SQ3R Chapter 5

SQ3R Chapter 5.2
Lesson Title: Roots of Representative Government
Lesson Opener:
Early colonists such as those in Massachusetts believed that
they had certain rights as English citizens. When those
rights were being changed they petitioned the English
1.) Describe the rights of Englishmen.
Englishmen were guaranteed certain rights. They could not have their
property taken away, could not be taxed, could not be brought to trial
unless there was just cause.
2.) What did Parliament and Colonial Government have in common?
Parliament was the example the colonies used to create their own
government. Since, parliament and the king were so far away the
colonists needed to form their own government to manage their lives.
Even though the colonists had their own government, parliament and the
king still made laws that affected the colonies and sent royal governors to
carry out those laws.
3.) Describe a royal governor’s rule.
Governor Andros came to the New England colonies and ended their
representative government at the bidding of King James who wanted to
have complete control of the colonies. This created a great deal of
conflict in the colonies as colonists refused to pay taxes and some were
4.) What was England’s glorious revolution?
England’s glorious revolution was when King James was overthrown by
Parliament and his daughter Mary and son-in-law William. Mary and
William agreed to respect the rights of Parliament and the people.
5.) Why was there shared power in the colonies?
Colonists had started representative governing bodies early in their
history; however, England wanted to have more control over the colonies
and therefore appointed royal governors. The royal governors had
advisors known as a council that assisted them with governing the
colonies. This organization created shared powers. The colonists
wouldn’t give up their power to have a representative government so they
had to share power.
6.) What occurred at the Zenger trial?
The Zenger trial established that colonists had the right of freedom of the
press. Mr. Zenger had criticized the royal governor of New York and was
taken to trail for printing these criticisms in the Newspaper. The jury
decided that Zenger had the right to print his criticisms in the paper.
7.) What was the Magna Carta?
“Great Charter;” a document guaranteeing basic political rights in
England, approved by King John in 1215.
8.) What is Parliament?
England’s chief lawmaking body.
9.) Who was Edmund Andros?
Royal Governor of Massachusetts, appointed by the King. He ended the
colonial assemblies. He was later jailed after the Glorious Revolution.
10.) What was the Glorious Revolution?
The overthrow of English King James II in 1688 and his replacement by
William and Mary.
11.) What was the English Bill of Rights?
An agreement signed by William and Mary to respect the rights of English
citizens and of Parliament, including the right to free elections.
12.) What was salutary neglect?
A hands-off policy of England toward its American colonies during the first
half of the 1700’s.
13.) Who was John Peter Zenger?
He was put on trial for printing a story that criticized the Royal Governor.
His trial helped to establish the freedom of the press to print anything that
was news worthy.