The Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings in Scotland is

The Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings in Scotland is
seeking an enthusiastic and dynamic individual with administrative
and events management experience. You will work in conjunction
with the SPAB in Scotland Committee to manage the Society’s
presence in Scotland.
The Administrator is responsible for the day to day running of the
office, as well as organising the Society’s events in Scotland.
Managing the office includes general bookkeeping, all correspondence, handling
enquiries from society members and the public and minute taking. The applicant should
have some knowledge of basic accounting, as they will maintain the Society’s financial
accounts. This will include sending invoices, preparing cheques for payment, and
drafting quarterly budgets. The successful applicant will work with the SPABiS
Committee to develop an effective ongoing business plan and help to raise the profile of
the Society in Scotland. The Administrator also organises all events for the Society in
Scotland, which include practical training days, educational visits and lectures. This
includes working with the Scottish Committee to draft programmes, contact speakers,
arrange marketing, book accommodation and transport and liaise with venues to provide
catering, equipment, etc.
While operating under the guidance of the Scottish committee, the post involves working
largely unsupervised and would suit someone with proven initiative and self-motivation.
Knowledge of word processing, presentation and Microsoft Excel and website
maintenance is essential. Interest in architectural history and building conservation are
also desirable.
Pay is £19,090 pro rata, at 11 hours per week, paid monthly in arrears. The hours will
increase to 14 hours per week in 2012. Hours are flexible, based in the Edinburgh office
and include periodic evening meetings and weekend events.
Applications should be made in writing, including a covering letter and CV, to:
SPAB in Scotland, The Glasite Meeting House, 33 Barony Street, Edinburgh EH3 6NX
or emailed to Please also include two references.
Closing Date: 30 August 2011
Applicants should be available for interview in Edinburgh the week of 5 September 2011
Please note, only those selected for interview will be contacted.
What is the SPAB?
The SPAB was founded in 1877 by William Morris, to try and stop the over zealous Victorians from
renovating and ‘restoring’ away the character of medieval buildings. The SPAB believes that ancient
buildings should be repaired with the minimum of loss of fabric and so of romance and authenticity. If new
work is necessary it should express modern needs in a modern language, so that it complements and
doesn’t parody the more ancient fabric.
Today the SPAB carries on this work through education, advice and publications. The work of the Society is
carried out in Scotland by the SPAB in Scotland committee, the members of which are spread the length
and breadth of the country.
Email: Website:
Place of registration: England and Wales.
Registered office: 37 Spital Square London E1 6DY, Telephone/Fax: 0131 557 1551
Company No. 5743962, Charity No. 111 3753, Scottish Charity No. SC 039244, VAT No. 577 4276 02