connected by asynchronous protocols,
allows tailoring of the deployed CPU power according to
varying running conditions, increases the fault tolerance of the
system, and ensures “gracious” performance degradation
thanks to easy reconfiguration, in the event of failure of one or
more of the computational nodes. Working in connection with
the event builder, the HLT must be configured, controlled, and
monitored using online control and monitor data paths and
software tools. The general architecture of the CMS DAQ
software framework supports this separation by providing all
the basic tools to interoperate and exchange data between
diverse components in a distributed DAQ cluster [3].
The global architecture of the CMS DAQ is sketched in
fig. 1. In the event builder, data from front-end electronic
modules are assembled, by means of a complex of switching
networks and intermediate merging modules, in a set of Builder
Units (BU). A certain number of processing nodes of the HLT
farm (Filter Units, FU) are connected to a BU. A BU serves
complete events to the FU that is subsequently responsible for
processing them to reach the HLT decision and transferring
accepted events for persistent storage.
Filter Data Network
are transferred over a logically separate Filter Control Network
(FCN). The functionality of the various software components
of the FU and SM are discussed in more detail in the following
A. Filter Unit
The FU software consists of four main components: The
filter framework, handles the FU data access and control layers
on behalf of the filter tasks, which run HLT algorithms and
perform the event selection in the context of the framework.
The filter unit monitor, in conjunction with the framework,
provides a consistent interface for monitoring of system-level
and application-level parameters of the Filter Unit. In
particular, it collects and elaborates statistical data on the HLT,
and periodically updates these data to the relevant consumers
via the control network.
The storage manager handles the transfer of accepted event
data out of the FU.
B. Subfarm Manager
Representing a single physical point of access to the
computation nodes performing the HLT selection, the SM
guarantees consistency of the operational parameters of the
sub-farm by distributing configuration information and control
messages from other actors in the DAQ system to filter units,
and by centralizing access to data repositories. The SM
provides state tracking, monitor information cache and local
storage of output data for the sub-farm, so that each sub-farm
can be operated as a separate entity. Fetching of new
calibration and run condition constants, as well as other
parameters, directives, and algorithms defining the High Level
Trigger “table”, are among SM responsibilities. By
coordinating the update of these parameters in the filter units,
complete traceability of events accepted by the HLT is
guaranteed, thus easing the task of the physicists performing
data analysis in evaluating trigger efficiencies and cross
sections. A block scheme of the SM is shown in Figure 2.
Fig. 1. A sub-farm consists of processing nodes (FU) and one head node
(SM). The Filter Units are connected to the Builder Units by a switching
To ensure good scaling behavior, as the number of
processing nodes is increased, the HLT farm is organized as a
collection of sub-farms, each connecting to several Builder
Units via a switched interconnect, the Filter Data Network
(FDN). Filter units in a sub-farm are managed by a head node,
the Sub-farm Manager (SM). Control and monitor messages
Fig. 2. Block scheme of the Sub-farm Manager
The various services are coordinated by an application
server to provide a unique point of access for run control and
monitor clients, and to give a uniform interface to the various
functions of the sub-farm. A sub-farm monitor handles the
subscription and collection of monitor and alarm information
from all the FU nodes. Monitor information is stored in a
transient cache for local elaboration and distribution. A
monitor and alarm engine can elaborate and analyze this
information, as well as state information of FUs, SM and the
local storage. Thresh-olds on various observables related to
these components can be set here to produce alarms and
warnings to be delivered to run control or other clients. Alarms
originated by the FU or raised locally, can be masked in the
monitor engine. Control and configuration messages are
distributed upon request from run control by the corresponding
service, and a state tracking service collects responses to
provide real-time state of the system and acknowledge state
transitions to run control. The SM supervises the file-system
containing the reference code, configuration data, and the
replica of the run condition and calibration databases, through
the configuration manager, and monitors the state of the local
mass storage on behalf of run control. To give uniform access
to the Farm resources, the SM control and monitor interfaces
are identical to the corresponding interfaces of the FU. The SM
presenter elaborates dynamic representations of the monitor
and state information for browsing by external clients via a
standard web interface.
Experience with traditional “Level-3” triggers shows that
there is a fast turnover of reconstruction and selection
algorithms as more effective strategies are developed offline
and then exported to the “Level-3”. Thus, an early design
choice was to provide, in the filter farm, the same software
framework available to offline reconstruction [4], allowing
transparent migration of new algorithms and selections
developed offline by analyzing data. In the FU, the DAQ
framework and the reconstruction framework must coexist and
operate concurrently (Fig. 3).
Onli ne-specific
extensions to
Base services
Offli ne base
Onli ne repla cements
for offli ne package s
deali ng wit h raw data
Recons truction and
HLT algor it hms
(same as offl ine)
Filter Un it
(DAQ )
Execu tive (DAQ )
Fig. 3. The DAQ and extended reconstruction frameworks cooperate in the
Filter Unit to run generic filter tasks. A limited set of interfaces connects the
DAQ components to online-specific extensions of the offline framework.
Interoperability is achieved by clear definition of the scope
of each of the frameworks inside the FU, and subsequent
careful design of a small set of interfaces between the two
realms. Three separate areas of interaction were identified:
event data input, control, and monitoring. The DAQ framework
provides standardized interfaces for communication among
DAQ applications through peer-to-peer message passing, and
access to configuration parameters under the control of an
executive program. The executive loads application
components, dispatches configuration and control messages,
provides data transport in the distributed system, and means to
hook data delivery to specific software entry points. The heart
of the Filter Unit is a set of filter tasks that manage
reconstruction and selection algorithms using the services
offered by the offline framework. In the framework itself, the
offline implementation of some of these services is replaced by
the corresponding online one, built as an extension to the
offline complying with the aforementioned interfaces. The
most important of these extensions allows the filter task to
collect event (raw) data via the DAQ components of the FU,
and dispatch them to the reconstruction modules. Event objects
are created in the FU upon response from the BU to a request
message, and placed in a queue, where they can be accessed by
a filter task. Partial transfer of event fragments from the BU is
supported to ease the load on the data network. Raw data
fragments are interpreted on a need basis, according to their
pre-specified formats. Data formatting is implemented as an
extension to reconstruction code equally available for
preliminary studies of data volumes and CPU requirements
while the design of the front-end systems is being finalized.
Formatting on demand minimizes CPU need by only
transforming into software objects the data needed to reach the
HLT decision.
Other extensions transfer control over reconstruction and
selection configuration and related parameters, and provide
facilities that enable the filter tasks to publish and update
monitor information in the SM using online protocols. This
strategy allows the assembly of filter tasks as modular
“application libraries” consisting mainly of offline
components, and only few online specific modules which are
completely interchangeable with their offline counterpart.
Managing and maintaining a software project making use of
a large base of external components can be cumbersome,
especially if concurrent development and release of many of
these components is expected. To overcome this problem, the
farm software development integrates the same configuration
and release management used for offline [5], concentrating in a
single releasable unit all the software that has dependencies in
both realms.
Extensive effort has been put by the CMS Collaboration on
early development and benchmarking of effective HLT
reconstruction and selections algorithms [1]. This development
profits from a coherent object-oriented framework [4],
allowing simple integration of reconstruction modules and
providing the basic tools for sophisticated event-driven, “on
demand” reconstruction. To optimize CPU usage,
reconstruction is performed in a limited region of the detector,
identified on the base of results of previous reconstruction
steps, starting from Level-1 information.
The resulting set of reconstruction and selection algorithms
has been tested on large samples of simulated data to estimate
their rate reduction power and physics efficiency. Events were
generated for all physical processes expected to contribute to
the Level-1 trigger output rate. The Level-1 trigger rate budget
was allocated to the various physics channels according to their
relevance for the CMS physics program. A safety factor of 3
was used to account for machine background processes (beam
halo etc.), which were not simulated. To study the LHC startup
scenario, a total Level-1 rate of 16 kHz only was allocated.
As an example of the detailed performance analysis carried
out on candidate HLT algorithms, the selection of electrons
and photons is discussed in some detail. A quarter of the total
Level-1 rate is assigned to the undifferentiated single and
double electron/photon stream. By optimizing efficiencies, the
relative rate for single and double trigger is assigned. The first
step in the selection consists in the accurate measurement of
the candidates’ transverse energy in the electromagnetic
calorimeter (ECAL). A special clustering algorithm is applied
to recover possible bremsstrahlung photons, and tighter
thresholds are subsequently applied. This is commonly referred
to as “Level-2 selection”. The accurate energy and position
measurement in the CMS ECAL is used to extrapolate the
direction of an electron track into the pixel layers of the CMS
tracker. By requiring that two out of three pixel layers have a
hit inside the extrapolation road (pixel matching), the electron
hypothesis is excluded for a large fraction of the background
from jets, while preserving very good efficiency for true
electrons (Fig. 4). Events with one or two candidates passing
this selection (the “Level-2.5”) enter the electron stream,
whereas those that fail are tested for the photon hypothesis.
For candidates in the electron stream, electron tracks are
subsequently reconstructed, and track quality cuts applied. By
looking for tracks in a cone around the electron direction, a
very effective isolation cut can also be applied. This is
collectively referred to as “Level-3” selection. For the photon
stream, tighter transverse energy cuts are applied at “Level-3”,
along with isolation cuts.
The selection is almost 80% efficient on electrons from W
decays in the fiducial area of the detector. The double photon
selection is measured to be more than 80% efficient on H
decays within the fiducial cuts.
The CPU performance of the HLT algorithms has been
evaluated for single and combined selections, to estimate the
computational power needs of the HLT farm. As an example,
figure 5 shows the distribution of the CPU time needed to run
the electron/photon selection on events passing Level-1. The
CPU time to run a given logical level is only accounted for if
the event passes the previous selection. Processing times are
found to be well behaved, and to fit well to a log-normal. This
result guarantees that the system does not get stuck because of
pathological events in the far tails of the distribution.
Fig. 5. CPU time distribution for the electron HLT selection on a reference
1 GHz Pentium III PC. Inset: the log(t) distribution is fitted to a gaussian
Table I summarizes results of the detailed CPU analysis for
the baseline HLT selection described in [1]. The mean
processing time is 271 ms per Level-1 accept. This mean does
not include the time required to format raw event data as
received from the DAQ. Some preliminary results on the
impact of raw data formatting are discussed in the following
section V.
Fig. 4. Efficiency vs. jet rejection for the electron selection algorithm based on
pixel tracking at design LHC luminosity. The two curves are for different
acceptance cuts of the pixel detector.
Main Physics Object
rate (Hz)
time (s)
Electron + Jet
Jet and missing ET
The Pentium-III 1 GHz CPU estimated capacity is 41
SpecInt95. Thus, the total CPU power required by the HLT
farm to process the maximum Level-1 rate of 100 kHz is
1.2106 SpecInt95, but only 6105 at startup. These figures are
finally extrapolated to 2007 assuming a CPU power increase
by a factor two every 1.5 years, yielding an average of
approximately 40 ms per event, or a total of ~2,000 CPU at
Thanks to the clear separation of responsibility between the
acquisition and reconstruction software realms, components of
the filter unit interacting with DAQ are implemented and tested
in a pure DAQ context. In particular, the protocol for data
transfer between the BU and the FU has been developed and
tested early on. Tests show that a GEthernet-based FDN can
sustain event rates up to 100 Hz out of the BU, assuming
events of 1 MB average size. With the current DAQ design
figures, two outgoing GE connections are needed for the BU to
sustain its design output event rate of 200 Hz.
Filter unit software development has subsequently
concentrated on the integration issues mentioned in section III.
To establish the data path and task coordination required to run
the HLT algorithms in the context of the FU, the necessary
extensions to the offline framework, were designed and
implemented. These enable delivery of data from the DAQ
segment, steering of the reconstruction execution, and access to
reconstruction parameters and monitor information.
In order to use simulated data, the ability to generate and
interpret arbitrary raw data formats was introduced in the
reconstruction, and a first set of formats based on current
knowledge of front-end hardware design was implemented. By
analyzing occupancy information in simulated events, the
design hypothesis of 1MB average total size for events was
verified and event-by-event size fluctuations estimated [6].
Fig. 6. CPU time distribution for access and formatting of CMS ECAL data
on a reference 1 GHz Pentium-III
The raw data access and formatting were analyzed to get a
first hint of their impact on HLT execution times. As an
example, figure 6 shows the estimated access and formatting
time for the electromagnetic calorimeter data. Preliminary
results indicate that, without any optimization, these times
range between 10 and 20% of the total processing time.
A complete filter unit running the available HLT algorithms
was then assembled and functionally tested. This prototype
filter unit obtains simulated raw events from a builder unit, and
processes them under DAQ control. HLT parameters can be
configured and modified through DAQ interfaces, and monitor
information collected from a central server.
A prototype of the sub-farm manager based on the apacheTomcat servlet container [7] was implemented. Relevant
functionality is provided by servlets, which use DAQ protocols
to communicate with the FU, to issue configuration and control
messages and receive status and monitor information. Good
scaling behavior of the SM when controlling up to 28 filter
units was verified. A constant cold-start time of 9 seconds was
measured when configuring and starting the whole sub-farm
from scratch. Collection and collation of monitoring
information in the SM was tested to scale up to 64 FU when
400 sample monitor objects (50-bin double precision 1D
histograms) are updated every 5 seconds.
The software was deployed on a small-scale test stand
consisting of 9 rack-mount computers with dual Pentium-IV
Xeon CPU at 2.4 GHz, connected through dual GEthernet links
over a 24-port switch. The HLT selections ran by the filter
units were the same used to produce the baseline results of
table I. To fully exploit the CPU multiple instances of the filter
unit were deployed on each machine, and performance was
found to scale up to 4 FU/node, since processes profit from the
Hyperthreaded Xeon architecture. The development of a FU
with multiple processing threads is planned, when thread-safe
reconstruction code will become available.
A repetition of the offline benchmarks of HLT selections is
currently ongoing. Preliminary results indicate that processing
times scale well with machine clock speed: a test-stand
processing node is capable of handling an average of 20 Hz
event rate. Expansion of the current setup is planned for 2004
to reach the planned size of a sub-farm, spanning 8 or 16 BU.
Development is ongoing to increase robustness and provide the
complete functionality of the FU and SM, including local mass
storage of accepted events. Performance improvements are
expected from optimization of reconstruction and selection
code until the very start of data taking, in 2007.
CMS Collaboration, Data Acquisition and High-Level Trigger Technical
Design Report, CERN/LHCC 2002-26.
V. Brigljevic et al., The CMS Event Builder, 2003 Conference on
Computing in High Energy Physics, San Diego, CA 24-28 March 2003.
J. Gutleber et al. Towards a Homogeneous Architecture for High Energy
Physics Data Acquisition Systems, Comp. Phys. Comm. 153/2 (2003),
V.Innocente et al., CMS Software Architecture, Comp. Phys. Comm.,
140 (2001), 31.
SCRAM, Software Configuration Release And Management,
See e.g. O. Kodolova et al., Expected Data Rates from the Silicon Strip
Tracker, CMS Note-2002/047 (2002).
The Jakarta Project: Apache Tomcat, http://jakarta.apache.org/tomcat