Prince William County Virtual High School

PWCS VHS | World History I
Name: Alexis Williams
Module IV: Ancient Egypt
Directions: Use the presentation to answer each of the following questions. Type your responses
directly in this document, save the file (IV.a2_LAST NAME) and submit it to the dropbox.
1. Explain why Egypt was a Gift of the Nile (provide at least three examples).
Egypt thrived on the inundations of the Nile and a bit of variation from the Nile
could be devastating
The delta where the Nile met the Mediterranean Sea was extremely fertile for
Since the Nile flowed through very dry regions, Egypt thrived in a fertile area in
the midst of deserts. These deserts provided natural protection.
The Nile made transportation easy and reliable between Upper and Lower
2. Explain the difference between Upper and Lower Egypt.
Upper Egypt was on the southern part of the Nile, closer to the cataracts, while
Lower Egypt was in the Nile River delta.
a. Why was this division important to Egypt?
Egyptians considered themselves divided into two separate nations, and
when the various nomes, or villages, were combined, they originally were
consolidated into two nations, Upper and Lower Egypt.
3. The Sahara Desert was both a threat and a savior for the nation of Egypt.
Explain this statement.
While the Sahara Desert threatened the nation of Egypt with its infertile sand
and dry seasons, it protected Egypt from its enemies.
4. Explain when, how and why Egypt was unified into one nation.
In 3,100 B.C.E., the Upper Egyptian king Menez united the two kingdoms and
established the capital at Memphis.
5. Complete the table below.
Old Kingdom
Key Political
Began with the
third dynasty, as
records became
better kept.
Established the
established as head
of church, idea of
Kah established,
mastabas tombs
Key Military
Towards the end of
the Old Kingdom,
Egypt became
involved in a Civil
War as power
New Kingdom
theocracy with the
pharaoh as
unquestioned head
of state. Towards
the end of the Old
Kingdom, power of
the pharaoh
declined and
power moved into
the hands of nobles
and local officials.
returned law and
order to Egypt at
the beginning of
the Middle
Kingdom. The
capital was moved
to Thebes.
Pharaohs spent a
lot of money on
irrigation ditches
and other projects
to increase the
amount of
farmland in Egypt.
Egyptians threw
off the invasion of
the Hyksos and
established an
evolved into
moved from the
pharaoh into local
nobles’ hands.
Ordinary people
began to believe in
afterlife and the
immortality of the
soul, which called
into question the
absolute power of
Towards the end of
the Middle
Kingdom, civil war
plagued Egypt and
opened it for
The focus in the
New Kingdom
shifted away from
religion as Egypt
became more
Egypt became a
warlike empire.
The Egyptians had
obtained bronze
weapons from the
Hyksos, and they
used that to
establish an
empire over
6. Explain three ways the lives of Egyptian nobles were different from those of
Peasants worked hard, while nobles were often idle. Peasants were often
illiterate, while most nobles could read. Peasants were often hungry, while
nobles feasted.
7. Complete the chart below.
What it represented in Egyptian
God of the dead
God of the sun
God of wind, air, and life
The role it played in Egyptian
Judged moralities of Egyptian
Akhenaten attempted to convert
Egypt to monotheism using Aton
Most of the priestly class of Egypt
primarily worshipped this god
8. Identify and explain three achievements of Egyptian civilization and explain how
they have influenced our lives today.
Egyptians developed a writing style called hieroglyphics and used the first paper
made of papyrus leaves. The paper we used today was developed based on
papyrus paper.
Egyptians developed a method for surveying that became the basis for modern
Egyptians developed an early calendar that was very accurate and included 365
days and 12 months, as our calendar today was.
9. Explain what you believe was the greatest achievement for each of these
Akehnaton made a great attempt to convert Egypt to
Ramses II
She successfully reigned as a woman when a woman
ruling was illegal and brought trade growth to Egypt.
Ramses built great temples and palaces decorated with
his image.
10. Briefly describe the Kingdom of Kush (also known as Nubia).
Kush was a kingdom to the south of Egypt that developed a system of
hieroglyphs. Their rulers lived like Egyptian pharaoh.