Literacy For Life: Books and Extension Ideas

Literacy For Life: Books and Extension Ideas
Skin Again
Create a life-sized self-portrait. Ask someone to trace your silhouette and
then decorate your skin using colored paper of choice. Add pictures to
your silhouette, collage style. What is the formula for your skin? Can you
recreate the color of your skin with colored pencils? What is under your
skin? What makes you unique? Include those ideas in your portrait?
Create an obstacle/action map course
Use word signs to “tell” the story with silent actions and word signs.
Help children become storytellers, practicing dialogic reading skills to
develop vocabulary by asking questions about what is happening.
Maisy 1,2,3
Make a peringular based origami book of your favorite things to count.
A Boy With A Bunny On His Head Act and write about what you can do with a bunny on your head.
You Read To Me, I’ll Read To You Host community readers to read or be read to by children learning to read.
Community readers can be provided with a backpack of books.
Readers get to choose what they want to hear.
I write to you, write to me. Start a circle correspondence or instant
messaging correspondence.
One Red Dot
Investigate paper engineering, pop-up artists, and create a pop-up book.
Jack & the Wonder Beans
Research unusual words in the book and what they mean.
Hint: Dictionary of American Regional English
Choose a book to bring to life: _____________________________________________________
Ideas for how to add meaning or experience to the story:
o _______________________________________________________________________
o _______________________________________________________________________