Arts membership joining form The following cultural organisation would like to join Arts & Business Scotland. The membership fee is £100 +VAT and runs for 12 months from receipt of payment. See below for payment details. Organisation Organisation name Mailing address Town Postcode Telephone Email Website Name and job title of CEO Primary contact Name Job title Direct telephone Email Second contact Name Job title Direct telephone Email I enclose a cheque made payable to Arts & Business Scotland for £100 + VAT I have made a BACS payment to the Arts & Business Scotland account as follows: Account Name: Sort code: Account number: Bank: Arts & Business Scotland 40 – 52 - 40 00021474 CAF Bank Please submit your completed form (with cheque if applicable) to: Arts & Business Scotland, 11 Abercromby Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6LB Telephone: 0131 556 3353 | Email: Data Protection Act 1998: We are required by law to obtain your informed consent to use your personal contact details (your name, address, telephone number, email address). Please tick below that you agree to Arts & Business Scotland holding your personal contact details. Yes No Arts & Business Scotland is a company limited by guarantee registered in Scotland (SC406905 and a Scottish charity (SC042631 The registered office is 11 Abercromby Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6LB