Spring Term Castles - St Mark`s Primary School, Swanage

St. Mark’s CE VA Primary School
Y3/4 Seagulls Spring Term 2015 – first half
Our topic for this term is all about castles! It is a local history topic and children will
be learning all about Corfe Castle in particular. We will begin our topic by inviting
some expert visitors into school from The Twisted Knot Society. They will be dressed
in costumes from the time and show the children many interesting replica artefacts!
We will learn all about the different features of castles and what they were used for.
We will learn about the differences between rich and poor (social inequality) during
the 17th century and whether this has changed in the world we live in today.
In Literacy we will be reading and performing poetry. We are going to learn how to
write explanations and explain how the different features of a castle worked. In
Science, the children are going to learn about living things and their habitats and
continue extending their programming skills in computing lessons. In RE we are
learning all about the meaning of Salvation in Christianity. We have already completed
some excellent artwork inspired by the story The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark
and we a hoping to look at some pattern work and fabric printing too. In Jigsaw/PSHE
work we will be thinking about goals and ambitions and how to achieve these.
Topic Homework:
 Research and design your own castle! This can be a drawing or a 3D model! This
website is very good: www.castles.org
 Children may bring in any relevant books, maps, written work, drawings and any
other resources from home to extend our learning in class. They need to be
able to explain their items.
Remember that this homework is an optional extra to enjoy with your children at
home; it is not part of your child’s assessed learning.