Curriculum Newsletter - Sully Primary School


Sully School

Autumn Term 2013

Curriculum Newsletter Year 4 Topic- Castles and Dragons



Guided reading

VCOP (Vocabulary, Connectives, Openers, Punctuation)


Big Write


Reference work

Myths, legends and folk tales. Poetry – different styles and techniques.

Non-fiction texts associated with our topic.

Welsh – sentence patterns, vocabulary and reading through the topics of Yr

Ysgol (School) and Bwyd (food).

Revise 4 rules of number (-+x÷)

Multiplication and deriving division facts

Using and applying number skills in everyday situations

Aspects of shape, space and data

Big Maths

Castles and



This project has a history focus and teaches children about aspects of the middle ages of Welsh history between 1063 and 1283. In this project children will learn:

 How to use a range of historical source materials to find out information about the past;

 How to order things chronologically;

 About significant Welsh figures that shaped this period of history;

 About the castles of Wales;

 About cultural identity of Wales;

 About the features of myths and legends and how to write one of their own;

 How to use a range of mathematical, technological and artistic skills to create artefacts ands models on an historical theme.

Knights’ Training Camp – athletic skills.

Dance – Creating a group piece using stimuli from the topic.

Throughout this topic the skills of communication, thinking, number, ICT and bilingualism will be developed.
