Nom: Date: French Online Dictionaries Steps for using dictionaries: 1. Decide – are you looking for: a. Verb – action b. Adjective – descriptive word c. Noun – person, place, thing, or idea This is a noun; you can Were you looking for tell because it has an the verb? If yes, you surfing noun surf m. “m” for “masculine.” So should follow the link for if you use a NOUN, you “surf.” 'surfing' found in these entries: need to add in an article French: – le/la/l’/les. surf - surfer Ex: J’aime le surf. Remember – you CANNOT use “surf” as a verb. It is a noun. You need to look up sentence parts individually. 2. Look for the best definition. When a word has different meanings, be sure to find the meaning you are looking for. Pay careful attention to words within expressions, like “She has a frog in her throat.” 3. If you are unclear, you might want to translate the word back into French to make sure you have the right one. 4. If you find a verb, make sure you: a. Conjugate it if the verb is the first in the sentence. b. Don’t conjugate it if it is the second verb in the sentence. Verb Conjugator 1. Be sure to conjugate the infinitive; should end in ER, IR, or RE 2. Include only the verb, not any expressions that follow. Ex: faire Online Translators 1. NEVER EVER TRANSLATE AN ENTIRE SENTENCE OR A VERB. a. I will know. b. I only expect use to use what you know. 2. If you translate nouns, be sure to include an article- the, an, some, before it. Search Engines All of these sites are examples. Nom: Date: Online worksheet 1. Using translators (the best one from the prior activity) and, please translate the below sentences to French. Remember – you should recognize what you see! When you are done, you might want to translate the sentence you create from French to English to verify that it is correct. a. How would you say, “We are going to make fun of Dr. Semmel” ______________________________________________________________________________ b. How would you say, “My family and I are going to bake a cake.” ______________________________________________________________________________ 2. Using a verb conjugator and or translator: a. How would you say, “We abhor le français.” ______________________________________________________________________________ 3. Using, find this word: a. How would you say, “Nous allons acheter some microphones” ______________________________________________________________________________ 4. Using a translator and, please figure out what these questions mean. You will have to use the online dictionary for some parts of this sentence! a. Qu’avons-nous mis pour la fête chez Audrey avant-hier ? ______________________________________________________________________________ 5. Using what you learned the sentence means, respond to it below: ______________________________________________________________________________ Nom: Date: How to: Accents 1. Use the number pad on the right side of the keyboard. 2. Be sure that the number lock on the number pad is on. 3. Use the Alt key that is immediately to the right of the keyboard. B. While in Microsoft Word: Hold down the Ctrl key while you hit all the keys except the letter that is receiving the accent Alt-129=ü Alt-137=ë Alt-145=æ Alt-153=Ö Alt-161=í Alt-169=_ Alt-130=é Alt-138=è Alt-146=Æ Alt-154=Ü Alt-162=ó Alt-170= Alt-131=â Alt-139=ï Alt-147=ô Alt-155=¢ Alt-163=ú Alt-171=½ Alt-132=ä Alt-140=î Alt-148=ö Alt-156=£ Alt-164=ñ Alt-172=¼ Alt-133=à Alt-141=ì Alt-149=ò Alt-157=¥ Alt-165=Ñ Alt-173=¡ Alt-134=å Alt-142=Ä Alt-150=û Alt-158=P Alt-166=ª Alt-174=« Alt-135=ç Alt-143=Å Alt-151=ù Alt-159=ƒ Alt-167=º Alt-175=» Alt-136=ê Alt-144=É Alt-152=ÿ Alt-160=á Alt-168=¿ mark. Let go of all keys, and then press the letter that will receive the accent mark. Ctrl-`-letter Ctrl-shift-:-letter Ex: è Ex: ö Ctrl-‘-letter Ex: é Ctrl-shift-ˆ-letter Ex: ê Ctrl-,-letter Ex: ç C. Also While in Microsoft Word: Go to “Insert” then “Symbol…” Be sure to choose “normal” from the dropdown menu.