Curriculum Map 2014 -2015 Dragonfly Class Summer Term Castle Topic Summer Term English Maths We will continue with our Letters and Sounds phonics program daily, also we are concentrating on learning to read and write key and common words. Letter formation is to show clear ascenders and descenders and all writing will be on lines. The content of our writing will be linked to our topic of Castles with nonfiction writing, recounts and stories linked to the topic. Children will continue to progress in reading with daily guided or individual reading. We will encourage speaking and listening skills through drama and weekly show and tell sessions. Year One children will begin multiplication and division through practical activities and go on to learn how to count in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s. We will extend our ability to add and subtract and also develop partitioning of number and place value. All children will work on numeral formation daily. All children will develop their knowledge of shape, space and measure and begin to understand early data interpretation. Reception children will continue to learn to count, recognise numbers and begin early addition and subtraction skills. We will continue to work both practically and on paper in squared books. Science Computing Art/DT PE/Games Topic: History/Geography Religious Studies We will extend our knowledge of materials and look at the materials used to build castles. We will continue to learn about plants and animals in the locality and extend our knowledge of seasonal changes. Children will work in the Learning Garden to plant and grow seasonal vegetables with Mrs Howell. Children will begin to recognise common uses of information technology beyond school. We will develop our skills on the iPads and use the laptops to further knowledge of computing and maths and English skills. We will make models of castles and investigate different ways of joining materials. Children will use a variety of different mediums in art work and investigate how to mix and change colours. We will develop mulitskills with Mr John and learn to work as a team. Year One children will be going swimming every week on a Monday afternoon. Our Castle topic will lead to us visiting real castles in the surrounding area and looking at the history of castles, how they were made, and who lived in them. We will look at other towns as contrasting towns to Henstridge. We will learn about Christian artefacts and their relevance. Children will have the opportunity to develop their spirituality through daily prayer and through writing and reading prayers. We will look at other religions and begin to understand that people have different beliefs and that we should respect that. PHSE/Rights Respecting We will think about our feelings and those of other people every week in Circle Time and continue our Rights Respecting work. Please see web site for our comprehensive Rights respecting curriculum.